Pleas Flashcards
What percentage of cases get plead out?
What are the conditions for the prosecutor to bargain with defense counsel or unrepresented defendant?
1) Bargain is placed on the record
2) Court is informed about D’s background to ensure voluntariness.
What are a defense counsel’s responsibilities with respect to a plea?
1) Must get the D’s consent to plead
2) Must advise D of all offers
True or False: Judge can accept or reject the plea bargain.
What is the arraingment?
Court proceeding where the defendant pleads to the charges.
What are a defendant’s option to plead?
1) Guilty
2) Not Guilty
3) Nolo Contendere (Not an admission of guilty)
Must an arraignment occur?
No the defendant can waive it and file a written plea but it must be voluntary.
Must a defendant be present to plead?
Generally Yes
With misdemeanor can be tried absentia if court agrees.
What findings is a court required to make to accept a plea?
1) Factual basis for the plea exists
2) The plea must be voluntary
What is the event where the judge asks defendant questions about the plea?
Plea colloquy
What is discussed at the Plea Colloquy?
Court tells D:
1) Right to counsel
2) D has the right to confront and cross examine a witness
3) pleading guilty or nolo contendere waives the right to appeal except collateral attack and habeas corpus
4) pleading guilty or nolo waives trial and jury
5) By pleading guilty Court will ask D questions under oath that can be used against D in a later proceeding
6) All terms of plea /length of incarceration known by D
7) Plea may subject non citizen to deportation
True or False: Pleading guilty or nolo contendere waives the right to appeal.
True but not waive collateral attack or habeas corpus
True or False: A guilty or nolo plea waives a trial and jury.
True or False: In pleading guilty, Court cannot use D’s answers to questions under oath in a later proceeding.
True or False: Guilty please can subject defendant to deportation.
To plead, does Defendant have to acknowledge guilt?
No - just that the weight of evidence is against them.
Withdraw of a plea
Generally within the court’s discretion - if good cause is shown, the court can allow it.
True or False: Objections to irregularities in the arraignment are waived by a plea.
When can arraignment occur?
Anytime after the defendant is formally charged.
What happens if Def. stands mute or evasive?
Plea of not guilty is entered
Can a D plea to charges against him in the state?
Yes so long as the court has jurisdiction and other prosecutors consent.
True or False: If a defendant pleas guilty but maintains innocence, it is sufficient that he acknowledge that the plea is in his best interest.
When can a court permit a withdraw of a plea?
For good cause before sentencing
If the judge refuses to go along with the plea, what can the defendant do?
Withdraw the plea
Can evidence of a guilty plea be used at trial?
If a defendant pleads guilty or nolo and does not reserve the right to an appeal what can they do?
File a motion to withdraw the plea within 30 days after sentence due to smj; violation of plea; sentencing error)
Can a D who files guilty plea with draw it after successful completion of a drug program?
Who makes the final call regarding sentencing?
The judge
What can P offer D for guilty plea or nolo?
Drop charges or recommend a sentence
Must the prosecutor inform judge of all evidence that might exonerate D?
True or False:P must record plea discussion with unrepresented D and provide it to the judge.
What does a breach of the plea agreement by P entitled to?
New Trial or sentencing hearing.
If D violated plea agreement, what can P do?
Move to vacate the plea within 60 days of the breach.
Must D be present for first apperance?
Yes physically or electronic audi/visual
Must D be present for arraignment?
Yes unless a written not guilty plea is filed
Must D be present at pretail conference?
Yes unless waived
Must D be present at all proceedings in front of jury?
Must D be present at evidentiary proceedings outside the jury?
Must D be present at viewings by the Jury?
Must D be present at rendition of verdict and sentencing?
If D voluntarily leaves the trial at anytime, can the trial continue?
Can a disruptive D be removed?
True or False: When charged with a misdemeanor, D may seek leave not to appear in any proceeding.