Plato Quotes Flashcards
Laws quote (On pupils belonging to the state)
”..there shall be compulsory education … and the pupils shall be regarded as belonging to the state rather than to their parents.”
Laws quote (On girls practising fighting)
“While they are yet girls they should have practised … the whole art of fighting—when grown-up women, they should apply themselves to evolutions and tactics..”
The Symposium, Phaedrus quote (A worthy lover)
”..I cannot say what good is greater … than a worthy lover, and for a lover, a worthy beloved.”
The Symposium, Phaedrus quote (Lovers are willing to die)
”..only lovers are willing to die on behalf of others—not only men but women too … Alcestis … alone was willing to die on behalf of her husband..”
The Symposium, Pausanias quote (Eros is two)
”..since in fact there are two [Aphrodites], Eros is necessarily also two.”
(The elder Heavenly Aphrodite of Uranian love, and the younger Vulgar Aphrodite of Pandemian love)
The Symposium, Pausanias quote (the Eros of the Heavenly Aphrodite)
”..the Eros of the Heavenly Aphrodite, first, does not partake of female but only of male..”
The Symposium, Pausanias quote (Not simply good)
”..[love] is not simply good in and of itself, nor yet ugly and shameful, but … beautiful if done beautifully, shameful if done shamefully.”
The Symposium, Eryximachus quote (Eros exists toward things other than people)
”..Eros exists in the souls of men not only toward beautiful people, but toward many other things and in many other things … in general all that is.”
The Symposium, Eryximachus quote (Eros in the healthy body)
”..the Eros in the healthy body is one thing, that in the diseased body another.”
The Symposium, Eryximachus quote (Music and medicine)
“In music and medicine and all other things, human and divine, one must … watch out for each kind of Eros: for both are present.”
The Symposium, Eryximachus quote (Eros fulfilled in good things)
”..Eros fulfilled in good things accompanied by temperance and justice … has the greatest power..”
The Symposium, Aristophanes quote (The spheres)
”..there were three sexes among men … the form of each human being as a whole was round … they tried to storm Heaven in order to displace the gods … So … [Zeus] cut human beings in two..”
The Symposium, Aristophanes quote (Male met female, male met male)
”..if male met female, they might in their embrace beget and their race continue to exist … if male met male, there’d at least be satiety from their intercourse..”
(No mention of female with female. Male love is also better in this story)
The Symposium, Aristophanes quote (His own particular half)
“When the lover of boys and any other lover meets his own particular half, they are then marvellously struck by friendship and kinship and Eros..”
The Symposium, Agathon quote (Eros is happiest)
”..though all gods are happy, Eros … is happiest among them, because he is most beautiful and best.”
The Symposium, Agathon quote (With the young)
”..he is ever with the young, and he is young … he is the youngest among gods..”
The Symposium, Agathon quote (Does not do or suffer injustice)
”..Eros neither does injustice to god or man nor suffers injustice from god or man.”
The Symposium, Socrates/Diotima quote (Neither mortal nor immortal)
”..[Eros] is by nature neither mortal nor immortal, but sometimes on the same day he lives … but then he dies..”
The Symposium, Socrates/Diotima quote (Eros is a philosopher)
”..Eros is necessarily a philosopher, a lover of wisdom … intermediate between wisdom and ignorance.”
The Symposium, Socrates/Diotima quote (All men are pregnant ;3c)
“All men are pregnant in respect to both the body and the soul … our nature desires to beget.”
(And begetting/procreation is an element of immortality for mortal creatures. Procreation is fuelled by Eros, so Eros is love of immortality)
The Symposium, Socrates/Diotima quote (The Ladder of Love)
”..begin while still young … to love one single body … next, to recognise the beauty on any body … after this he must come to believe that beauty in souls is more to be valued … in turn to contemplate what is beautiful in practices and laws … the various branches of knowledge, in order that he may see their beauty too..”
(And from love of knowledge/wisdom comes contemplation and love of The Form of Beauty itself)
The Symposium, Socrates/Diotima quote (The right way)
“For this is the right way to proceed in matters of love, or be led by another … as though using the steps of a ladder..”
(Even the wrong/baser forms of love on the ladder are part of the correct path)
The Symposium, Alcibiades quote (Amazed and possessed)
”..when someone hears you or someone else repeating your words, then even if the speaker is quite worthless … we are amazed and possessed.”
(About Socrates, demonstrating his infatuation)
The Symposium, Alcibiades quote (Alone with each other)
” we were alone with each other … and I thought at that point he would converse with me as a lover might … with his beloved … But not a bit of it.”
(Socrates is at least partway up the Ladder of Love, had no sexual desire for Alcibiades)