Pliny-an alarming dream comes true Flashcards
Who is the letter about?
Pliny is writing to his friend Novius who asked Pliny to read a pierce of work he had written
after critiquing Novius work he wrote account of their mutual friend Gaius Fannius who recently died
What did Fanius do?
he was creating a piece of work about the crimes of the emperor Nero
What is the letter about?
Fanius interpreted his dream about Neros visit and how he was going to die.
What was the dreams about?
Nero reads the first 3 scrolls of Fanius work and then leaves
Fanius think this means he will only complete three of this scrolls and he assumes he will die after this
Pliny is speaking directly to Novius and gives him advice
he is afraid for him self and novius
What is section 1 about?
Brief intro about his dream description
Pliny is vague which engages us as readers
What does “quod accidit” & “Ante prasenit” mean?
Quod accidit-What has happened-Fanius death
Ante prasenit-he foresaw long before-tells us fanius interpreted his dream
What is the translation of section 2?
He seemed to him to be lying down on the couch in the quiet of the night arranged in a writing posture
What quote in section 2 reoccur the them of night and why?
“Nocturnem quitem”-quiet of the night
nighttime was a suitable time for magical event (superstition)
What do we find out in section 3 give a quote?
Fanius was at a writing desk-“ITA SOLEBAT”
gives a perceptive image of how Fanius is positioned
What quotes reinforces the dream in section 4/what is the translation?
“imginatus est”–he imagined that links with “visus est”
soon he imagined that Nero came sat down on the couch
Who was “Neronem”?
Emperor from AD54-68
his reign was full of executions of rivals and those suspected of conspiring against him
What happened is section 5?
He asked for the first volume that he had published about his crimes and unrolled it right to the end
What does “ad extremum revolvisse” in section 5 suggest?
unroll it to the end
means to read it right through highlights Nero was paying attention to Fanius writing as it mirrors him
What does “de sceleribus euis ediderat”mean?
about his crimes
adds to the tension of the dream the emperor known for killing enemies is reading fannius not so flattering account of his life.
Explain section 6 and use a quote?
“Tunc abisse”-then he left
Fanius heart is racing which mirrors the short sentences this quick cut off leaves Fanius concerned
What does “expavit” in section 7 mean?
it means he was terrified
verb emphatically placed at the very start of the sentence highlight Fannius reaction was sudden .
What does the prefix “ex” suggest in “expavit”?
stresses he was terrified from his core
highlight Fannius emotions to the audience
What is the translation for section 7?
He was terrified and interpreted it in this way
What does “et fuit idem” mean in section 8?
and it was the same-the dream came true
very short clause explain what had happened
we don’t know how long after the dream he died all we know is he’s dead
What is the translation for section 8?
As though the end point of his writing would be the same as it had been of Nero reading and it was the same
What literacy device is used in section 9?
stresses Pliny despair at the event emphasised by “fustra” being delayed until the end of the sentence
What dos the quotes “exhausenit” suggest?
he used up
Vivid verb to imply hard work has been squandered (wasted)
Pliny feels pity for Fannius as he put so much work into writing a text that was incomplete
How does the focus shift in section 10?
adds the idea of urgency
my morality,my writings having thought about Fanius Pliny now turns to him self
how does Fanius unfinished work affect Pliny?
There comes to my mind “occursant animo” inversion of word order with the verb coming first emphasises the thought leaps into his mind about his unfinished work
What is the translation for section 9?
When i think about this i am filled with pity for how many sleepless nights ,how much effort he used up in vain
What is the translation for section 10?
There comes to my mind my own morality and my own writings
How does Pliny move on to noviues in section 11?
personal pronoun refers to Novius and how he will feel pressure as he has got unfinished work
Why was finishing their writing of so important in last section?
For ancient writers their morality was linked to the survival of their work
they had to finish everything so it would be finished so people could remember them.
but when all 3 friend die only Pliny work is remembered
What is the meaning of section 11?
I doubt that you too are alarmed by the same thought for those project which you have in hand
What is the meaning of section12?
Therefore while life lasts let us try to ensure that death finds as few things to destroy as possible
What is the superlative in the last section?
“quam paucissima”-a few things
shows the strength Pliny is feeling on this matter