Players and Substitutions Flashcards


A.R. 37. Teams A and B each have co-captains. At the pregame conference, one of the co-captains requests permission from the referee to allow both co-captains
to confer with officials on interpretations.


RULING: Co-captains may participate in the pregame conference, but only one co-captain of each team may confer with the officials during the game. During the pregame conference, the referee shall be informed
which co-captain of each team shall be the speaking co-captain during the game. (Rule 3-2.1)

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A.R. 38. Nine minutes before the scheduled starting time for the game, Team A presents its team roster and its starting lineup to the official scorer and then, at six minutes before the game’s starting time, Team A
resents four additional names to the official scorer for the team list.


RULING: Team A shall be assessed two administrative technical fouls. One administrative technical foul is for failing to supply the scorer with the names, numbers and designated starters BEFORE the 10-minute
mark is reached on the game clock that is counting down the time before the start of the game. The second administrative technical foul is for changes made to the scorebook AFTER the 10-minute mark is
reached on the game clock before the start of the game. Two free throws shall be awarded to Team B, and the game shall start with a jump ball. These administrative technical fouls do not count toward the team foul count. (Rule 3-4.1, 3-4.2 and 10-2.2 Penalty)

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A.R. 39. Team A properly submits its team list and designates its five starters in compliance with the rule before the 10-minute mark is reached on the game
clock that is counting down the time before the start of the game. However, the uniform number for each team member is erroneously indicated. The mistake is not detected until approximately 1½ minutes have been


RULING: An administrative technical foul shall be charged to Team A. A player shall wear the uniform number indicated in the scorebook or the scorebook number shall be changed to that which he is wearing.
When the team member, before participating, changes the uniform number he wears to that indicated in the scorebook, there shall be no penalty. When the number in the scorebook for a player(s) must be changed for reasons other than those permitted by rule, one administrative technical foul shall be assessed regardless of how many changes are made. These administrative technical fouls do not count
toward the team foul count.
(Rule 3-4.2 and 10-2.2.b Penalty)

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A.R. 40. A1, who is designated as a starter 10 minutes before the scheduled starting time of the game,
becomes ill one minute before the game is to start.


RULING: A1 may be replaced without an administrative technical foul being assessed. Illness or injury is considered to be an extenuating and unavoidable circumstance that permits a substitution without penalty. A1 shall be permitted to enter the game later if able. (Rule 3-4.2)

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A.R. 41. After a successful free throw, A1 enters the playing court before the throw-in. A1’s illegal entry is not detected until after the ball becomes live.


RULING: A1 became a legal player when the ball became live. Because discovery of the illegal substitution came after the ball became live, the infraction by A1 shall be ignored. (Rule 3-6.1.d)

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A.R. 42. A6 and A7 have reported to the scorers and are waiting to enter the game. Team A commits a violation, and during the dead-ball period, Team B calls a timeout. The coach from Team A changes his mind and wants A8 and A9 to report and enter the game rather than A6 and A7.


RULING: A8’s and A9’s substitutions are legal when they have reported to the official scorer before the warning signal. (Rule 3-6.1.g)

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A.R. 43. After the second signal sounds indicating the expiration of a timeout, A1 goes to the free-throw line to attempt two free throws. Before the first free throw, A6 reports to the official scorer and tries to enter the
game as a substitute.


RULING: A6 cannot enter the game because he did not report before the warning signal and there has been no live ball. (Rule 3-6.1.g and 3-6.2.b)

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A.R. 44. A1 scores a field goal and the clock is stopped with 36.0 seconds remaining in the game.
1. Before the throw-in ends and the clock is started, the official notices blood on A3.
2. The throw-in ends and the clock is properly started when the official notices blood on A3.
There are substitutes who have reported to the scorer’s table.


