PMI - ACP Flashcards
Adaptive Leadership
A leadership style that helps teams thrive and overcome challenges throughout the project
To develop a goal through periodic experimentation in order to fulfill the need of a complex decision
Agile Adaptation
To adapt the project plan continuously through retrospectives in order to maximize value creation during the planning process
Acceptance Test Driven Development
A method used to communicate with business customers, developers and testers before the coding begins.
Writing acceptance tests before coding
Agile Coaching
To help achieve goals that is either personal or organizational
Agile Experimentation
To use the empirical process, observation, and spike introduction while executing a project to influence planning
Agile Manifesto
Individuals and interactions over process and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
Agile Manifesto Principles
12 principles
Customer Satisfaction
To satisfy customers through early and continuous delivery of products, to test and receive feedback, to inform customers on progress, and to fulfill the customers value by completing priority requirements
Welcome Changes
To allow quick responses to changes in the external environment, and late in development to maximize the customers competitive edge
Frequent Delivery
To deliver software frequently to the customer, allowing for a quicker product release, faster provision of value to the customer and shorter delivery times
Collocated TEam
To have individuals work together daily on a project to implement osmotic communication, focus and receive instant feedback to achieve a common goal
Motivated individuals
To give individuals the empowerment, environment, support and trust needed to complete a task successfully
Face to Face Conversation
The most effective and efficient way to communicate in order to receive direct feedback and influence osmotic communication
Working Software
Working software enables the measurement of progress, enhance customer satisfaction, and maintain and improve the quality of the software to help support project goals
Constant Pace
To help the team members establish a healthy work-life balance, remain productive, and respond to changes swiftly for progress during the project
Continuous Attention
To enhance the agility and time spent on work requirements in order to retain a well balanced work environment
Allows team members to focus on what is necessary to achieve the requirements needed to create and delivery value to the project and customer
Self Organization
A team that knows how to complete tasks effectively, had dedication to the project, and is expert on the process and project
Regular Reflection
This allows a team to learn how to become more effective, what changes need immediate implementation and behaviour that needs adjustments
Agile Methodologies
A way to complete a goal effectively and efficiently. Examples of Agile Methodologies include XP, Scrum and Lean
Agile Modeling
A workflow depiction of a process or system a team can review before it is turned into code. Stakeholders should understand the model
Agile Planning
The most important aspect of the Agile project. Planning happens at multiple levels such as strategic, release, iteration and daily. Planning must happen up-front and can change throughout the project
Agile Practices
To make use of the Agile principles through activities
Agile Projects
A project that occurs based on the Agile Manifesto and Agile Principles
Agile Smells
Symptoms of problems that affect Agile Teams and Projects
Agile Themes
Themes used to help the team focus on the functions of iterations
Agile Tooling
To increase team morale with software and artifacts
To develop possible solutions by studying the problem and its underlying need and to understand the information provided
Approved Iterations
After the deadline of iteration is reached, the team and stakeholders conduct a meeting for approval. Stakeholders approve the iteration if the backlog used supports the product increments
Architectural Spikes
Spikes that relate to any area of a system, technology, or application domain that is unknown
Automated Testing Tools
These tools allow for efficient and strong testing. Peer Reviews Periodical Code Reviews Refactoring Unit Tests Automated and Manual Testing
Being Agile
To work in a responsive way to deliver the products or services a customer needs and when the want the product or services
Starts with internalizing the agile mindset, then using that understanding to select and implement correct practices
Burn Down Chart - Backlog
A chart used to display progress during and at the end of an iteration. ‘burning down’ means the backlog will lessen throughout the iteration
Burn Rate
The rate of resources consumed by the team, also cost per iteration
Burn-Up Chart - Completed Functionality
A chart that displays completed functionality. Progress will trend upwards, as stories are completed. Only shows complete functions, it is not accurate at predicting or showing work in progress.
