Plate Tectonics and Volcano Flashcards
A mountain or hill, typically
conical, having a crater or vent
through which lava, rock
fragments, hot vapor, and gas are
being or have been erupted from
the earth’s crust.
A long, narrow, deep depression
in the ocean floor, typically one
running parallel to a plate
boundary and marking a
subduction zone.
Plate under landmasses
Continental Plates
Plate under the ocean
Oceanic Plates
A path along the Pacific Ocean
characterized by active volcanoes and frequent earthquakes
Ring of Fire
How are volcanoes distributed?
Most are concentrated on the edges of continents
What happens to
the oceanic crust as it collides with the continental crust?
The oceanic plate is subducted under the continental plate due to the high density of the oceanic plate.
What do you think may happen to
the leading edge of the oceanic crust as it
continues to move downward?
it will undergo subduction process.
What is formed on top of continental crust?
How is a volcano formed?
One plate subducts beneath the other, resulting in a variety of earthquakes and a line of volcanoes on the overriding plate.
What necessary precautions you
should do during a volcanic eruption?
- Limit your time outdoors and use a cloth mask.
- Avoid areas downwind and river valleys.
- Take temporary shelter from volcanic ash where you are.
- Cover ventilation openings, seal doors and windows.
- Avoid driving in heavy ash.
What are produced from the movement of tectonic plates?
Volcanoes and earthquakes
It is composed of many individual huge pieces of solid rocks called plates
Individual huge pieces of solid rocks
What is the Germanized form of “Pangaea”?
Developed from the 1950s through the 1970s
Plate tectonic theory
Combines the
continental drift theory
Plate tectonics
Plates under landmasses
Continental Plates
Plates under the ocean
Oceanic plates
Thicker and less
Continental plates
Thinner but denser
Oceanic plates
It had its beginnings in 1915
Plate Tectonic Theory
Who proposed the continental drift theory
Alfred Wegener
The record of the strength and direction of Earth’s magnetic field
There are about __ volcanoes in the country
What is a hotspot?
source of a molten rock in the mantle
Occurs when two plates move away from each other and create a gap or a
rift between them.
Divergent Boundary
Occurs where two plates slide each other, commonly forming either a
subduction zone or an orogenic belt.
Convergent Boundary
Occurs when the plates slide against each other in opposite directions, producing
Transform Boundary
a region of deformed rocks.
orogenic belt
is the convergent
movement of tectonic plates
whereby a denser plate is
pushed beneath a lighter one.
On the edges of the Pacific Plate lie a string of ___ volcanoes?
along the coast of South America, the coast of
North America, the Bering Strait, Indonesia, New Zealand, Japan, and Philippines
The oceanic plate subducts underneath the
continental plate, pushing the continental plate upward and forming __?
The denser oceanic plate subducts under the continental plate and
sinks into the ___, the temperature___, causing the rocks
to melt and form ____.
mantle, increases, magma
The Philippines belongs to the ____, which where multiple tectonic plates meet.
Ring of Fire
He published his theory in History
of Ocean Basins (1962), and it
came to be called
Harry Hess, seafloor spreading
Which crust is denser?
Oceanic Crust
If there are two oceanic plates which one will subduct?
The older one
If two oceanic plates have the same density, will both subduct?