stats and public health stuff
Odds Ratio

Positive PPD
PPD = purified protein derivative. If you have a positive PPD, it means you have been exposed to a person who has tuberculosis and you are now infected with the bacteria (mycobacterium tuberculosis) that causes the disease.
Next step = CXR
Colorectal screening

Nationally reportable STI’s
Chlamydia (most common)
gonorrhea (second most common
infectious syphillis
All 3 have a steady incline of in rates
epidemic or outbreak accross a wide area, crossing international borders and affecting a large number of people
occurence of new cases in excess of baseline disease frequency in a population in a given period of time
The constant presence of a disease of infectious agent in a given area or population
synonymous with outbreak - excessive numbers of a disease from baseline in a given time
the degree of pathogenicity of an infectious agent, indicated by case fatality rates and/or the ability of teh agent to invade and damage tissues of the host
the property of an infectious agent that determines the extent to which overt disease is produced in an infected population, or the power of an organism to produce disease
pneumococcal vaccination recommendations
routine vaccination for healthy adults over 65 years.
patients over 2 years with chronic conditions
patients who are immunocompromised
chance-corrected agreement

expectation of life in Canada has improved steadily in both sexes due to
decline in infant mortality
legal negligance
legal term that reflects errors which occur outside the accepted medical practice. duty, breech, causation and damages are all elements of a negligant claim which can only be made by a judge
specifically relates to the care not within the accepted guidelines
true negative
True negative test result is one that does not detect the condition when the condition is absent
False negative
Test result is one that does not detect the condition when the condition is present
True positive
True positive test result is one that detects the condition when the condition is present
False positive
a test result which detects the condition when the condition is absent
Measures the ability of a test to detect the condition when the disease is present
measures the ability of a test to correctly exclude the condition when the disease is absent
(TN/ (TN+FP)) x 100%
Positive predictive value
the proportion of positives that correspond to the presence of the condition
Negative predictive value
the proportion of negatives that correspond to the absence of the condition
Lead time bias
overestimation of the survival of patients diagnosed with a screen-detected condition. Earlier detection of conditions gives appearance of longer survival

cardiovascular risk factors
women >65 years
total cholesterol over 6.5
diabetes type 2
family history of premature CVD
ischaemic stroke
haemorrhages or exudates
high risk ethnic group
dissecting aneurysm
lifetime risk of prostate Ca
1 in 50
half life of psa
2.2 days
The score
Simple Calculated Osteoporosis Risk Estimation
selects patients who are appropriate for DEXA screening
risk factors linked to colorectal cancer
colorectal polyps
domestic violence stats
20% chronic domestic violence starts before marraige
1/4-1/3 relationships experience domestic violence
90% children witness the violence
50% of children are victims to the violence
alcohol is a risk factor for domestic violence as it is used as an excuse
other factors include work and financial stress
aboriginal smoking, gambling, drinking rates
20% >15’s are problem gamblers
fetal alcohol syndrome 300x higher
2x smoking rates
Modernisation of canada has led to aboriginals losing..
their traditional wy of life
what can be counted as act of negligence in the delivery of health care?
failure to attend a patient
failure to communicate with other physicians
failure to protect of forewarn third parties
failure to report abuse
failures in consultation
failures in diagnosis
failures in re diagnosis
failures in referral
substandard treatment
in order to successfully prove neglienge a plantiff must show that
the defendant owed him or her a duty of care
the defendant did not deliver the standard of care owed
the plantiffs injuries were easily foreseeable
the defendants breech of the duty of care was the proximate cause of the plantiffs injuries