Plastic Flashcards
Nasofrontal angle
Line tangent to glabella through nasion and intersecting with a line tangent to dorsum
115-135 deg
Boundaries of forehead
Hairline to glabella
Anterior hairline in the midline
Most prominent point of the forehead on profile
Deepest depression at the root of the nose. Corresponds to nasofrontal suture
Region root of nose
Superior orbital ridge to lateral nasal wall
Soft tissue correlate of osseocartilagenous junction
Osseocartlagenous junction at nasal dorsum
Point cephalic to tip
Most anterior projection of nose in profile
Junction of columella and upper lip
Labrale superius
Vermilion border of upper lip
Central portion of interlabial gap
Labrale inferius
Vermillion border of lower lip
Mentolabial sulcus
Most posterior point between lower lip and chin
Most anterior soft tissue point of the chin
Most inferior soft tissue point on chin
Cervical point
Innermost point between the submental area and neck
width of eye
1/5 of facial width
normal intercanthal distance
- 5-37.5mm for women
26. 5-38.7mm for men
average palpebral opening
10-12mm in height 28-30mm in width
upper lid crease
11mm from the lash line
nasolabial angle
angle is formed between the intersection of a line tangent to labrale superius and subnasal and a line tangent to the most anterior point of the columella
95 to 110 deg women
90 to 95 deg men
nasofacial angle
incline of the nasal dorsun in relation to facial plane
30-40 deg ideally 36 deg
nasomental angle
angle between tangent line from nasion to tip intersecting with a line from tip to pogonion
120-132 deg
simons tip projection
1:1 with upper lip
goodes method tip projection
55 to 60 deg
alar to tip lobular complex
gonzales ulloa zero meridian
ideal chin position
Tangential line from nasion to pogonion and perpendicular frankfurt horizontal plane
Cervical point
Innermost point between the submentum and neck
Long axis of ear is parallel to long axis of nasal dorsum
15 degrees from the vertical plane
Ear protrudes from theskull
At an angle of 20-30 deg/ 15-25mm
Hyperdynamic facial lines
Long term facial animation
Forehead creases, crows feet and glabellar lines
fitzpatrick classification
I white always burns never tans
II white usually burns tans with difficulty
III white sometimes burns sometimes tans
IV white rarely burns tans with ease
V brown very rarely burns tans very easily
VI black never burns always tans
Seborrheic keratoses
Verrocous surface slightly raised soft friable brownish black
Benign inherited with no malignant potential
Lesser trelat sign
Colonic adenoca
Dermatosis papulosa nigra
Small smooth pigmented hyperkeratotic papules
Variant of sebboreheic keratoses
Verruca vulgaris
HPV Common warts (filiform) - HPV 2 and 3
Molluscum contagiosum virus family (EM2)
Small discrete skin colored dome shaped papillomas with umbilicated centers
Actinic keratoses
precancerous lesion
sun exposed area fourth decade of life
5Fu imiquimod retinoid cream
photodynamic therapy dermabrasion and chemical peels
most common malignancy in humans more common in men 40-60 yrs old UVB nasal tip and ala most common
basal cell CA
ideal scar
flat level of the skin
good color match
narrow parallel to RSTL at the edge of subunits
indicationa for scar revision
widened perpendicular to RSTL webbed pin cushioned long and linear and misaligned with RSTL hypertrophied interrupting aesthetic units of the face adjacent to but not lying within a favorable site causing distortion of facial features scar revision after 60-90 days