Pluto And Relationships Flashcards
2 causes for cataclysmic evolution
1) resistance of evolutionary necessity. The reason for resistance is security which is based on the need for self consistency. ( familiar ways of reality)
2) karmic, the simple law of cause and effect.
What does natal position of Pluto symbolize?
The desires and intentions before this life and as a result where the soul naturally gravitates to in this life in order to define itself.
What does the South Node of the moon symbolize?
The south node was used as a vehicle by the soul that allowed the evolutionary desires and intentions of the soul to be actualized in a conscious way
Symbolizes the ego that was created in order to actualize this intentions and desires ( natal position of Pluto by house and sign). It’s like the lense of a projector. Creating and identity, personality or ego that was defined by those core desires and intentions.
What is the natal moon symbolized by?
The immediate, conscious personality or ego that experiences the dynamic tension between past and future at every moment. It is the element of our consciousness that registers this evolution, and allows for it to be integrated by giving it form and personal identity.
2 forms of evolution
Cataclysmic: intense event that leads to and creates metamorphic change.
Uniform: slow progressive change without cataclysmic events.
Composite and Synastry charts in respect to SN, NN and Pluto
SN: personality and ego of couple, a mode of operation the couple has used in past life to actualize core evolutionary intentions that defined their relationship before this life ( composite Pluto)
SN in combo with Pluto will show how their union had been defined and actualized before this life and where it left off.
Basically on composite chart we are looking at the unit, a third entity.
SN placements: what we may have shared with one another, how past life dynamics subconsciously influence our overall response and reaction to each other.
NN: how can we move past those past life dynamic sin this life
What are the planetary rulers of the nodes symbolized by?
To actualize themselves
SN: the self defining egocentric structure of the soul needed to actualize it’s intentions and desires.
NN: the polarity point of Pluto is developed by the NN and the NN is developed and actualized by its planetary ruler.
When Pluto is conjunct the south node
1) total avoidance of evolutionary lessons in the past as shown by SN, planetary ruler of SN, and Pluto. The person needs to relive those conditions and lessons. Access to NN is denied until lessons from the past are learned. Generally this happens at second Saturn return (56 years of age)
2) the individual has thoroughly learned those lessons and the intentions and motives have been so pure that the individual is in a karmic condition of fruition. They have some special gift, knowledge or ability they bring that will generate some kind of recognition. There is a frustration of moving on to NN. generally the release point is 2. Saturn return.
3) mix between reliving and fruition. Most common.
When Pluto is conjunct the NN?
Individual has already been working on the area of evolution symbolized by the NN, the NN planetary ruler and Pluto/NN conjunction prior to the life lived.
Person continues working on these areas.
There is no polarity point.
Synastry chart with Pluto at NN
If Pluto is at someone else’s NN, that person has either helped the other develop these areas in the past life or is a key person for developing them
If person has planet in south node and another person has a planet at this persons NN in Synastry then this other person has helped the first one in past life
Pluto or other planets square the nodes
Called skipped steps
Person fluctuating back and forth between areas of house and sign positions of NN and SN and their ruling planets. And Pluto and polarity point.
None of the areas have been developed completely.
There has been and is a resistance to complete development of these areas. Skipped steps must be recovered. These people feel their past is their future and their future is their past.
The way out is to understand what areas must be consistently developed.
What node is Pluto or the other planet applying to. ( which node was last conjunct). It is this node by house and sign plus planetary ruler tha must be consistently developed. In this way the polarity point of Pluto can be developed in a new way.
When the planetary ruler of the NN is conjunct the SN?
One of the three karmic evolutionary conditions (just like with Pluto conjunct the SN).
1) total avoidance of evolutionary lessons in the past as shown by SN, planetary ruler of SN, and Pluto. The person needs to relive those conditions and lessons. Access to NN is denied until lessons from the past are learned. Generally this happens at second Saturn return (56 years of age)
2) the individual has thoroughly learned those lessons and the intentions and motives have been so pure that the individual is in a karmic condition of fruition. They have some special gift, knowledge or ability they bring that will generate some kind of recognition. There is a frustration of moving on to NN. generally the release point is 2. Saturn return.
3) mix between reliving and fruition. Most common.
Polarity point of Pluto will be fulfilled only to the extend that the conditions of SN and planetary ruler of SN are fulfilled.
When planetary ruler of the SN is conjunct the NN?
Issues, situations , dynamics reflected in sign of SN. Are relived in this life. Difference is that those past conditions are being RELEASED in this life they are not blocked.
Pluton polarity point by house and sign is the causal factor in actualizing this process.
When planetary ruler of NN is conjunct SN and planetary ruler of SN is conjunct NN?
Past and future are experienced at the same time. Future seems like the past and past seems like the future. Like a continuous loop where past and future are perpetually recycled. This promotes evolution. Polarity point of Pluto is the causal factor for this metamorphosis.
Pluto in opposition to Mars
Common to have had at least one violent death in the past
composite chart: premature ending of relationship
Synastry charts: Pluto person and Mars person have likely caused violent, potentially life ending events for each other.