Plumbing Mt Flashcards
A secondary stack vent in a commercial building serving a 3” soil stack shall be a minimum of what size?
1 1/2”
what is the maximum number of circuit vented branch traps that can be installed between a circut vent and a relief vent:
8 traps
the following rule applies in order to be able to size a relief vent:
One size smaller than the circuit vent
The national plumbing code is a set of written standards which:
set minimum standards
the minimum size of individual vent serving a 4” P trap
1 1/2”
The maximum length of a 3” trap arm serving a floor drain at minimum grade is:
3.75M (12ft)
When is a backwater valve required?
ON fixtures below grade
The flow from a pump into a storm drainage system is taken as:
1 L/s = 900L
If a Flat roof was 20m long and 18m wide and the adjacent wall surface was 25m Long and 9m high, what size storm building drain would be required at 1 in 100 slope (25mm/15min)
If a flat roof was 11m long and 20m wide and the adjacent wall surface was 14m long and 9m high, what size leader would be required? ( rainfall 20mm/15mm )
What CCC protection is required for the Washdown Ventilation Hood
The Flight Machine (A) has an operating temperature of 77 deg C for pumping water through equipment for at least ___________?
5 min
What is the minimum size branch discharging from the Food Display Sink (H) ___________?
1 1/4”
The Orifice Flow Control Plate (M) is designed to?
What is the maximum number of flush tank water closets that could drain from the fifth storey of a building into a 3” soil stack?
Piping that is too low to drain by gravity into the sanitary building drain is called
sub drainage piping
When sizing a combined sewer, how do you convert from FU to litres?
260 FU and less counted as 2,360, over 260 multiply 9.1
The maximum number of fixture units that may drain into a soil or waste pipe that is being used as an alternate relief vent is: