Plastids Flashcards
Plastids are [blank] bound organelles and are the parent organelle to 3 types of “plasts”
chloroplasts, chromoplasts, amyloplasts
3 general functions of plastids
-store strach
-produce pigment
- photosynthesis
there are many types of plastids that come from the proplastid such as:
leucoplast, elaiopolast, chromoplast, chloroplast, amyloplast, etioplast
function of elaioplast
store oil
function of amyloplast
store starch
function of chromoplast
produce pigment
function of leucoplast
colorless plastid, involved in synthesis of metabolites
function of gerontoplast
structure of chloroplast
- stroma
- envelope membrane
- grana/stroma thylakoid
- plastoglobules
function of chloroplast
light dependent reaction in granal thylakoid stacks, and dark reactions in stroma
chloroplast genome is
has own genome
supports endosymbiosis theory
chloroplasts move in response to the [blank] and [blank] of light in leaf cells
intensity, direction
in dim light, chloroplasts align [blank]
in bright light, chloroplasts align [blank]
parallel, to minimize damage from intense light
chloroplast move on which filament
chloroplast movment is triggered by which wavelenght color
[blank] wavelengths stimulate the formation of actin filaments on the leading edge of moving chloroplasts.
These actin filaments help chloroplasts adjust their position within the cell to [blank]
optimize light capture
Movement of actin mediated chloroplast movement occurs at a rate of [blank] and involves localized actin polymerization.
1 micron per minute
stromules are [blank] that can form connections with neighboring chloroplasts.
extensions from chloroplasts, form neighbouring connections
function of stromules
transfer of materials between chloroplasts
Most genetic screens for factors influencing chloroplast movement have been conducted in [blank] (a plant type)
Researchers use chemical mutagens like [blank] to create random mutations and study their effects on chloroplast movement. They look for key genes involved in processes like [blank] and [blank]
EMS, actin polymerization and light response
Chloroplasts interact with other organelles like [blank] and [blank] during photorespiration to recover carbon lost due to [blank] oxygenase activity.
mitochondria, peroxisomes, Rubisco’s
How is FISH used with chloroplasts
Use FISH to visualize regions of the plastid genome
use fluorescent probes marking inverted repeats and total genome coverage.
How do epi flurosescent techniques help
Techniques using epi-fluorescent microscopy allow researchers to track chloroplasts in real-time under varying light conditions.