Plastics Flashcards
Orbit dimensions
40-45 mm deep
45 mm wide (max width ~1 cm behind rim)
35 mm high
30 cc volume
Bones and structures of SOF
Greater and lesser sphenoid wings
Transmits CN 3, 4, v1 and 6; SOV, symp fibers to iris dilator
Bones and structures of optic canal
Within lesser wind of sphenoid
Transmits optic nerve, ophthalmic artery and sympathetic nerves to blood vessels
Bones and structures of the inferior orbital fissure
Bordered medially by maxillary bone, anteriorly by zygomatic bone and laterally by greater wing of sphenoid, palatine
Transmits CN V2, zygomatic nerve, inferior ophthalmic vein, venous comm. btwn ophth vein & pterygoid/sphenopalatine plexus
Foramen ovale, rotundum, lacerum
Ovale: V3
Rotundum: v2
Lacerum: ICA
Spinosum: MMA
Central retinal artery entry into optic nerve
13 mm posterior to globe
Ant/post ethmoidal foramen
Jxn of frontal and ethmoid bones
SOF structures inside/outside annulus
In: CN 3 (sup/inf), nasociliary, CN 6,
Out: lacrimal n, frontal n, trochlear n, SOV
Parasympathetic and sympathetic innervation pathways
Parasympathetic via short ciliary nerves through ciliary ganglion
sympathetic via long ciliary nerves
Pre tarsal orbicularis heads
Superficial: extends from ant lac crest to form part of MCT then inserts on zygomatic bone
Deep: extends from post lac crest to surround canaliculi (horners muscle), forms part of LCT, then inserts onto lat orbital tubercle
Preseptal orbicularis
Anterior limb from MCT & post lac crest/lac sac fascia (Surrounds sac), then continues to lat palpebral raphe
Orbital orbicularis
Inserts at medial canthal tendon and interdigitates with frontalis muscle superiorly at brow
Forehead muscles and functions
- Frontalis: moves scalp anterior and post; raises eyebrows; innervated by CN 7; independent muscle
- Corrugator: pulls medial eyebrow inf/med producing vertical glabellar wrinkle; Originates from nasal process of frontal bone; innervated by CN 7; part of orbital orbicularis
- Procerus: pulls forehead and medial brow inferiorly producing horizontal lines in nose; interdigitates with inf edge of frontalis
LPS horns
Muscular portio (40 mm), aponeurotic (15-20 mm; 2 horns)
Lateral: Inserts into lateral orbital tubercle; divides lacrimal gland
Medial: Inserts onto posterior lacrimal crest; inserts onto lower half of Tarsus to form eyelid crease
Whitnalls ligament
10 mm above superior edge of tarsus
Attachments: medially to trochlea; laterally to lacrimal gland and lateral wall 10 mm ABOVE Whitnall’s tubercle
Origin of Mullers muscle
Peripheral arterial arcade found between aponeurosis and mullers muscle
Muscle Analogous to mullers in LL
Inf tarsal muscle; symp innervation; arises from CPF at level of lockwood’s ligament
Capsulopalpebral fascia
Analogous to levator apo. Originates from inferior rectus sheath Encircles inferior oblique muscle joins to form Lockwood ligament fuses c septum and inserts into inf Tarsus
Lockwood’s ligament
analogous to Whitnall’s ligament
Medial and lateral horns attached to retinacula forming suspensory hammock
Dimensions of Tarsus
29 mm long
1 mm thick
superior tarsal plate: 10 mm in height
Inf: 4 mm in height