Full Form?
Pradhan Mantri Adi Adarsh Gram Yojana
What was the earlier name of the given scheme?
Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub-Scheme (SCA to TSS)
What is the time frame for the implementation?
2021-22 to 2025-26
This scheme comes under which ministry?
Ministry of Tribal Affairs
MoTA was made from the bifurcation of which Ministry and in which year?
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment , in 1999
Who is the current minister of Ministry of Tribal Affairs?
Arjun Munda
What was the amount granted for the above scheme?
Rs. 7,276 cr
What should be the % of tribal population of villages on which this will be implemented?
Atleast 50% and more
When was the SCA to TSS launched?
Which part of Constitution defines the term “tribe”?
Which part of Constitution defines the term “ST”?
Article 342 (i)
Which Schedule provides What to establish?
"”The Fifth Schedule of the Constitution”” provides for the setting up a ““Tribes Advisory Council””
Reservation of seats for STs in Lok Sabha in ?
Article 330 (47 SEATS)
Which article grants special funds from Central regarding Tribes?
Article 275
According to which committee , ST characteristics are decided?
Lokur Committee (1965)
Which is the smallest tribe?
Toto Tribe (Jalpaiguri,WB)
Which state has the largest number of ST?
Which have the largest proportion of ST?
Lakshwadeep and Mizoram
A similar scheme , PMAGY , is also present. This scheme comes under which Ministry?
Who is the minister of MoSJ&E?
Virendra Kumar
Full form of TRIFED
The Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India , a national body under MoTA
When was TRIFED formed?
How many ST are there?
Which Commission recommended Primitive Tribal Group in which Year?
“Dhebar Commission” recommended the creation of “Primitive Tribal Groups” in “1973”
What was the new name of PTGs and on which year?
Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) ,in 2006
How many Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) are in India?
Where are the highest number of PVTGs found?