Plastic Flashcards
Nasofrontal angle
Line tangent to glabella through nasion and intersecting with a line tangent to dorsum
115-135 deg
Boundaries of forehead
Hairline to glabella
Anterior hairline in the midline
Most prominent point of the forehead on profile
Deepest depression at the root of the nose. Corresponds to nasofrontal suture
Region root of nose
Superior orbital ridge to lateral nasal wall
Soft tissue correlate of osseocartilagenous junction
Osseocartlagenous junction at nasal dorsum
Point cephalic to tip
Most anterior projection of nose in profile
Junction of columella and upper lip
Labrale superius
Vermilion border of upper lip
Central portion of interlabial gap
Labrale inferius
Vermillion border of lower lip
Mentolabial sulcus
Most posterior point between lower lip and chin
Most anterior soft tissue point of the chin
Most inferior soft tissue point on chin
Cervical point
Innermost point between the submental area and neck
width of eye
1/5 of facial width
normal intercanthal distance
- 5-37.5mm for women
26. 5-38.7mm for men
average palpebral opening
10-12mm in height 28-30mm in width
upper lid crease
11mm from the lash line
nasolabial angle
angle is formed between the intersection of a line tangent to labrale superius and subnasal and a line tangent to the most anterior point of the columella
95 to 110 deg women
90 to 95 deg men
nasofacial angle
incline of the nasal dorsun in relation to facial plane
30-40 deg ideally 36 deg
nasomental angle
angle between tangent line from nasion to tip intersecting with a line from tip to pogonion
120-132 deg
simons tip projection
1:1 with upper lip
goodes method tip projection
55 to 60 deg
alar to tip lobular complex
gonzales ulloa zero meridian
ideal chin position
Tangential line from nasion to pogonion and perpendicular frankfurt horizontal plane
Cervical point
Innermost point between the submentum and neck
Long axis of ear is parallel to long axis of nasal dorsum
15 degrees from the vertical plane
Ear protrudes from theskull
At an angle of 20-30 deg/ 15-25mm
Hyperdynamic facial lines
Long term facial animation
Forehead creases, crows feet and glabellar lines
fitzpatrick classification
I white always burns never tans
II white usually burns tans with difficulty
III white sometimes burns sometimes tans
IV white rarely burns tans with ease
V brown very rarely burns tans very easily
VI black never burns always tans
Seborrheic keratoses
Verrocous surface slightly raised soft friable brownish black
Benign inherited with no malignant potential
Lesser trelat sign
Colonic adenoca
Dermatosis papulosa nigra
Small smooth pigmented hyperkeratotic papules
Variant of sebboreheic keratoses
Verruca vulgaris
HPV Common warts (filiform) - HPV 2 and 3
Molluscum contagiosum virus family (EM2)
Small discrete skin colored dome shaped papillomas with umbilicated centers
Actinic keratoses
precancerous lesion
sun exposed area fourth decade of life
5Fu imiquimod retinoid cream
photodynamic therapy dermabrasion and chemical peels
most common malignancy in humans more common in men 40-60 yrs old UVB nasal tip and ala most common
basal cell CA
ideal scar
flat level of the skin
good color match
narrow parallel to RSTL at the edge of subunits
indicationa for scar revision
widened perpendicular to RSTL webbed pin cushioned long and linear and misaligned with RSTL hypertrophied interrupting aesthetic units of the face adjacent to but not lying within a favorable site causing distortion of facial features scar revision after 60-90 days
fusiform shape with 30 degree angled ends positioned within RSTL
serial excision
wide scars
skin grafts
tissue exapnder
base of an expander should br approximately 2.5 to 3 times as large as the area to be constructed
tissue expanders
epidermis is thickened melanin production increases mitotic activity increases dermis thins collagen synthesis is enhanced hair follicle
number remains unchanged hair
density decreases muscle thins blood vessels proliferate
Irregularization is needed
GBLC and W plasty
Irregularization and lengthening
Z plasty
Z plasty
60 deg- 75%
45 deg- 50%
30 deg- 25%
6-8 week intervals
Preservation if reticular dermis
Re epithialization accomplished after 5 to 7 days post treatment erythema 2to 3 mos
Intralesional steroids
Lessen pin cushion edema
Can cause hypopigmentation and telangiectasia
Silicone sheeting
8 to 12 hours per day use it for 6 to 12 months
Pivotal flaps
Rotation flap
Width of the pedicle twice as large ad width of defect
Transposition flaps
Linear axis Random blood supply Compound or axial Mose useful local flap Length of random flap must not exceed three times the width
Interpolated flap
Pivotal flap with linear configuration
Must pass over and under intervening tissue
Advancement flap
Linear flap
Depends on elasticity
V to Y advancement flap
A structure or region requires lengthening or release from contracted state
y to v advancement flap
Reduce redundancy
Hinge flaps
Trap door Turn in Turn down Full thickness nasal defect With a second flap Close mature sino nasal and salivary fistulas
Nasa subunits
Dorsum Sidewall Alae Facets Tip Collumella
Melolabial interpolated flap
Does not violate aesthetically important faciAl sulcus
Paramedian forehead flap
Surface defect of collumella dorsum nasal sidewall
Auricular cartilagr
Replace lower lateral cartilage
Septal cartilage
Replace upper lateral cartilage
Ipsilateral septal mucosal flap
Septal branch of labial artery
Contralateral septal mucosal flap
Anterior ethmoid artery
Composite turn out flap
Full thickness central nasal defects
Paramedian forehead flap
Supratrochlear artery
1.7 to 2 cm lateral and midline corresponds to the vertical tangent of the medial aspect of the brow
Proximal 1/4 remains thick
Pedicle detachment after 3 weeks
Aesthetic unit upper lip
Two lateral segments
Lip reconstruction
Those that use remaining lip tissue
Those that borrow tissue from opposite lip
Those that use adjacent cheek tissue
Those that use distant flaps
Less than 1/2 defect of lip
Primary closure
One half to two thirds defect of lip
Karpazandic flap
Lip defects with oral commisure
Lip defects without oral commisure
Abbe flap
Abbe flap
Labial artery
Full thickness flap pedicled at the vermillion border
Pedicle is severed after 2-3 weeks
Closure of the lip in 4 layers
Deep dermal
Recon of cheek defect
Rhomboid flap
120 and 60 degree angle
Bilobed flap
For cheek defect
1st lobe 20%smaller than the defect
2nd lobe 20% smaller than the 1st lobe
Medial cheek defects
Rotational flap border along the lower lid
Large inferiorly based rotation flap for cheek defects
Dissected beneath the SMAS and platysma
Small and medium sized skin defects cheek
V to Y advancement
Medial and lateral cheek defect
Superiorly based transposition flap
Reconstruction of forehead defect
Preservation of frontalis muscle function
Preservation of sensation of the forehead skin
Placement of scars within aesthetic borders
Aesthetic units of forehead
Lateral temple
Goals for reconstruction of forehead defects
Maintenance of eyebrow symmetry Maintenance of natural appearing temporal and frontal hairlines Hiding of scars along the hairline Creation of transverse scars Avoidance of diagonal scars
Ideal location in forehead defect to heal by secondary intention
Well away from the brow, lateral third
submuscular fibromuscular extension of the pladtyma muscle arises superiorly from the zygoma and is continuous with the inferior cheek with the platysma
Facial nerve
Deep to SMAS
Ameliorate melolabial fold
Extended supra SMAS
improve midface
Subperiosteal advantage
Extensive release of periosteum away from the zygoma and maxilla for better elevation of upper lip No pre auricular scar Does not impair vascular supply Lifts orbicularis oculi Lifting of oral commisure
Transorbital acces
Subperiosteal disadvantages
Increase horizontal width
Risk to temporal and buccAl branch
Greater postoperative edema
Supra SMAS advantage
Does not reposition zygomatic musculature
Avoid risk to temporal and buccal branch
Less post operative edema
Supra SMAS disadvantage
Long preauricular cutaneous flap
Reduces skin vascularity of the face
Risk to zygomatic branch of nerve VII
Does not lift orbicularis oculi
Subcutaneous facelift with plication of the SMAS
most common
Safest from facial nerve paralysis
Shorter long term improvement of the jowl and no correction of midface
SMAS rhytidectomy
SMAS flap is dissected from the parotid
Strip SMASectomy
Excising a strip of SMAS advancing the mobile SMAS posterosuperiorly to the junction of the SMAS
Advantage of simplicity but no effect on midfacr
Subperiosteal rhytidectomy
Superior displacement of muscles
Transtemporal subperiosteal advantages
No pre auricular incision
Concomitant lateral brow lift
Transtemporal subperiosteal disadvantages
Risk to temporal and buccal bramch
Requires endoscope
Poor access to periosteal dissection of maxilla
Transorbital subperioosteal supraperiosteal advantages
Direct access for dissection and suspension of midface
More vertical vector for suspension of midface tissues
Transorbital subperioosteal supraperiosteal disadvantages
Risk to buccal bramch
Risk to infraorbital nerve
Risk of lower lid retraction
Transoral subperiosteal advantages
Direct access for dissection of mid face
Ease in elevating periosteum of maxilla
Transoral subperiosteal disadvantages
Risk to buccal branch
Does not provide suspension for midface
Greater risk of infection risk to infraorbital nerve
Goals of rhytidectomy
Preserve motor and sensory function
Modify cervical fat if excessive
Tighten the SMAS and platysma
Redrape cervical and facial skin and trim excess
Classic rhytidectomy incision
Above the auricle curving upward and forward to end 1 to 2 cm above the level of the eyebrow