Pleural effusion + disease Flashcards
What are key features of pleural effusion?
- Pleural effusion is fluid in the pleural space
- Effusions can be divided by their protein content:
- transudates (<30g/L)
- exudates (>30g/L)
- Blood = haemothorax
- Pus = empyema
- Lymph w/ fat = Chylothorax
- Both blood and air = haemopneumothorax
What are risk factors for pleural effusion?
- Congestive heart failure
- Pneumonia
- Malignancy
- Recent CABG
- Renal failure
- Recent MI
- Drugs (nitrofurantoin)
Pleural effusions may be classified as being either a transudate or exudate according to the protein concentration.
What is the aetiology for transudate (<30) pleural effusions?
- Heart failure
- Hypoalbuminaemia (liver disease, nephrotic syndrome, malabsorption)
- Hypothyroidism
- Meigs’ syndrome
What is the aetiology of exudate (>30) pleural effusions?
- Infection → pneumonia, TB, subphrenic abscess
- Connective tissue disease → RA, SLE
- Neoplasia → lung ca, mesothelioma, mets
- Pancreatitis
- Pulmonary embolism
- Dessler’s syndrome
- Yellow nail syndrome
What are clinical features of pleural effusions?
- May be asymptomatic
- Pleuritic chest pain
- Cough
- Reduced chest expansion
- Dull percussion note
- Diminished breath sounds
- Signs of associated disease (malignancy, cachexia, clubbing)
When should imaging be performed for pleural effusion?
- PA CXR → in all pts
- USS recommended → increases likelihood of successful pleural aspiration + sensitive for detecting pleural fluid septations
- Contrast CT → inreasingly performed to investigate underlyin cause, particularly for exudative effusions
How is diagnostic aspiration for pleural effusion carried out?
* Percuss upper border of pleural effusion
- Choose site, 1 or 2 intercostal spaces below
- Infiltrate down to pleura w/ 5-10ml of 1% lidocaine
- Attach 21G needle to 50ml syringe + insert just above upper border of appropriate rib
- Draw off 10-30mL of pleural fluid + send to lab
- Fluid sent for pH, protein, lactate dehydrogenase, cytology + microbiology
If pleural fluid analysis is inconclusive, consider parietal pleural biopsy
What is Light’s criteria?
- Develped in 1972, to help distinguish transudate vs exudate
- BTS recommend using criteria for borderline cases
- Exudates = protein > 30 g/L
- Transudates = protein < 30 g/L
- If protein level between 25-35 g/L, Light’s criteria should be applied, an exudate is likely if at least one of following criteria met:
- pleural fluid protein divided by serum protein >0.5
- pleural fluid LDH divided by serum LDH >0.6
- pleural fluid LDH more than 2/3rds the upper limits of normal serum LDH
What are other characteristics pleural fluid findings?
- Low glucose → rheumatoid arthritis, TB
- Raised amylase → pancreatitis, oesophageal perforation
- Heavy blood staining → mesothelioma, pulm embolism, tuberculosis
How do you investigate and manage for pleural infection?
- All pts w/ pleural effusion in association w/ sepsis or pneumonic illness require diagnostic pleural fluid sampling
- If fluid is purulent or turbid/cloudy, a chest tube should be placed to allow drainage
- If fluid is clear but pH < 7.2 in pts with suspected pleural infection → place chest tube
How do you manage pleural effusion?
- Treat underlying cause
- Drainage → if symptomatic, drain, repeatedly if necessary, fluid best removed slowly (0.5-1.5L/24hr); it may be aspirated in same way as diagnostic tap, or using an intercostal drain
- Pleurodesis w/ talc may be helpful for recurrent effusions; thorascope mechanical pleurodesis is most effective for malignant effusions; empyemas best drained using chest drain, inserted under USS or CT guidance