Platelet function and defects Flashcards
Platelet granules
- Dense bodies (smaller, fewer): ADP, ATP, serotonin, Ca, histamine
- Alpha granules (larger, more): adhesive proteins (fibrinogen, vWF, P-selectin, ect), coagulation factors (V, XI, fibrinogen, PAI1), growth/angiogenesis factors (PDGF, TGF-b, PF4)
- Lysosomal granules
- Granules secreted into canalicular system: contiguous w/ plasma membrane, increases the platelets surface area when activated
Platelet receptors
- GP=glycoprotein
- GPIb/IX binds vWF
- GPIIb/IIIa binds fibrinogen and vWF
- GPIa/IIa binds collagen
- GP VI binds collagen
- ADP receptors
- PARs bind thrombin
- Thromboxane A2 receptors
- Integrins bind fibrinogen
Arachidonic acid metabolism
- Platelets utilize phospholipiases to cleave off arachindonic acid from their membranes, then turn it into TxA2 via COX pathway
- TxA2 is platelet activator and vasoconstrictor
- Endothelial cells use the same mechanism to make arachidonic acid but then send it through the prostacyclin synthase pathway to make prostacyclin
- PCL is a vasodilator
Platelet procoagulant factors
- “Factor III”: translocation of phosphatidyl serine (PS) from inner to outer membrane
- Fibrinogen
- vWF
- Factor V
- Factor XIII
- P-selectin for microparticle fusion
Platelet formation
- Anucleate fragments of megakaryocytes, diameter of 3 microns, volume of 7fL
- Due to increase in megakaryocytic size and number
- TPO is most important regulator of megakaryocytic development and proliferation
- TPO is mostly synthesized in liver and secreted at fairly constant rate
- At some point a megakaryocytic stops dividing and undergoes endomitosis (repeated cycles of DNA replication w/o cell division) until it is up to 64N
- Then the cell extends proplatelets (pseudopodia) into sinuses in BM and platelets are broken off into the blood (each proplatelet makes 1-2k platelets)
- Thrombopoietin binds to MPL receptor on platelets and megakaryocytes
- Levels vary according to platelet and megakaryocytic mass
- TPO production in hepatocytes can be increased by IL6
- # of platelets depends on the size of the meg, which depends on the ploidy of the meg
- Usually either secondary to aplastic anemia (decreased production) or increased destruction (autoAbs to platelets)
- Can also be from other causes (ineffective production, sequestering in spleen, dilution)
- In aplastic anemia there is a reduced # of megs, thus a higher level of TPO since there are fewer receptors binding TPO
- In ITP (idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, an autoimmune-mediated destruction of platelets), the Abs are mostly targeting the platelets. Thus the megs are still able to bind the TPO
- There will be an increase in TPO production due to low platelet levels, and an increase in megs in response to the TPO. But overall the excess TPO will be bound by the excess megs and the TPO level will look normal (possibly slightly low)
Increasing platelet production
- There is an increase in platelet production in ITP even though the platelet levels are low (due to Ab-mediated destruction)
- The higher TPO levels lead to a larger # of megs, an increase in the ploidy of megs, and thus an increase in meg size & volume
- It also leads to a decreased maturation time of the megs
- The platelets released are larger, younger, and far more effective than the older platelets
Platelet sequestering
- Platelet lifespan is 10 days
- 30% of platelets are in the red pulp of the splenic cords (only recover 70% of platelets in normal people)
- In splenectomized pts you can recover 100% of platelets
Evaluation of thrombocytopenia
- Can be due to decreased production: small platelets, lower # of megs, usually BM problem
- Can be ineffective production: usually associated w/ megaloblastic anemia
- Can be increased destruction: big platelets, increased # of megs, can be immune or non-immune mediated
- Can be redistribution: enlarged spleen due to portal HTN, storage disease, or BM disorder
- Can be dilution: due to many blood transfusions
- Lower limit of platelets is 150K (upper limit: 400K)
- Natural Ab in blood binds to platelets at room temp and the platelets aggregate
- Artifact of the blood drawing process, to Dx must do blood smear and look at the thin edges
Platelet size
- Normal MPV is 7-9fL
