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Welcome, my friends! I am delighted that you have come to today’s forum where we will be discussing….
Psst…. Plato, what are you doing?
Todays forum. It says here. “5pm storytelling forum in the amphitheater.”
Hello! So nice of you to come. I’m Aristotle. Excuse us a minute. Pardon me, I’ll be right back.
I must apologize, we philosophers are quite the thinkers, but we seldom do we…
Hello again! Excuse us!
Let me see that. Whose handwriting is that?
I got it! It’s for them not forum. ‘Storytelling ‘for them’ in the amphitheater
For them?
Storytelling, for them. Makes so much more sense.
Neither do I
I get it. Good one Cyclopes.
Excuse us but we’re made a mistake.
Let me see that.
If we are in Greece, wouldn’t it be Heracles?
Her-a-cles, Her-a-cles…
I don’t know it’s all Greek to me.
I can’t decipher it. It doesn’t compute!
What could that mean?
Every action has its pleasures and it’s price
Hey! Why didn’t you quote me?
I will see if I can catch up with Hercules.
And I will stay put to work on writing the perfect quote for the end of the show.
Come on, we’ll find our way together.
Wow, Greek architecture all looks the same… did you find sure on mount olympus?
No, I’m sure he and Hera have headed to the games. It’s almost noon. I hope Plato found Hercules
And I hope Hercules found the Cyclopes and put a stop to their meddling. What are you going.
Writing in my journal. It helps me to remember. Plato was looking for Hercules. I was looking for sure. And Aristotle was looking for…?
Inspiration. I’m writing a quote for the end of our journey.
Oh how’s that going?
Still working on it?
How’s the quote coming?
Quote? What quote?
In the middle of nowhere Greece?
Just looking for somebody.
He is always late. It’s embarrassing.
Family trait.
Now we are going to be late. We don’t want to miss the processional.
You’re right…that can’t happen.
We’ve got to get those games. Hopefully Androcles and Pegasus will be on time.
But we’re behind the pack. We’ll never pass them.
However as the storytellers we could jump ahead a few pages.
We could…
Looks like we beat them here.
Jumping ahead a few pages was good thinking!
It looks like Hercules may not win his first challenge, getting the torch in time.
You’re right. Hercules greatest claim to fame isn’t strength it’s his look of discipline.
Did I say flying horse? I meant, “look… me.”””
Look, Hercules is making his way to the Parthenon.
There’s a lot of strength there,”
It looks like the Cyclopes are pulling ahead
Can they create a boat quicker than the Cyclopes?
Time is moving quickly
That’s time
The Cyclopes have been messing with the timer
That’s poor sportsmanship
Well Aristotle do you have anything you’d like to share?
Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life