Pleura and lungs Flashcards
Each lung has
- An apex
- A base
- 3 boarders
- 3 surfaces
Name the 3 boarders of a lung
- Anterior
- Posterior
- Inferior
Name the 3 surfaces of a lung
- costal
- mediastinal
- diaphragmatic
Right lung
-2 fissures
oblique and horizontal
-3 lobes
superior, middle, and inferior
Left lung
-1 fissure
-2 lobes
superior and inferior
Explain the oblique and the horizontal fissures of the right lung
Oblique- extends from the T2 posteriorly to the 6th cc anteriorly
horizontal- extends from the oblique fissures and runs along the 4th rib to end at the 4th cc anteriorly
Explain the oblique fissure of the left lung
oblique-extends from T2 posteriorly to the 6th cc anteriorly
Name the lines of lung reflection
- sternal
- costal
- verterbral
Explain the sternal line of reflection
-Descends from 1st costal cartilage (cc) to 6th cc
-Descends from 1st costal cartilage (cc) to 4th cc then moves inferolateral to reach the 6th cc
The lungs and pleura lie at the same
level in relation to the sternum
Explain the costal line of reflection of the lung
Begin at the 6th cc passing obliquely to teach the
- 6th rib in the mid clavicle line
- 8th rib in the midaxillary line
- 10th rib in the mid scapular line
Becomes continuous posteriorly
with the vertebral lines at T10 (the
necks of the 10th ribs)
pleura lies 2 ribs
lower at each plane
Explain the vertebral line of reflection of the lungs
- Each lung runs parallel to the vertebral column - in the paravertebral plane.
- Extends inferiorly from vertebral level T1 through to T10
The pleura extend from T1 to
T12 in the vertebral line
It’s a continuation of the larynx.
- Starts at the level of C6 (lower border of cricoid
cartilage) - ends at T4 (sternal angle)
- gives left and right main bronchi
Right main bronchus
- wider
- shorter
- more vertically to the hilum of the lung
Left main bronchus
- passes infero-laterally,
- inferior to the arch of aorta,
- anterior to the esophagus
- thoracic aorta to reach the hilum.