Plasmapheresis is a process in which
Plasma can be extracted from the subject without removing the red blood cells
Blood is withdrawn
Plasma is separated and
Red blood cells are returned to the patient
Formation of plasma proteins
All albumins
All fibrinogen
50-80% globulin are formed in liver
Remaining globulin formed in lymphoid tissue
A person with sever Renal disease can loose as high as
20g plasma proteins per day
This is replaced by liver which can produce as high as 30g per day
Which liver cells produce plasma proteins
Parenchyma cells of liver
Reticuloendothelial cells
Transthyretin is also know as
Function of transthyretin
Transport of thyroid hormone and retinol
Fibrinogen function
Blood coagulation
Precursor of fibrin
Albumin function
Maintenance of osmotic pressure in plasma which prevents plasma loss from capillaries
Immunoglobulins function
Humoral immunity
Iron transport
Copper transport
Haptoglobin function
Hemoglobin transport outside the RBC
The thousands of plasma proteins that are present in our blood are collectively called
The normal A/G ratio is
4.9gram Albumin per dL
2.3gram Globulin per dL
What happens during decrease of plasma proteins concentration as a result of starvation
Proteins in the plasma cause colloidal osmotic pressure or ONCOTIC PRESSURE
During prolonged starvation fluid goes from intravascular space to interstitial space
Thereby causing generalised edema
Osmotic pressure is determined not by the mass of molecules but by the
Number of molecules present
Maximum to minimum number of plasma proteins molecules order
Albumin > Globulin > Fibrinogen
Heaviest to lighted plasma proteins
Fibrinogen > Globulin > Albumin
80% of total colloidal osmotic pressure by
Remaining 20% ONCOTIC pressure by
Almost 0% by fibrinogen
Albumin also acts as a carrier for
- Steroid hormones
- Fatty acids
- Thyroid hormones
Sex hormone binding globulin
Corticosteroid binding globulin
Thyroxine binding globulin
Overall functions of plasma proteins
- Source of amino acids for the tissues ( reserve proteins )
- Plasma proteins as carrier proteins(transport mechanism) Eg. TBG SBG SHBG
- Maintenance of ONCOTIC pressure or colloidal osmotic pressure
- Role in blood coagulation
- Role in defence mechanism of body
- Regulation of acid base balance
- Maintain Viscosity of blood
- Role in ESR (globulin and Fibrinogen accelerate roleaux formation by RBCs
Roleaux formation by RBCs is accelerated by
In embryonic stage plasma proteins are synthesized from
Mesenchyme cells
Plasma protein that is synthesized first in embryos is
Gamma Globulin is synthesized from
B lymphocytes