RULING: The officials shall stop play and present the head coach with the following three options: (a) Keep the player in the game when the issue can be resolved in 20 seconds; (b) Substitute the player immediately or substitute when the issue cannot be resolved in 20 seconds; (c) Call a timeout immediately or call a timeout when the issue cannot be resolved in 20 seconds so that the bleeding player can remain in the game. After any of these options, play shall be resumed with a throw-in by Team B anywhere along the end line. No substitutes shall be permitted in (a) and (b) since play was stopped after a successful field goal and before the clock was properly started. However, when the coach chooses not to take a timeout and instead, replaces the bleeding player, the opponent is permitted to counter with a substitution. In this case, the substitute for the bleeding player and the counter substitute are the only substitutes permitted since play
was stopped for blood after a successful field goal in the last 59.9 seconds of the game and before the clock was properly started. In (c), substitutes are permitted since a timeout was called. 2: After any of these options, play shall be resumed with a throw-in by Team B at a designated spot nearest to where play was stopped for the blood issue and substitutes shall be permitted as they would be in any other dead-ball period since the game clock was properly started on the throw-in. (Rule 3-6.1.h and 3-6.3.a

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After a successful field goal with 48 seconds left on the game clock, the timer sounds the game-clock horn for substitute A6 to enter the game.


RULING: A6 shall not be permitted to enter. While the game clock is stopped after successful field goals in the last 59.9 seconds of play, only those substitutions permitted by rule are allowed. A team may request a timeout and then make substitutions anytime the ball is dead and the game clock is stopped. (Rule 3-6.1.h)

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A.R. 46. Team A scores with 59.9 seconds left to play in the second half. 1. The timer fails to stop the game clock. The official blows his whistle to stop the clock and to correct the mistake. During this stoppage, Team A requests a timeout; or 2. The official inadvertently blows his whistle to recognize a timeout request by Team A when the ball is at Team B’s disposal for a throw-in; or 3. Team B is having difficulty inbounding the ball because of defensive pressure and requests a timeout. May these timeout requests be granted and when are substitutions permitted to enter the game?


RULING 1: The request by either team for a timeout shall be recognized and granted since the request was made during a dead ball. Substitutions are permitted during this timeout period. However, when a timeout is not requested, there shall be no substitution during the
dead-ball period created by the timer’s mistake.
2: The inadvertent whistle shall be ignored. When Team A requests a timeout during this dead ball, the timeout shall be recognized and granted since the request occurred during the dead ball created by the inadvertent whistle. Substitutions are permitted during this timeout period. However, when a timeout is not requested, there shall be no substitution during the dead-ball period created by the inadvertent whistle.
3: Team B’s request for a timeout shall be recognized and granted because a player of that team is in control of the ball. Substitutions are permitted during this timeout. (Rule 3-6.1.h)

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A.R. 47. After A1’s successful try, the game clock is stopped with 56.0 seconds remaining in the game:
1. B1 completes a throw-in to B2, but the clock was not properly started. The official stops play immediately to correct the timing mistake. Substitutes are available at the table. 2. B1 completes a throw-in to B2 and the clock is properly started. While the ball is in B2’s possession, A2 creates a held ball. The alternating
possession arrow favors Team B. Substitutes are
available at the table.


RULING 1: The officials shall correct the timing mistake by placing the correct time on the game and shot clocks, and play shall be resumed at the point of interruption. Substitutes shall not be permitted during this dead-ball period, since the timing mistake occurred with 59.9 seconds or less remaining on the game clock. Since the play was stopped to correct a timing mistake that occurred after a made field goal when
there was less than 59.9 seconds remaining in the game and before the game clock was properly started, substitutes shall not be permitted.
2: Since play was stopped for the held ball and not to correct a timing mistake or for an inadvertent whistle, all substitution rules apply. Play shall be resumed with an alternating possession throw-in to Team B at a designated spot nearest to where the held ball occurred with no reset of the shot clock. (Rule 3-6.1.h)

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A.R. 48. A technical foul is assessed to Team B before the start of the game. The coach from Team A wants to replace designated starter A5 with A6 so A6 can shoot the free throws. Is this permissible?