CARVER - Goals and Missions of the Project
An acronym to measure the goals and missions of the project with each letter meaning
Criticality Accessibility Return Vulnerability Effect Recognizability
A meeting conducted during an Agile project that consists of daily stand up. iteration planning, iteration review and iteration retrospective
To change requirements that increase value to the customer
An individual involved but not committed to an Agile project
A team role that keeps the team focused on learning and the process
A method of cooperation among individuals to achieve a common goal
Collective Code Ownership
The entire team together is responsible for 100% of the code
Common Cause
An issue solved through trend analysis because the issue is systematic
Command and Control
Decisions created by higher up individuals in the organization and handed over to the team
Cone of Silence
An environment for the team that is free of distractions and interruptions
Conflict Resolution
An agreement made after a conflict
Continuous Improvement
To ensure that self-assessment and process improvement occurs frequently to improve the product
Continuous Integration
To consistently examine a team members work. To build, and test the entire system
To organize work with the goal of higher productivity and teamwork
Test Driven Development (TDD)
A written acceptance test for a module with the code built to pass the tests in order to ensure correct performance.
Extreme Programming (XP)
A methodology in Agile with one week iterations and paired development
Adaptive Software Development
Exhibits continuous adaptation to the project and its processes with characteristics that include: Mission focused, feature based, iterative, time-boxed, risk driven, and change tolerant
Enable teams to quickly and effectively adapt to changing requirements or market needs by evolving their products with lightweight planning and continuous learning.
Feature Driven Development (FDD)
A comprehensive model and list of features included in the system before the design work begins
Dynamic Systems Development Model (DSDM)
A model that provides a comprehensive foundation for planning, managing, executing and scaling agile and iterative software development projects based on nine principles that involve:
Business needs/value Active user involvement Empowered teams Frequent delivery Integrated testing Stakeholder collaboration
Crystal Family - Alistair Cockburn
Focuses on individuals and interaction, rather than processes and tools
An adaptable approach that focuses on interaction between people and processes that consists of families that vary based on team size, system criticality and project priorities.
Each methodology is customized
Low criticality, small teams = Crystal Clear
Teams of 10 - 20 = Crystal Yellow
Teams of 20 - 50 = Crystal Orange
Teams of 50 + = Crystal Red
Cross Functional Team
Team consists of members who can complete various functions to achieve a common goal. Team members are able to do more that one role in the project.
Cumulative Flow Diagram
A chart that displays feature backlog, work in progress and completed features
Customer Valued Prioritization
To deliver the maximum customer value early in order to win customer loyalty and support
Cycle Time - Feature
The time needed to complete a feature (user story)
Decide as late as possible
To postpone decisions to determine possibilities and make the decision when the most amount of knowledge is available
DEEP - Product Backlog
The qualities of a product backlog which include: detailed, estimate-able, emergent prioritized
To separate epics or large stories into smaller stories
Distributive Negotiation
To reach a deal through tactics so both parties receive the highest amount of value possible
When work is complete and meets the following criteria:
Compiles, runs without errors, and passes predefined acceptance and regression tests
Dot Voting
A system of voting where people receive a certain number of dots to vote on the options provided
Stories that grow and change over time as other stories reach completion in the backlog
Emotional Intelligence
An individuals skill to lead and relate to other team members
Epic Story
A large story that spans iterations that is disaggregated into smaller stories
Escaped Defects
Defects reported by the customer after the delivery
Expectancy Theory
An individual chooses to behave in a particular way over other behaviours because of the expected results of the chosen behaviour
Exploratory Testing
To inquire how the software works with the use of test subjects using the software and asking questions about the software
Extreme Persona
A team manufactured persona that exaggerates to induce requirements a standard persona may miss
A group of stories that deliver value to the customer
Finish Tasks One by One
Tasks must be finished in all iterations to meet the ‘definition of done’ requirements as a way to track progress and allow frequent delivery
Fishbone Diagram
A root cause diagram
Five Whys - Toyota
The root cause analysis technique that asks WHY five times. The problem is looked into deeper each time WHY is asked.
