Pledge info Flashcards
Chapter dates
Sorority Info
Symbolism behind Rho Delta Chi’s Crest
Greek Alphabet
Who is a pledge
Expectations of a pledge
Termination of a Pledge
Grounds for Dismissal
Pmom profile
PE profile
Big sis Profile
Who is a pledge
A pledge is a person who has promised to become a member of the sorority and goes through trial period before becoming an active member. She has been voted into the sorority by the members and must participate in all sorority events.After successfully completing her pledge period, she will then become an active member and will be entitled to all privileges of that status.
Informal: After accepting the bid, pledges are presented as a pledge class of rho delta chi to other asian greeks.
Formal: After completing the pledge period successfully, pledges are presented as the new active class of rho delta chi. This is the formal event in which a pledge achieves active status.
Inspiration Night: Upon completion of the pledge period, pledges are quizzed on their knowledge of rho delta chi sorority life, the greek alphabet, and general knowledge of all their sisters
Founders day dinner:Dinner and skit presented by pledges to the actives and alumnae of rho delta chi of what has been learned of sisterhood and of the sorority. It is usually held on founder’s day january 17th
Exchanges (socials): social events between sororities and fraternities
Meetings: General meetings and pledge class meetings
Service projects: Philanthropic activities to help the University and the communities
Fundraisers: Money making activities to help fund our sorority expenses and also donate to our philanthropies
Installation: A dinner and ceremony celebrating the installation of new actives and to inaugurate the next year’s cabinet members
All pledges must attend all the MANDATORY events that are listed with the following exceptions: Extreme illness/Family obligation/Work/Mid-terms/Finals/Major projects/ and/or other matters deemed valid by the cabinet
End paragraph
Full membership is contingent upon successful completion of pledge-ship. Those not fulfilling this requirement must forfeit their affiliation with the sorority and must relinquish all sorority paraphernalia .
Expectations of a pledge
1.Respect for actives and alumnae members, as well as for yourself and members of other sororities and fraternities
Loyalty to rho delta chi and your sisters
Time allocation to sorority events
Dedication to rho delta chi. This means being at each event because you want to help your sisters, not because you feel you have to
Commitment to excellence to do your best for the sorority
Integrity(truth, virtue, honor, morality) in all your dealings. Be proud of who you are and the sorority you represent.
A minimal cumulative gpa of 2.5 or above. Transcripts of the previous semester must be submitted to the academic chair at the beginning of each semester as proof for eligibility as a member of rho delta chi
Ten (10) hours of library study time per week is required of all pledges. This is on the honor system. We trust you to complete your required hours every week. Forgetting to sign-in is not excusable. Failure to complete the assigned weekly hours will be met with a fine of $5 per week.
Attendance and punctuality are crucial! Be on time to all events. You are informed in advance of upcoming events . You know the days you have tests and papers due, so plan your time wisely and study in advance.
Termination of a pledge
The active membership, by unanimous vote, up until, and including Inspiration night, may retract their bid to any Pledge thereby relieving that person of any and all status in the sorority. Such situation does not relieve that person of any and all status in the sorority. Such situation does not relieve that person of the obligation to pay all dues and other charges incurred while a member of the sorority. All items belonging to the sorority, such as pledge pin, pledge book, and pledge manual, must be returned to the sorority.
-If 15 or more mins late according to the secretary/president, there’s a $2 fine
-Contact president/Pmom 2 hrs prior if you are going to be late or need to be excused
Service Projects
-If 15 or more mins late, there is a $5 fine
-Contact VP Service at least 48 hrs prior to event if you expect to be late or need to be excused
-No show is a $15 fine
-Must show up at least 10 mins before event
-If 15 or more mins late, there is a $2 fine
-Contact Fundraising chair/Pmom/President if you’re going to be late or need to be excused
-No show is a $15 fine
-We provide food, frats provide drinks
-Food must arrive no more than 15 mins late to location and must be fully cooked
-Contact VP Social, Pmom, or President if you can’t attend at least a week before
-Must ensure food gets to location, if not class must bring two dishes next social
-No show is a $15 fine
Grounds for Dismissal
Prevaricating (lying)
Continuous absences from mandatory events without ample notification or valid reason
Conduct which does not reflect the best interests of the sorority
Fines *
20 mins late to any event is considered an unexcused absence