Pliny letter 1 Flashcards
post aliquot annos insigne atque etiam memorabile populi Romani oculis spectaculum exhibuit publicum funus Vergini Rufi, maximi et clarissimi ciuis, perinde felicis.
After many years, the public funeral of Verginius Rufus, the most important and most famous citizen and equally fortunate, exhibited a remarkable and also memorable spectacle to the eyes of the Roman people.
Triginta annis gloriae suae supervixit; legit scripta de se carmina, legit histories et posteritati suae interfuit.
He outlived his glory by 30 years; he read poems having been written about himself, he read histories (having been written about himself), and was part of his own posterity.
supervixit +gloriae
compound verb + dative
triginta annis gloriae -by 30 years
ablative of duration of time
posteritati - dat fem sing
+ interfuit -perf act indic -3rd sing
compound verb w/dative
Perfunctus est tertio consulatu, ut summum fastigium privati hominis impleret, cum principis noluisset.
He completed the office of consul 3 times, so that he fulfilled the highest rank of a private citizen, although he did not want that of princeps
perfunctus est + consulatu
perfunctus takes abl
ut summum…
result clause
cum principis noluisset.
Although he did not want that of princeps
cum clause-concessive
3rd s. pluperf act subj
principis -genitive masc sing
mirrored construction w. privati hominis
Caesares, quibus suspectus atque etiam invisus virtutibus fuerat, evasit, reliquit incolumem optimum atque amicissimum, tamquam ad hunc ipsum honorem publici funeris reservatus.
He escaped from the Caesares, who suspected and even hated him for his virtues, he left behind the best and most friendly (one) unharmed, just as he had been reserved for this very honor of a public funeral.
quibus -dat masc sing
dative of agent
virtutibus - abl fem pl.
abl of cause
ad (hunc…)
indicates purpose
Annum tertium et octogensimum excessit in altissima tranquillitate, pari veneratione.
He exceeded his 83 year in the deepest tranquility, with equal veneration.
veneratione - abl fem s.
abl of attendant circumstance
-ie archaic abl absolute
Usus est firma valetudine, nisi quod solebant ei manus tremere, citra dolorem tamen.
He experienced a strong state of health, except that his hands were accustomed to tremble, yet without pain
ei manus
nominative masc pl
utor (usus est) + valetudine
perf act indic + abl fem sing
utor takes obj in abl
Aditus tantum mortis durior longiorque, sed hic ipse laudabilis.
Only the approach of death was rather hard and rather long, but he himself was laudable.
Nam cum vocem praepararet acturus in consulatu principi gratias, liber, quem forte acceperat grandiorem, et seni et stanti ipso pondere elapsus est.
For when he was preparing his voice in order to give thanks to the emperor on the occasion of his consulship, a book, which he had by chance taken was rather large, and for this both standing and old man it slipped by its own weight.
futur act prtcpl indicate purpose
et seni et stanti
dat of ref
(adj + pres act prtcpl)
Hunc dum consequitur colligitque, per leve et lubricum pavimentum fallente vestigio cecidit coxamque fregit, quae parum apte collocata reluctante aetate male coiit.
While he pursued and picked it up, he fell on account of the smooth and slippery floor (with) his footing deceiving him and broke his hip. Which having been placed slightly too snuggly with his old age refusing to cooperate, it healed poorly.
reluctante aetate
abl absolute
Huius viri exequiae magnum ornamentum principi, magnum saeculo, magnum etiam foro et rostris attulerunt.
the funeral procession of this man, conferred great distinction to the emperor, great distinction to the age, and even great distinction to the forum and rostra:
Laudatus est a consule Cornelio Tacito; nam hic supremus felicitati eius cumulus accessit, laudator eloquentissimus.
He was praised by the consul, Cornelius Tacitus; for this man (Tacitus) came as the greatest addition to his (that other man) good fortune, being the most eloquent eulogist.