RULING: Yes. A6 is permitted to replace designated starter A5 to shoot the free throws for the technical foul. When the ball is placed at the disposal of A6 for the free throw, the game has begun and thereafter,
all substitution rules apply. Any team member is eligible to become a substitute with the exception of A5, who shall not be permitted to re-enter until the game clock has been properly started after his replacement. (Rule 3-6.1.j, 3-6.1.k, 5-7.1, 7-4.7 and Rule 10-3 through 4 penalty)

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A.R. 49. A technical foul is assessed against Team A. B6 replaces B1 and makes
both free throws. After the final attempt, B1 desires to re-enter.


RULING: Illegal. B1 may not re-enter before the next opportunity to substitute after the game clock has properly started after he was replaced. (Rule 3-6.1.j)

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A.R. 50. During a dead ball, A6 replaces A5. Before the ball is put into play, a technical foul is assessed against Team B. A5 is designated by the coach to enter the game and attempt the free throw(s) resulting from Team B’s technical foul.


RULING: A5 may re-enter to attempt the free throw(s) even though the game clock has not been started since A5 left the game. (Rule 3-6.1.j Exception)

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A.R. 51. After the second signal sounds indicating the expiration of a timeout, A1 goes to the free-throw line to attempt two free throws. After the first free throw is successful and before the ball is at the disposal of A1 for the second free throw, A6 reports to the official scorer to become a substitute and then tries to enter the game as a substitute.


RULING: A6 shall be allowed to enter before the last attempt of the multiple personal foul free throw.
(Rule 3-6.2.b)

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A.R. 52. In a game involving the electronic-media timeout format, A1 is fouled in the act of shooting, creating the first dead ball at or under the eight-minute
mark. A1’s try for goal is unsuccessful. B1 reported to the scorer before the foul and was waiting to enter the game. When is B1 permitted to enter the game?


RULING: B1 is permitted to enter the game after the electronic-media timeout ends and before A1 attempts the first try of the multiple freethrow sequence.
(Rule 3-6.2.b.1)


A.R. 53. B6 and B7 have legally reported to the official scorer when A1: 1. Fouls B1 during a three-point try that was unsuccessful; 2. Is assessed a technical foul; or
3. Is assessed a technical foul, which is his fifth disqualifying foul. When may B6 and B7 enter the game?


RULING 1: Since multiple free throws shall be awarded, B6 and B7 are permitted to enter the game only before the final attempt or after the final try is successful.
(Rule 3-6.2.b) 2: B6 and B7 are permitted to enter the game before the first attempt or after the final attempt for the technical foul and before play is resumed at the point of interruption. (Rule 3-6.2.c) 3: Since B6 and B7 had legally reported to the official scorer before A1 had to be replaced, they may enter the game after A1’s replacement enters the game. (Rule 3-6.2.c and 3-6.3.c and 4-12.1 and .5)


A.R. 54. A1 is fouled during an unsuccessful try for goal. During the try, A3 is injured or is bleeding, has blood on his body, or his uniform is saturated withblood and he cannot continue to play.


RULING: The required substitute shall be permitted to enter the game before the first try of the multiple free throws. In addition, all substitutes who had legally reported to the official scorer before the player who had to be replaced may enter the game. A bleeding player, a player with blood on the body, or a player wearing a uniform saturated with blood has 20 seconds to resolve the issue. If the issue cannot be resolved in 20 seconds, that player is required to be replaced unless that player’s coach requests and is granted a timeout. When a substitute is required, all substitutes who had legally reported to the official scorer before the player who had to be replaced may enter the game. (Rule 3-6.3.a and .c)


A.R. 55. While A1 is dribbling, the referee notices blood on A1’s game jersey. The referee blows the whistle to stop play. A1 goes to the bench and medical personnel:
1. Determine that the game jersey is not saturated with blood; or 2. Determine that the game jersey is saturated with blood.