Fixed Time Box
Assigned tasks prioritized for completion based on an estimated number of days. Top priorities usually completed first.
To stay on task and is facilitated by scrum master of coach
Force Field Analysis
To analyze forces that encourage or resist change
An action the customer must see and experience from a system, which will add value to the customer
To clean up the product backlog by removal of items, disaggregation of items or estimation of items
Ground Rules
Unwritten rules decided and followed by team members
Herzberg’s Hygiene theory
A theory that states factors in the workplace create satisfaction and dissatisfaction in relation to the job
High Bandwidth Communication
Face-to-face communication that also includes non verbal communciation
High Performance Team
This team reaches maximum performance by creation of crystal clear,
detailed goals,
open communication,
empowerment, use of the participatory decision model,
and the team consists of twelve or less dedicated members
Ideal Time
The amount of time needed to complete an assignment without distractions or interruptions
Incremental Delivery
Functionality conveyed in small phases
Incremental Project Releases
To build upon the prior release of a goal, outcome, or product.
Not all requirements are met, but after all releases, the requirements will be met
Information Radiator
Artifacts used to help maintain transparency of a project status to team members and stakeholders
Information Refrigerator
Information that is not transparent or useful to the team and stakeholders
Innovation Games
Practice used to induce requirements from product, owners, users and stakeholders
Integrative Negotiation - Win Win
To reach an agreement collaboratively that creates more value for both parties
To inspect within, during a meeting with the agile team to review practices, usually when a problem occurs
Intrinsic Schedule Flaw
Poor estimation that occurs at the beginning of an iteration
INVEST - Good User Stories
The benefits of good user stories Independent Negotiable Valuable Estimate-able Small Testable
Work cycle, Scrum uses 2 - 4 weeks, XP uses 1 week
Iteration backlog
Work to complete in a particular iteration
Iteration H - Launch or Test
Iteration used to prepare the launch of software and to Test software
Iteration 0
Iteration to complete tasks before development work occurs, for technical and architectural spikes and to gather requirements into the backlog
Iteration Retrospective
A meeting used in Scrum the team discusses ways to improve after work is completed
Just in Time
Used to minimize inventory cost by materials delivered before they are required
Kaizan - continuous improvement
Based on Japanese Management philosophy - to continue improvement through small releases
A signal used to advance transparency of work in progress, a new task can begin once a previous one is complete
Kano Analysis - product development and customer satisfaction
An analysis of product development and customer satisfaction based on fulfilled vs. not fulfilled needs as it relates to satisfaction and dissatisfaction
prioritizing features on a product roadmap based on the degree to which they are likely to satisfy customers.
Delighters/Exciters - deliver unexpected, novel or new high value benefits
Satisfiers - The more the better, these features bring value to the customer
Dissatisfiers -Cause a user to dislike the product if they are not there
Indifferent - No impact on the customer
Last responsible moment
To make decisions as late as possible in order to preserve all possible options
Lean Methodology
To eliminate Waste, an agile methodology derived from manufacturing
Eliminate Waste Empower the team Deliver fast Optimize the whole Build quality in Defer decisions Amplify learning
Little’s Law - Limit WIP.
