pmaq Flashcards
ab urbe condita/anno urbis confitae
AUC, from the founding of the city
anno domini
AD, in the year of our lord
ad libitum
ad lib, at pleasure
ante meridiem
AM, before noon
cf, compare
exempli gratia
eg, for example
et alia
et al, and others
et cetera
etc, and so forth, and the rest
ibid, in the same place
id, the same (author)
id est
i.e.- that is
medicinae doctor
MD, medical doctor, doctor of medicine
m, at midday, noon
nota bene
NB, note well
opere citato
op cit, in the work cited/mentioned
per centum
per cent, by the hundred
post meridiem
PM, afternoon
pro tempore
pro tem, for the time being
post scriptum
PS, written afterwards
quod erat demonstrandum
QED, that which must be demonstrated (geometry)
quod vide
qv, which see
rx, take as prescribed
viz, namely
vs, against
ars artis gratia
art for the sake of art- metro goldwyn mayer logo
cave canem
beware of the dog- found on a mosaic in pompeii
e pluribus unum
from many, one- US, found on all coins
annuit coeptis
he looks with favor on our undertakings- found on $1 bill- vergil
novus ordo seclorum
a new order of the ages- found on $1 bill- vergil
semper fidelis
always faithful- US marines
semper paratus
always prepared- US coast guard
veni, vidi, vici
i came, i saw, i conquered- julius caesar
erare humanum est
to err is human- seneca
carpe diem (quam minimum credula postero)
seize the day (trusting as little as possible in the next one)- horace
ars longa, vita brevis
art is long, life is short- horace
et tu, brute
even you, brutus- julius caesar
festina lente
make haste slowly- augustus
in hoc signo vinces
by this sign you will conquer- constantine saw this in the sky before the battle of milvian bridge
mens sana in corpore sano
a sound mind in a sound body- juvenal
a mari usque ad mare
from sea to sea- canada
citius, altius, fortius
swifter, higher, stronger- olympics
alea iacta est
the die is cast- caesar before he crossed the rubicon
audentis fortuna iuvat/fortuna favet fortibus
fortune favors the brave- vergil/terence
rident stolidi verba latina
fools laugh at the latin language- ovid
nex verbum verbo curabis reddere fidus interpres
as a true translator you will take care not to translate word for word- horace
difficile est tenere quae acceperis nisi exerceas
it is difficult to retain what you may have learned unless you should practice it- pliny the elder
ante cibos
ac, before meals
post cibos
pc, after meals
c, with
s, without
pro re nata
prn, as needed
gtt, drops
bis in die
bid, twice a day
ter in die
tid, three times a day
quater in die
qid, four times a day
per os
po, by mouth
stat, immediately
aq, water
quantum sufficiat
qs, as much as needed
sig, write
non repetatur
non rep, do not repeat
hora somni
hs, at bedtime
oculus dexter
od, right eye
oculus sinister
os, left eye
ab ovo usque ad mala
from the egg to the apple
ad hoc
for this purpose
ad infinitum
without end
ad nauseam
to the point of disgust
alma mater
nourishing mother
ante bellum
before the war
bone fide
in good faith
caveat emptor
let the buyer beware
de gustibus non est disputandum
everyone to his own taste
corpus delicti
the body of the crime
cum grano salis
with a grain of salt, pliny the elder
de facto
in fact
de jure/iure
by right
de mortuis nil nisi bonum
speak only good of the dead
divide et impera
divide and rule
ex libris
from the books of
exit, eceunt
he goes out, they go out
ex officio
by virtue of office
ex post facto
enacted after the fact, retroactive
ex tempore
on the spur of the moment
habeas corpus
a writ to being a detained person before a judge
in absentia
in absence
in loco parentis
in the place of a parent
in medias res
in the middle of things
in memoriam
in memory of
in re
in the matter of, concerning
in toto
ipso facto
by the very fact itself
lapsus linguae
a slip of the tongue
modus operandi
a method of working
modus vivendi
a method of living
multum in parvo
much in little
ne plus ultra
nothing more beyond, perfection
non compos mentis
not of sound mind
non sequitur
it does not follow, an illogical inference
pater patriae
father of his country
pax vobiscum
peace be with you
per annum
by the year
per capita
by heads
per diem
by the day
per se
by itself
persona non grata
an unwelcome person
post mortem/obitum
after death
prima facie
on first sight or appearance (initial evidence in case)
post proelium, praemium
after the battle, the reward
pro and contra
for and against
pro bono public
for the public welfare
quid pro quo
something for something
sic transit gloria mundi
thus passes the glory of the world
sine die
indefinitely, without seeing a day
sine qua non
indispensable, a necessity
status quo
the existing state of affairs
let it stand
te deum laudamus
we praise you, oh lord
tempus fugit
time flies
terra firma
solid ground
vade mecum
a constant companion
word for word
by way of
vice versa
the other way around
vigilantia pretium libertatis
vigilance is the price of liberty
viva voce
by spoken word, orally
vox populi, vox dei
the voice of the people is the voice of god
iustitia omnibus
justice for all- district of columbia
ad astra per aspera
to the stars through difficulties- kansas
