Plasticity Flashcards
Neural Plasticity
• Lifelong ability of the brain to reorganize neural pathways and neural activities based on new experiences • Ongoing process of change, in response to new experiences • Brain level: glial/vascular • Network: reorganization of cortical maps and patterns • Inter/intracellular • Biochemical • Genetic
Neural plasticity after injury can be
•Restorative: Direct; Resolution of temporary changes and recovery of the injured tissue. •Compensatory: Indirect; Different neural circuits enable the recovery of lost or impaired function.
How does CNS respond to damage?
•Early: depress brain function; local response (edema and diaschisis); synaptic effectiveness •Intercellular responses: denervation supersensitivity, etc •Changes in cortical maps Remapping after peripheral lesions (amputations)
Early Transient Events
oEdema •Cytotoxic: accumulation of fluid •Vasogenic: leakage of proteins and fluids •Compression of axons, affects conduction oDiaschisis •Temporary disruption/depression of function in an intact brain area •Affects neuronal process far from the primary site of lesion •Caused by reduced blood supple, reduced metabolism, edema oSynaptic Effectiveness •Spontaneous recovery/resolution of neural shock because of Reduction of edema Resolution of diaschisis Absorption of necrotic tissue
Denervation supersensitivity
• Occurs when critical # of neurons destroyed • Postsynaptic membrane of a neuro becomes hyperactive to a released transmitter • Supersensitive because it doesn’t get the normal amount of stimulus. Increases number of available receptors, increases their responsiveness Parkinson’s causes a loss of dopamine producing neurons in the substantia nigra. Due to the denervation, the postsynaptic target neurons become hypersensitive to the dopamine that is released.
Recruiting/Unmasking of silent synapses
o Normally not functioning, masked under normal conditions o Facilitated by injury, drugs, experiences
Synaptic Hypereffectiveness
Presynaptic changes •Increased release of NTs Postsynaptic changes • Changes in postsynaptic membrane sensitivity Ex: increased sensitivity to Acetylcholine
Neural Regeneration (regenerative synaptogenesis)
o Seen in PNS o Begin sprouting 3-7 days after injury o Can travel long distances, but grows 1 mm per day
Collateral Sprouting (Reactive Synaptogenesis)
o 4-5 days after injury o Neighboring normal axons sprout to innervate synaptic sites that were previously activated by the injured axons
Experience Dependent Plasticity
o Cortical maps w/in one brain area are DEPENDENT o Can be modified by activity and experience • Learning an instrument at a young age change the strength of neural connection o Experience can also change the strength of neural connections between brain areas.
Experience Dependent Plasticity and Motor Learning
o At first, practice sequential finger tapping skill increases activation of sensory and motor cortical areas M1, M2, S1, S2 o When they get better, activation of motor area decreases, activation of thalamic pathways to other brain regions increases. o Constant shifting of which tasks require the most intense activation in which brain areas
Changes in Cortical Maps after Lesions: Peripheral
o Occurs after Peripheral nerve lesions, amputation, prolonged immobilization o Cortical maps are use dependent, if not used it will be replaced
· Changes in cortical maps after CNS Lesions
o Brain reorganization can occur following deafness or blindness
§ These area can be reprogrammed to respond to other sensory stimuli
§ Area still performs original function but responds to different mode of stimulation
o Reorganization of affected hemisphere through:
§ Redundant pathways OR
§ New regions taking over function of damaged area
§ Damage to primary motor causes activation of secondary motor areas
ú PMC, SMC, Cingulate Cortex
· Changes in Cortical maps after lesion: Contributions of Ipsilateral Pathways
o Uncrossed pathways play an important role
o Contralateral primary motor cortex (cortex on the side opposite to affected area) may play a role
· Changes in Cortical maps after lesions: Cerebellar contributions to Recovery from Ctx. Injury.
o Cerebellum enhances motor learning
o Generates new pathway b/w cerebellum and CTX that support more automatic performance of skilled movement
o Contralateral cerebellum is important