Pliny Letters Flashcards
What are the key details of Plinys life
What is summary of Letter 1.9
What is summary of Letter 2.6
What is summary of Letter 3.14
What is summary of Letter 4.19
What is summary of Letter 5.19
What is summary of Letter 9.6
Who is the main character in letter 1.9
Who are the main characters in letter 2.6
Who are the main characters in letter 3.14
Who are the main characters in letter 4.19
Who are the main characters in letter 5.19
Who are the main characters in letter 9.6
What language does Pliny use in Letter 1.9 to show his ideas
What language does Pliny use in Letter 2.6 to show his ideas
What language does Pliny use in Letter 3.14 to show his ideas
What language does Pliny use in Letter 4.19 to show his ideas
What language does Pliny use in Letter 5.19 to show his ideas
What language does Pliny use in Letter 9.6 to show his ideas
What does letter 1.9 tell us about Roman City Life
What does letter 2.6 tell us about Roman City Life
What does letter 3.14 tell us about Roman City Life
What does letter 4.19 tell us about Roman City Life
What does letter 5.19 tell us about Roman City Life
What does letter 9.6 tell us about Roman City Life