- With increased consumption the MPV goes up
- With decreased production the MPV goes down
Cytokines on megakaryocyte development
- Endomitosis stimulated by TPO, IL3, IL6, IL11
- The cytokines are released during inflammation, thus chronic illness can lead to elevated platelet levels
- During maturation megs begin to express platelet-specific receptors and granules, also platelet mitochondria, membranes, and lysosomes
Sources of fibrinogen and vWF
- Fibrinogen: majority made in liver (some from platelets)
- vWF: majority made in endothelium (some from platelets)
Platelet adhesion
- Endothelial injury leads to release of vWF, which adheres to sub endothelial collagen
- The vWF binds to platelets’ GPIb/IX receptor, causing the platelet to “roll”
- This slowing of the platelet leads to stable binding of the subendothelial collagen to the GPVI receptor
- High shear in arteries cause conformational change in vWF to enhance its binding to GPIb/IX (these interactions do not require energy)
- Once GPVI binds to collagen it induces the expression of GPIa/IIa, which also binds to collagen and stabilizes platelet adhesion
vWF and adhesion
- Synthesized mostly in endothelial cells
- Stored in weibel-palade bodies (in endothelium and platelets) as large, highly adhesive multimers (long, “sticky” form)
- Constitutively secreted, but is cleaved in circulation by ADAMTS13 to smaller less active form
- Has several binding domains: GPIb/IX, collagen, VIII (prevents rapid clearance of VIII), GPIIb/IIIa, ADAMTS13, heparins
- In vWD factor VIII will be low, leading to a prolonged aPTT
Platelet activation inducers
- Collagen binding to GPVI (adhesion)
- vWF binding to GPIb/IX (adhesion)
- Thrombin (activated by developing clot)
- ADP (RBCs, damaged tissue, activated platelets)
- TxA2
- Epinephrine
Platelet activation suppressors
- Endothelial NO
- Endothelial prostacyclin
- CD39 (breaks down ADP)
Result of platelet activation
- Causes ADP release
- Platelet shape change (extends canalicular system in-folds outwards to create pseudopodia)
- Expression of GPIIb/IIIa (leads to aggregation)
- Expression of P-selectin
- TxA2 production and release
- Inhibition of cAMP (platelet antagonist)
Platelet aggregation
- Activated platelets recruit and activate other platelets, gradually accumulating and aggregating to form the plug
- The expression of GPIIb/IIIa binds fibrinogen (in veins) and vWF (in arteries) and cross links platelets
- Aggregation serves as a surface for thrombin generation (surface receptors for VIIIa, expression of PS, fusion of microvesicles)
- Expression of PS from inner to outer membrane enabled by scramblase nz (ATP and Ca dependent), only happens when platelets are activated
Platelet adhesion defects
- Defective vWF (function, amount)
- Defective GPIb/IX (absent, or enhanced binding and clearance of vWF-platelet type vWD)
- Defective collagen or GPVI
Lab evaluation for platelet adhesion defects
- Bleeding time, PFA100
- Ristocetin cofactor assay (RCA): induces conformational change in vWF to enhance its binding to GPIb/IX
- If RCA is abnormal there is a problem with vWF (either mutated or too low)
- Collagen binding assay: measures interaction btwn collagen and vWF
vW disease (vWD)
- Autosomal dominant disorders of mucocutaneous bleeding, menorrhagia (primary hemostatic defect)
- Dx: vWF:Ag levels increased by infection and pregnancy or estrogen, type O blood has lower vWF:Ag levels
- Can have different types (1, 2, or 3)
Type 1 vWD
- Partial quantitative deficiency of vWF due to decreased production
- Most common
Type 3 vWD
- Complete quantitative deficiency of vWF due to no production
- Clinically looks very similar to hemophilia A by lab tests, can distinguish by location of bleeding (vWD 3 bleeding from mucocutaneous areas)
Type 2 vWD
- All are qualitative variants of vWF
- Type 2A: absence of high molecular weight vWF multimers (only makes short chains)
- Type 2B: same as 2A but with increased affinity for platelet GPIb/IX receptor (leads to thrombocytopenia)
- Type 2M: abnormal function of vWF not caused by absence of HMW multimers
- Type 2N: qualitative variant w/ markedly decreased affinity for factor VIII (looks hemophilia A)
Lab evaluation of vWD
- vWF:Ag measures the amount of circulating low to high MW multimers (very low levels associated w/ bleeding)