The law that limits work in progress efficiently with development of an appropriate cycle time
the more things that you work on at any given time (on average) the longer it is going to take for each of those things to finish (on average)
Low performing team
This team has a lack of trust, no accountability, fear of conflict, less commitment and less attention to details and results
Lean Software Development
This methodology focuses on the ‘value stream” to deliver value to customers. The goal is to eliminate waste by focusing on valuable features of a system to deliver the value in small batches. Principles of lean include:
Elimination of waste Amplify Learning Decide as late as possible Deliver as fast as possible Empowerment of the team Build in integrity See the whole
Maslow hierarchy of needs
This theory suggests the interdependent needs (motivators) of people based on five levels in order:
Physiological Safety and Security Social Esteem Self Actualization
Explain how a project will be completed successfully to stakeholders by use of real world examples of systems and components
Minimal Viable Product
A product with only the essential features delivered to early adopters to receive feedback
Minimal Marketing feature - MMF
The smallest feature of a product that provides value to the end user
Fibonacci Sequence
A sequence of number used in Agile estimating, 0,1,2,3,5,8,13,20,40, 100
Planning Poker
A tool used to estimate team effort on user stories
Monopoly money
To give fake money to business features in order to compare the relative priority of those features
Wide Band Delphi Estimating
An estimation technique for user stories. The PO presents user stories and discusses challenges.
Each story’s estimates plotted, and then the team comes to an agreement on the range of points
Anonymous forms with experts and group discussion of estimates
Affinity Estimation
A method used to quickly place user stories into a comparable sized group
100 Point Method
A method that allows customers to score different features - Total = 100 points
MoSCoW Analysis
An analysis to help stakeholders understand the importance of each requirement delivered.
Must Have
Should Have
Could Have
Would like to have
Osmotic Communication
Communicate by sharing an environment
Pair Programming
When developers work together in XP practice
Pareto Principle
Known as 80/20 rule. For Agile projects this means that 80% of all development should be spent on the top 20% of features that the customer needs
Parking Lot
A storage place for ideas that distract from the main goal during a meeting
Participatory Decision Models
To have stakeholders involvement in decision making with techniques such as a simple vote
A depiction of the customer of the system with applicable details about usage
A committed individual impacted by outcome
Plan - Do - Check - Act
Work cycle in smaller, quicker iterations than traditional
Planning game
To prioritize work and estimate efforts required by creation of a release plan in XP
Positive Value
To maximize value through incremental work in order to gain competitive edge
Team members asked to define reasons of a project’s failure and to identify causes of failure missed in previous analysis
Process Tailoring
To perfect agile processes for a particular project and environment
The effectiveness of production, usually measured with output per unit of input
Productivity Variation
The difference between the planned and actual performance
Product Backlog
The known features for a project
Product Road Map
An artifact that displays planned project functionality
Product Vision
A document that describes what the product is, who will use the product, why the product will be used and how the product supports the strategy of a company
Product Vision Statement
A statement that defines the purpose and value of the product
Progressive Elaboration
An approach for planning that occurs in cycles instead of upfront, which happens frequently.
An enterprise planned and designed to create a product, service or result
A model used to perfect requiremetns
Descriptive data used for analysis
The specifications and requirements of a product or service measured against the standard product or service in the industry
Numerical data used for analysis
To adjust working code to improve functionality and conservation
Relative Prioritization
A list of all user stories and features ordered by highest priority to the lowest priority
Relative Sizing
To estimate the size of a story in comparison with another story
Iteration outcomes delivered to the customers
Release Plan
A document that describes the timeline of a product release
Requirements at a high level
Requirements are in the form of user stories, and collected at a high level to estimate a budget
Requirements Prioritization Model
A model to rate each feature with the calculation of weighted formula defined by the team
Requirements Review
To review the requirements so they fulfill the needs and priorities of stakeholders
The uncertainty of an unwanted outcome related to the project
Risk Adjusted Backlog
A product backlog adjusted to help balance the risk and value factors of a product
Risk Based Spike
The spike helps the team remove major risks, and if the spike fails every approach possible, the project is defined as a “Fast Failure”
RIsk Burn Down Chart
A chart that displays risk and success with feature vs. time
Risk Impact
To analyze the consequences of the risk if they occur based on their probability
Risk Probability
The likelihood that a risk will occur
Risk Severity
How much the risk’s consequences will influence the success or failure of a project.