RULING 1: A1 may remain in the game without penalty.
2: A1 shall be given 20 seconds to resolve the situation. When A1 has not resolved the situation, A1 shall be replaced or a timeout may be called by A1’s team. At the end of the timeout, the affected player must be ready to play when the final horn sounds ending the timeout. If the player is not ready to play, the coach must immediately replace the player with a substitute. In this case, the opposing team is permitted to counter with a substitute. The affected player may not re-enter the game until the next legal opportunity to substitute after the clock has started. (Rule 3-6.3.b, 3-6.3.a, 3-6.2.j and 5-11.8)


A.R. 56. A1 and B1 collide and:

  1. Are injured;
  2. Are bleeding; and
  3. Are evaluated and it is determined that their uniforms are saturated with blood. The coach from Team A requests and is granted a timeout.

RULING: When a timeout is requested and granted to either team, one or both players are permitted to remain in the game after the expiration of the timeout. No bleeding can be in evidence. A uniform that is
saturated with blood must be replaced.
(Rule 3-6.3.b, and .e and 5-11.8)


A.R. 57. A1 is fouled and his try for goal is unsuccessful. During the try:

  1. B1 commits his fifth (disqualifying) foul against A1; or
  2. A4 is wearing illegal apparel.

RULING 1 and 2: The required substitute shall be permitted to enter the game before the first try of the multiple free throws. In addition, all substitutes who had legally reported to the official scorer before the player who had to be replaced, may enter the game.
(Rule 3-6.3.c)


A.R. 58. There are no substitutes at the scorers’ table when A1 receives a fifth and disqualifying foul. The official notifies the Team A coach and then A1 of
the disqualification. 1. Before the official instructs the timer to begin the 15-second time period to replace the disqualified player, two Team A players, neither of whom are substituting for the disqualified player, report to the scorer. 2. During the 15-second time period to replace the disqualified player, two Team A substitutes report to the scorer just before A6 reports as the
substitute to replace A1. 3. As soon as the coach is notified that A1 has been disqualified and before
the 15-second time period to replace the disqualified player has started, the coach substitutes A6 for A1.


A.R. 58. There are no substitutes at the scorers’ table when A1 receives a fifth and disqualifying foul. The official notifies the Team A coach and then A1 of
the disqualification.
1. Before the official instructs the timer to begin the 15-second time period to replace the disqualified player, two Team A players, neither of whom are substituting for the disqualified player, report to the scorer.
2. During the 15-second time period to replace the disqualified player, two Team A substitutes report to the scorer just before A6 reports as the substitute to replace A1.
3. As soon as the coach is notified that A1 has been disqualified and before the 15-second time period to replace the disqualified player has started, the coach substitutes A6 for A1.


A.R. 58. There are no substitutes at the scorers’ table when A1 receives a fifth and disqualifying foul. The official notifies the Team A coach and then A1 of
the disqualification.
1. Before the official instructs the timer to begin the 15-second time period to replace the disqualified player, two Team A players, neither of whom are substituting for the disqualified player, report to the scorer.
2. During the 15-second time period to replace the disqualified player, two Team A substitutes report to the scorer just before A6 reports as the substitute to replace A1.
3. As soon as the coach is notified that A1 has been disqualified and before the 15-second time period to replace the disqualified player has started, the coach substitutes A6 for A1.


RULING: When a player is disqualified for the fifth foul committed, the officials will first get a substitute for the disqualified player, and then all substitutes who had legally reported before the player who had to be replaced may enter the game when the substitute for the disqualified player is beckoned onto the court. In (1) and (2), the substitutes who legally reported to the table before A6, the substitute for the disqualified player, may enter after A6 enters the game. In (3), once A6 is
beckoned onto the floor, no other substitutions are permitted until the next opportunity for substitutions.
(Rule 3-6.3.c)


A.R. 59. A1 is fouled during an unsuccessful try for goal and appears to be injured. A1 is upset with the play and is assessed an unsportsmanlike CLASS A technical foul, which is A1’s fifth and disqualifying foul. The official scorer informs the official that A1 has been disqualified..


