Plasticity Flashcards
What is brain plasticity
A feature of the brain whereby its structure and function change all the time, through perception, task performance and after damage.
What are some consequences of plasticity
Cortical reorganisation - a piece of cortex that loses its function then takes up a new task
Cortical expansion - the size of the represented body part in the cortex depends on the amount of use of that part.
Memory - synapses can be strengthened or weakened over various time scales.
What is the central governing rule of plasticity
‘Hebbian learning’ - postulated by Donald Hebb
‘Neurons wire together if they fire together’
Synapses weaken if the activity of the neurons are not correlated.
What is plasticity like in infants
It is non-selective, all stimuli induce plastic changes = critical period of development.
What is plasticity like in adults
It is selective, controlled by task demands and context.
How do salient stimuli induce plasticity
- Stimuli in the focus of attention (i.e. in working memory)
- Surprising stimuli
- Stimuli which are associated with a reward.
What is the role of neuromodulators in plasticity
Plasticity is enhanced by neuromodulators (a messenger released from a neuron to affect another group of neurons that have an appropriate receptors) released from the limbic system (a collection of mostly subcortical areas regulating emotion and memory).
How are areas of the limbic system activated
Areas of the limbic system are activated in context and task-dependent ways
E.g. the nucleus basalis releases acetylcholine which selectively amplifies input in the focus of selective attention, and weakens others.
Connections supporting the representation of attended stimulus become stronger.
Nuclei in the limbic system project to all parts of the cortex.
Explain cortical reorganisation in the motor cortex (examples of plasticity)
- Motor neurons in a rat that control the whiskers are cut.
- Motor cortex reorganisation occurred within a few weeks - the other brain areas took over the area that controlled whiskers, so that area gained a different new function since the function to control whiskers was no longer needed.
Explain cortical reorganisation in the visual cortex (examples of plasticity)
- Echolocation recruits in the visual cortex.
- Two PPs; echolocation expert and control PP
- Listened to background sounds; clicks and echoes vs just clicks
- Echolocation expert: increases in brain activity in occipital lobe and other areas.
- No contrasts in control subject.
Explain cortical expansion in motor cortex (examples of plasticity)
- String players vs control
- Somatosensory stimulation of thumb (D1) and little finger (D5) of left and right hand.
- Dv was the distance between areas activated by D1 and D5
- String players has a larger representation
Describe how plastic changes have been found to be reversible
- Tonotopic mapping; different tone frequencies are mapped to different parts of the brain area in an orderly way
- In young rats, tonotopic mapping showed that neurons are narrowly tuned to tone frequency
- In aged rats, it showed that many neurons are broadly tuned - this fits with the symptom of ageing; lower freq discrimination ability - decline in the discrimination between stimuli.
After conducting simple discrimination training on the aged rats for 1 hour a day for a month, the auditory cortex in old rats was restored to a ‘youthful’ state.
What are the main approaches for treating neurological impairment and psychiatric illness
- Pharmalogical
- Targeting behaviour
There are also promising areas including
1 . recover from injury or stroke - hemispatial neglect
- schizophrenia
- ageing
Brain plasticity offers a new approach: fixing the underlying faulty brain mappings through specific training.
What are some varieties of synaptic plasticity
• Long-term potentiation (LTP) • Long-term depression (LTD) These two are hours to months • Short-term synaptic depression (STSD) • Short-term synaptic facilitation (STSF) These two are milliseconds to seconds.
Describe LTP and LTD in action
LTP is Hebbian learning in action: discovered by Bliss & Lomo (1973) in a rat hippocampus.
They stimulated an electric potential to a granule cell and then measured the response across the synapse to measure the effects of repetitive stimulation.
The baseline assessment was just a single pulse.
The condition was multiple pulses at either 100 Hz or 5 Hz.
When there was fast stimulation it led to long-term depression which reduced the post-synaptic potential.
Essentially, LTP strengthens synapse connections while LTD weakens them.
Describe short-term synaptic plasticity
STP (i.e. dynamical synapses): synaptic efficacy changes over time in a way that reflects the previous use of the synapse, i.e. the history of presynaptic activity.
Its duration is tens of milliseconds to several seconds.
It is in contrast to Hebbian learning (LTP and LTD)
What is the synaptic plasticity and memory (SPM) hypothesis
Activity-dependent synaptic plasticity is induced at synapses
during memory formation (learning).
Memory representations are
distributed across synapses and encoded as synaptic strengths.
How does memory reside in the synapses
Memory representations are encoded and distributed over multiple synapses.
Memory is an emergent property
How does memory representation take insight from computational modelling
- Hebbian learning in an artificial neural network.
2. STP in a model of auditory cortex.
Explain the neural network representing visual images
At each time point, each neuron has a certain activity level in the 0-1 range.
The state of the network corresponds to a unique image.
As the neurons interact with each other, the sate of the network changes.
The light intensity of each pixel represents the activation value of the neuron.
What is the Hopfield network
Hopfield (1982, 1984) showed how point attractors can be ‘manufactured’ in neural networks through plasticity.
Modifying synpatic strengths according to Hebbian learning and the current state of the system turns this state into an attractor.
These attractors function as associative memory representations.
Partial or nosy input leads to original representation.
We have content-addressable associative memory.
How does the attractor equate to memory representation.
The original image is encoded as a system attractor.
The system “recognizes” a corrupted stimulus.
It takes the stimulus and associates it with a memory representation by reconstructing the state it was in when it underwent learning.
How is memory distributed
It is distributed across all the synaptic connections.
Synaptic weights determine where the attractor is.
If you change any one of the weight values, the attractor changes location and the memory representation is changed.
The same network can have many attractors.
The same set of connections can encode multiple memory representations.
The attractor is an emergent property of the system which emerges when the units interact with each other.
How can the auditory cortex be translated into computational models
Computational unit: cortical column
Connections with short-term synaptic depression.
Describe the replication of MMN in simulations
A complex 5-tone sequence; deviant 3rd and 4th tone flipped.
Deviant produces a clear MMN sequence.
Removing synaptic plasticity removes adaptation and the MMN.
So temporal binding as reflected in MMn needs STP.
Describe the temporal binding responses
Columns respond to speech stimuli as temporal entities.
1. strong response to complete word
2. weak or no responses to parts presented in isolation.
Once again, temporal binding requires short-term synaptic depression.
Describe synaptic depression as memory.
Each stimulus changes the cortical network uniquely and thus leaves a memory trace.
Ergo: each stimulus is also met by a system which has been changed by the previous stimulation.
Thus responses become dependent on historical context.