Risk Probability (%) x Risk Impact ($) = Risk Severity
Rolling Wave Planning
To divide the planning phase into stages
Root Cause Analysis
To investigate beyond the symptoms of the problem and to understand the root cause of the problem
Root Cause Diagram
A diagram that correlates different factors and the symptom
Cost Performance Index (CPI)
To measure the cost spent on a project and its efficiency
Earned Value/Actual Cost = CPI
Schedule Performance Index - SPI
The ratio of earned value to planned value
A value of 1 shows that the project operates in line with the planned schedule.
If the SPI exceeds 1, the project is ahead of the plan while a value below 1 indicates that it is behind schedule
Earned Value Management
EVM works well at iteration. It is a method to measure and communicate progress and trends at the current stage of the project
Present Value
A way of calculating the time value of money
NPV - Net Present Value
A value that compares the amount invested today to the present value of future cash receipts from the investment
NPV - Sum of the discounted net cash flows
Return on Investment - The return an organization makes on an investment expressed by a percentage %
ROI = Return - Cost - Investment / Investment
IRR - Internal Rate of Return
Internal Rate of Return is a discount rate that makes the net present value of all cash flows from a project equal to zero. Used to determine potential profitability of a project or investment
IRR is uniform for investments of varying types and, as such, can be used to rank multiple prospective investments or projects on a relatively even basis.
The internal rate of return (IRR) is the annual rate of growth that an investment is expected to generate.
Scope Creep
The uncontrolled changes or growth in a project’s scope which goes beyond the initial agreement
Scrum Master
The leader that helps the team to follow Scrum methodology
Software Development Life Cycle
This cycle tends to be long and requires a lot of advanced planning
Self-Directing Team
This team has the capability to make their own decisions
Mutual accountability
Collective ownership
Which leads them to be more productive and efficient
Self-Organizing Team
Naturally formed teams that interact with minimal management supervision
Servant Leadership
Leaders collaborate with the team and do anything for the team to get what they need
Shu-Ha-Ri Model - Learning and Mastery
Originated in Japan as a way to understand learning and mastery
Shu - Obeying the rules
Ha- Consciously moving away from the rules
Ri - Consciously finding an individual path
Social Media Based Communication
Communication used conveniently to receive instant feedback, ideas and requirements from a particular community
Special Cause
A cause that occurs once because of special reasons
Specification Breakdown
This occurs when requirements for the specification are incomplete or conflicting
An experiment that helps a team answer, a particular question and determine future actions
A consistent iteration that lasts from one week to one month in order to measure velocity in Scrum
Sprint Plan
A document that explains sprint goals, tasks and requirements and how the tasks will reach completion
Sprint Retrospective
A team member meeting that occurs after each sprint to evaluate the product and process to improve efficiency and effectiveness
Sprint Review
A meeting that occurs after each sprint to show the product or process to stakeholders for approval and to receive feedback
An individual with an interest in the outcome
Stakeholder Management
To ensure stakeholders remain informed and that the achievement of their needs are met
Story Card
An index card that displays the user story
Story Map
A prioritized tool that backlogged stories made smaller and organized by user functionality
Story Point
A unit of measurement to estimate the difficulty of a user story
A maintainable pace of work that is intense yet steady
When the team collaborates to focus on a single user story
Tabaka’s Model - Team Values
A model originated in Japan to describe a team with values that include:
Self Organization Empowered to make decisions Belief in vision and success A committed team Trust Participatory decision making Consensus-driven Construction disagreement
The smaller jobs to fulfill a user story, usually divided among team members
A group of individuals charged with the responsibility of delivery and value of a project
Team members function in a way that is collaborative to complete tasks and reach a common goal, mostly achieved with strong communication
Team Empowerment
A team that is empowered has collaboration, responsibility and self-sufficiency
Team Formation
Formation happens when a team creates ground rules and processes to build bonds and shared goals
Team Participation
When the team discusses the requirements that will fulfill the customers needs
Team Velocity
The number of story points completed during iteration, and used to determine the planned capacity
Technical Debt