RULING: Any member of Team B may attempt the free throws for the technical foul assessed to A1. Play shall be resumed at the point of interruption. The substitute for disqualified player A1 shall attempt the free throws awarded when A1 was fouled. A1 was unable to attempt his free throws because he was a disqualified player and, by rule, had to be replaced. A1’s injury should not be considered in adjudicating the play.
(Rule 3-6.3.c, 8-3.2, 8-3.4, 8-6.1 and 4-27.1)


A.R. 60. A1 is injured and the referee beckons the coach and/or athletic trainer onto the playing court to assist the injured player. After the injured player is
replaced, Team B requests and is granted a timeout. Play is about to resume and A1 is back on the playing court.


RULING: A1 shall be prohibited from staying on the playing court. Team B’s timeout does not make A1 eligible to return to play. Team A must request and be granted a charged timeout in order for A1 to
remain in the game. (Rule 3-6.3.d and 5-14.12.a)


A.R. 61. A1 is bleeding from a blow to the head and is unable to attempt his free throw(s). Is Rule 3-6.3.f concerning an injured player applicable?


RULING: The intent of Rule 3-6.3.f is to eliminate the situation whereby a poor free-throw shooter faked an injury so that he could be replaced by a higher percentage shooter. Obviously, a bleeding player is
not faking an injury. Consequently, Rule 3-6.3.f is not applicable. The bleeding player shall be instructed by the official to leave the game for attention by medical personnel. His coach may exercise the option of substituting for the bleeding player or calling a timeout.
(Rule 3-6.3.f, 8-3.2 and 8-3.3)


A.R. 62. A1 is fouled and is unable to attempt his free throw(s). The coach from Team A requests a timeout. The referee recognizes and grants this timeout.


RULING: The referee shall instruct the official scorer to note which four players from Team A were on the playing court before the timeout was granted. At the end of the timeout when it is determined that A1 is
unable to attempt his free throw(s), the coach from Team B shall select one of the four remaining players to attempt the free throw(s). That selection, once made, is final and unalterable. An immediate substitution for the injured player shall be required after the final horn that indicates the expiration of the timeout. The opponent shall then be permitted to counter with a substitution. Any other substitution(s) must have reported to, or be in position to report to, the official scorer before the warning horn. However, his entry onto the playing court shall not be permitted until the coach from Team B
has selected who shall attempt the free throw(s) for the injured player. (Rule 3-6.3.f, 8-3.3 and 3-6.1.g)


A.R. 63. B1 commits a flagrant 2 personal foul against A1. After B1’s flagrant 2 foul, the coach from Team B is assessed a CLASS A technical foul. A1 was injured and was unable to attempt his free throws. The coach from Team A selects A7 to attempt the two free throws awarded for B1’s flagrant 2 foul and the two free throws for the CLASS A technical foul. The referee permitted A7 to attempt the free throws. Is this correct?


RULING: The referee was correct in allowing A7 to attempt the four free throws. When a player is injured as a result of either a flagrant 1 or flagrant 2 personal foul and is unable to attempt his free throws, the coach of the injured player is permitted to select any player or team member to attempt the free throws. In addition, when a technical foul is assessed, any player or team member is allowed to attempt the two free throws. After the four free throws are attempted, the ball is awarded to Team A, the offended team, and play shall be resumed at the point of interruption, which is the designated spot nearest to where the flagrant
2 personal foul was committed using the procedures in Rule 7-3.2. When the coach from Team A selects two different individuals to attempt the free throws, since a false multiple foul has been committed, the penalty for the CLASS A technical foul shall be administered, followed by the penalty for the flagrant 2 personal foul. The ball is awarded to Team A, the offended team, and play shall be resumed at the point of interruption, which is the designated spot nearest to where the flagrant 2 personal foul was committed using the procedures in Rule 7-3.2. (Rule 3-6.3.f, 8-3.3, 8-3.4, 8-6.1, 4-15.6, 4-27.1 and 10-1 Penalty g)