cedant arma togae
let arms yield to the toga- wyoming
esto perpetua
may it last forever- idaho, venice
montani semper liberi
mountaineers are always free- west virginia
ever upward- new york
esse quam videri
to be rather than to seem- north carolina
labor omnia vincit
work conquers all- oklahoma, vergil, labor unions
regnat populus
the people rule- arkansas
ditat deus
god enriches- arizona
si quaeris paeninsulam amoenam circumspice
if you seek a pleasant peninsula, look around you- michigan
virtute et armis
by valor and arms- mississippi and university of mississippi
dum spiro, spero
while i breathe, i hope- south carolina
animis opibusque parati
prepared in mind and resouces- south carolina
scuto bonae voluntatis tuae coronasti nos
with the shield of thy goodwill thou had covered us- maryland
ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem
with the sword she seeks calm peace under liberty- massachusetts
i point the way- maine
crescit eundo
it grows as it goes- new mexico
nil sine numine
nothing without divine guidance- colorado
qui transtulit sunstinet
he who transplanted, sustains- connecticut
sic semper tyrannis
thus ever to tyrant- virginia
audemus iura nostra defendere
we dare defend our rights- alabama
salus populi suprema lax esto
the welfare of the people shall be the supreme law- missouri, cicero
alis volat propriis
he flies by his own wings- oregon
artes scientia veritas
art, knowledge, truth- university of michigan
civium in moribus rei publicae salus
the welfare of the states lies in the character of its citizens- university of florida
crescat scientia, vita excolatur
let knowledge grow, let life be enriched- university of chicago
disciplina praesidium civitatis
training, the defense of the state- university of texas
ecce quam bonum
behold how good- university of the south (sewanee)
in deo speramus
in god we trust- brown university
in lumine tuo videbimus lumen
in your light, we shall see the light- Columbia university
litteris dedicata et omnibus artibus
dedicated to letters and all the arts- university of nebraska
lux et lex
light and law- university of north dakota
lux et veritas
light and truth- yale university, indiana university
lux hominum vita
light, the life of men- university of new mexico
lux sit
let there be light- university of washington
mens agitat molem
mind moves the mass- university of oregon
mihi cura futuri
my care is for the future- hunter college
nil sine magno labore
nothing without great labor- brooklyn college
non sibi, sed suis
not for herself, but for her own- tulane university
perstare et praestare
to persevere and surpass- new york univeristy
pro ecclesia et patria
for church and country- trinity college
respice, adspice, prospice
look to the past, look to the present, look to the future- city college of new york
salus populi
the welfare of the people- university of missouri
sapientia et doctrina
wisdom and knowledge- fordham university
scientia sol mentis
knowledge, the sun of the mind- delaware college
studiis et rebus honestis
to honorable pursuits and deeds- university of vermont
terras irradient
let them illuminate the earth- amherst college
truth- harvard university
veritas vos liberabit
the truth will set you free- john hopkins university
voc clamantis in deserto
the voice of the one crying in the wilderness- dartmouth college
plures crapula quam gladius
the board consumes more than the sword
ad fundum
to the bottom (drinking)
ab asino lanam
like trying to get blood from a stone
falsus in unus, falsus in omnibus
false in one thing, false in everything
mea culpa
my blame
odi et amo
i hate and i love- catullus
ne fuge me!
dont flee from me- ovid
cui dono lepidum novum libellus
to whom do i owe the pleasure of giving this book- catullus
pulvis et umbra sumus
we are dust and shadows- terence
omnia mutantur, nihil interit
everything changes, nothing dies- ovid
vivamus, moriendum est (atque amemus)
let us live, since we must die- catullus
video meliora, proboquo, deteiora sequor
i see a better way and approve it, but i follow the worst way- ovid
romani ite domum
romans, go home- monty python
disciplina in civitatem
education for citizenship- ohio state university
quaecumque sunt vera
whatsoever things are true- northwestern university
aliis vivere
live for others- faculty of medicine at the national autonomous university of mexico (my favorite and most relevant motto!)
in pulvere vinces
in dust you will win- nova scotia’s acadia
fortiter, feliciter, fideliter
boldly, faithfully, successfully- UL lafayette
pro deo et veritate
for god and truth- stetson university
requiescat in pace
rest in peace- rip
eureka (greek)
i have found it- california
deo gratiam habeamus
let us be grateful to god- kentucky
volo videre
i long to see what is beyond- minnesota
stella quarta decima fulgeat
may the 14th star shine bright- vermont
joannes est nomen eius
john is his name- puerto rico
fluctuat nec mergitur
she is tossed but does not sink- paris
domine dirige nos
lord, direct us- london
dominus illuminatio mea
the lord, my light- oxford university
crux unica spes
the cross is the only hope- notre dame