Technical decisions a team chooses to not implement currently, but must do so or face the difficulty in the future
Explains acceptance test to the customers then consistently measures the product against the test and records results for the team (XP Role)
A group of stories, iteration or releases idea determined by the customer and the team agrees with the idea
To set a fixed delivery date for a project or release
A role in XP that measures the team’s progress, and communicates measurements to the team
Traditional Management
A top-down approach that consists of long cycles, heavy planning and minimal customer involvement
To show everyone’s involvement and progress to the entire team
Trend Analysis
This analysis provides trends that will occur in the future to help control and implement continuous improvement
Two Way Communication
To allow communication between parties so their concerns and perspectives are given for effective feedback
Unit Testing
These tests are used for continuous feedback to achieve quality improvement and assurance
Usability Testing
An exploratory test which uses a test subject to understand the usability of the software
Users Involvement
The active involvement of users in the development cycle of a project so team members can receive feedback about the user’s requirements
User Story
At least one business requirement that increases the value for the user
The way to make sure that the product is acceptable to the customer
The worth of a product, project or service
Value Based Prioritization
To allow the PO or customer determine which function to implement first based on the value it delivers
Value Driven Delivery
To realize the values need to deliver a project
Value Stream Mapping
A tool used to analyze a chain of processes with the desired outcome of eliminating waste
The measurement of how far apart data is from each other
Sum of story points completed in an iteration
The total number of features that a team delivers in an iteration
To ensure the product meets requirements and specifications
The team’s work and progress must be transparent to all stakeholders
Resistant to change that requires heavy planning and sequential, traditional approach
WIP Limits
To limit work in progress. Stories that have started, which are displayed in workflows to show progress and what still needs to be completed
A series of phases or stages the team has agreed to execute as a project
Agile Declaration of independence
Six Rules: Increase ROI Deliver reliable results Expect uncertainty Unleash creativity and innovation Boost performance Improve effectiveness and reliability
Empirical Process - Based on experience and observation
Interactive Incremental Change Often Adapt Pass through reviews
Knowledge Work Projects are Different
Work is invisible
Work is changing
Continuous innovation, learning and teaching
Workers are assets, not costs
Agile Mindset
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
TCPI - To complete Performance Index - Efficiency
The future cost performance of a project
To Achieve Original Budget
To Achieve the Estimate at Completion
Work in Progress
WIP Consumes investment capital and delivers no ROI
WIP hides bottlenecks that slow overall workflow and masks efficiency issues
WIP presents risk in the form of potential rework
Scrum Pillars
Parkinsons Law
Work tends to expand to fill the time available
Tuckman Model of Team Formation and Development
Forming = Directing Storming = Coaching Performing = Delegating Norming = Supporting
Average Velocity
Sum of story points completed from n interations/n
Throughput is a measure of the number of work items completed during an iteration or another period of time
Defect Rate
Defect rate = Number of defects/number of items
Lead Time
Lead Time = Time of completion - time of adding an item to the board
From entering the board at the ready stage to exiting the completion stage
Work in Queue
Number of features for which work has not yet started
Earned Value
The portion of the approved budget or story points that are allocated to a completed item
Planned Value
The budget or story point value of items that were planned to be completed at a point in time
Actual Cost
The amount of cost consumed at a point in time
Cost Variance
The difference between the earned value and the actual cost at a point in time
Cost Variance = Earned Value - Actual Cost
Estimate At Completion
Budget at Completion BAC / CPI
$100,000 / ,67 = $149,253
Agile Unified Process
Model - Understand the business and Identify solutions
Implementation - Transform the model into executable code
Test - Perform and objective evaluation
Deployment - Plan for the delivery
Configuration Management - Manage access to project artifacts
Project Management
Environment - Support the project
ESVP - Participation evaluation and personas
Explorer - Hear new ideas and engage
Shopper - Looking for new insights that add value to themselves
Visitor - Looking for a distraction from work
Prisoner - Would rather be somewhere else but were forced to attend