Plate Tectonics Flashcards
What’s the mantle made up of?
The mantle is made up of hot molten rock called magma
What is the crust and how thick is it?
The crust is the layer we live on it’s made of solid rock it is between 6km and 70km thick
What is the outer core made of and what does it give?
The Outer core is made of Liquid iron and nickel it gives the earth its magnetic field
What’s the core made of?
The core is made of solid iron and nickel
Name 3 major plates ?
Pacific plate, North American plate ,South American plate ,Nazca plate ,Eurasian plate, African plate,
Indian plate, Indo Australian plate, Antarctic plate
Any of those are correct
What does convection currents mean
Rising and falling of magma in the mantle due to the heats from the core
Continental drift?
The idea of continents moving closer/further away from each-other
Super continent
Sea-floor spreading?
When the earths plates split apart allowing a new crust to form
Slabs of rock that make up the earths crust
What is the name for plates boundaries that collide?
What is the other name for it?
Destructive plate boundary
Convergent plate boundary
What is the name for boundaries that pull apart?
Other names?
Whats the name for plate boundaries that slide past eachother? Other name?
Conservative plate boundary
Transform plate boundary
What happens when continental crust clashes with continental crust?
We get fold mountains! E.g the Himalayas!
What kind of plates are there? And in what ways do they collide?
Oceanic & oceanic
Continental &Continental
Oceanic & continental
What happens when oceanic crust meets continental crust?
The oceanic crust is forced into the mantle where it melts and is recycled into the mantle this called a subduction zone
What happens where plates separate?
Where two plates pull apart magma comes to the surface to fill gap the this is a mid-ocean ridge
What happens when plates slide past each other?
We can often see a line on the Earth surface called a fault line E.G San Andreas fault line and earthquakes