- Ristocetin cofactor assay (RCA): functional assessment of vWF binding to GPIb/IX to form platelet plug (doesn’t use patients plts). Looks at pts’ vWF, not GPIb/IX (normal plts)
- If does not appear normal it means that there is a defect in vWF or vWF is too low
- vWF multimer assay: HMW multimers are most potent, decreasing or absent HMW multimers can cause bleeding
- Factor VIII level: will be decreased in vWD (VIII relies on vWF to not be degraded)
- Ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation (RIPA): assesses sensitivity of platelet GPIb/IX-vWF binding (uses patient’s plasma and platelets, looks at both vWF and GPIb/IX). Used to Dx type 1 vWD (low, occ. N), type 2 vWD (low in all except 2B where it is high), absent in type 3 vWD, Bernard soulier (GPIb/IX defect)
- PFA100 (or bleeding time): will be prolonged in vWD but not in hemophilia A (a way to distinguish the two)
vWD Rx
- DDAVP (desmopressin): stimulates endothelial release of vWF
- Is a natural antidiuretic (causes you to retain water) and can cause hyponatremia
- This can be worsened by vomiting, IV fluids
- Cryoprecipitate: VIII, vWD, fibrinogen, XIII
- Purified vWF:VIII
- Antifibrinolytic agents may help control mucosal bleeding
Bernard soulier syndrome (adhesion defect)
- Autosomal recessive deficiency in GPIb/IX
- Causes mild-moderate thrombocytopenia, large platelets
- RIPA will be low
- Cannot correct the RIPA w/ addition of normal plasma (unlike in vWD)
Inherited platelet activation defects
- Storage pool defects: alpha or dense granule deficiency
- Deficiency of alpha granules: gray platelet syndrome (lifelong mucocutaneous bleeding)
- Proteolysis of alpha granules due to excess platelet plasminogen activator: quabec platelet disorder (delayed mucocutaneous bleeding)
- Platelet receptor disorders: ADP, collagen, TxA2, epinephrine
- Defects in COX or arachidonic acid (can’t make TxA2)
- Defects in intracellular signaling
Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia (aggregation defect)
- Autosomal recessive defect in platelet GPIIb/IIIa
- Moderate-severe mucocutaneous bleeding
- Normal platelet count, often associated w/ Fe deficiency anemia
- Have prolonged bleeding time/PFA100 (primary hemostatic defect)
- Absence of aggregation to any agonist except ristocetin
- Confirm Dx w/ flow cytometry w/ Abs to GPIIb/IIIa
Platelet aggregometry
- Measure of platelets ability to precipitate out of solution (“aggregate”)
- In normal blood adding ADP, epinephrine, collagen, arachidonic acid, or ristocetin will all cause the platelets to aggregate
- In bernard soulier syndrome, everything is normal except ristocetin does not induce aggregation (no GPIb/IX receptor for vWF to bind to)
- In storage pool defects there is reduced response to everything except ristocetin (lower levels of receptors)
- In glanzmann’s there is no GPIIb/IIIa receptor so there cannot be activation-induced aggregation, however ristocetin still induces aggregation through GPIb/IX and vWF binding
Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia pathogenetics
- Several genetic mutations involving GPIIb/IIIa (40% are compound heterozygotes)
- 3 different phenotypes based on the abundance of GPIIb/IIIa (>20% of normal receptor abundance means there is something wrong w/ the receptor)
- Excessive bleeding variable, even w/in same genotype
- Moderate to severe spontaneous mucocutaneous bleeding can occur
- Menorrhagia common, can have severe bleeding after trauma or postpartum
Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia Rx
- Hormonal Rx in women
- Platelet transfusion after trauma or before surgery
- Fibrinolytic inhibitors
- Recombinant VIIa
Acquired platelet function defects
- Medications: aspirin irreversibly inhibits COX, preventing formation of TxA2 (prevents platelet activation/aggregation)
- Other medications either also prevent platelet activation, or they are a GPIIb/IIIa antagonist and they prevent aggregation
- Renal failure (uremia inhibits platelet function)
- Paraproteinemia: IgM interfere w/ platelet interactions w/ fibrinogen/vWF
- Cardiopulmonary bypass: platelets activated in pump, dysfunctional thereafter
- Acquired vWD of aortic valve disease: consumption of HMW multimers by platelet activation (pulls the HMW multimers out of solution)