Play As Development Flashcards
Play Benefits for Infants & toddlers, preschool and primary school
(CD. SD. E. C. PD)
- Cognitive development
- Social development
- Emotions
- Communication
- Physical development
Practice Play for Infants and Toddlers (0-2)
- sensorimotor, 1st 2 yrs
- movement
- action repeated
- Occurs during sensorimotor period
- During first two years of life, functional/practice play dominates
- Infants practice body movements
- Actions are repeated for practice and exploration
Infant and Toddler - Exploration
- both use senses (sight and hearing common)
- I –> most time
- T –> split time
- Infants and Toddlers use their senses to exploring their world
- Looking and listening are most common
- Infants spend most of their time exploring
- Toddlers split their time between exploration and practice play
Infant and Toddler - Object Play
- grasp objects
- Functional play - intended
- Indiscriminant play - stereotypical
- Object play begins when the infants can grasp objects and become more complex as they develop
2 Types of Object Play :
- Functional play - the child uses the object for the function that the object was intended (ex : using a play phone to call)
- Indiscriminant play - the child uses the object in stereotypical way (ex : throwing a play phone)
Infant and Toddler - Symbolic Play
- around 1st BDay
- 3 elements of symbolic play (Deco.Decen.Int)
- Children engage in pretend play around their 1st birthday
- Three major elements in symbolic play occurs during the first two years of life:
- Decontextualization
- Decentration
- Integration
- rep obj/ac symbolic. w/ other
Occurs when the child represents objects and actions symbolically with other objects and actions
(Ex: playing with toys on carpet and then put pillow on the ground and pretends to be asleep)
Occurs when the child moves from focusing on self to focusing on others
(ex : child focuses on dressing the doll rather than dressing herself)
- comb of single schemes
- multi scheme
- reality
Involves the combination of several single schemes into a multiple-scheme play experience
- Tends to imitate reality
(ex : putting a doll to bed)
Types of Preschool Play
(SymP SDP. PhP)
- Symbolic play
- Socio-dramatic play (superhero, war hero)
- Physical play (chase, rough and tumble)
Preschool - Symbolic Play
- obj rep other obj
- 2nd year
Child uses an object or action to represent another object or idea
- Begins to develop during the second year of life and grows more complex as the child grows
Preschool - Dramatic Play
- reality
- O.EioR. CSoPR)
- direct t obj
- include & assume
Play that imitates reality
- This includes orderliness, exact imitation of reality and collective symbolism of play roles
2-3 years olds initially direct their play toward materials or objects
- As children mature, they include people and assume different roles
Preschool - Socio-dramatic Play
- 2 or more children
- verbal comm.
- adjust roles
Occurs among two or more children who communicate verbally and then cooperatively adjust their roles during the play session
6 Characteristics of Socio-dramatic Play
- Imitative role-play
- Make-believe with regards to objects
- Verbal make-believe
- Persistence in role play
- Interaction
- Verbal communication
Superhero Play
- pretend & r/t
- linked to aggression
- still beneficial
Combines pretend play with rough and tumble play
- begins in preschool
- Some believe that it’s linked to violent themes or aggression but it can be beneficial
War Play
- Involves games with weapons, combat figures and pretend fighting
- Is banned in many schools
Physical Play
- physical vigor
- types - C & r/t
Play that involved physical vigor
- Examples: running, climbing, chasing etc
Two types:
1. Chase
2. Rough and tumble play
Play for Primary school children
(SP. PR. GwR)
- Symbolic play
- Play rituals
- Games with rules
Primary School - Symbolic play
- creativity (write, make art
Children engage in creativity by writing stories as well as making music or art
Play Rituals
Activities that instill cultural values in aesthetically satisfying behaviors
- Examples: cheerleading and dancing
Games with Rules
- sensory motor
- intellectual
- competition
2 Types :
1. Sensory-motor combinations (marbles, ball games, etc.)
2. Intellectual combinations (cards, chess, etc)
- Involves competition