Plant metabolism ALL Flashcards
Plant organisation/structure
- Vacuole = 95-98% of cell volume. separates from cytosol by tonoplast
- Adjacent cells are connected w/ plasmodesmata. Allows free diffusion of small compounds up to 8kDa btw cells
- Apoplasm = space outside plasma membrane where material can diffuse freely
Carbohydrate flexibility/oxidation
- Plants use ↑ range of carbohydrates as respiratory substrates
- Sucrose, metabolic flexibility
- Starch in plastid or fructans in vacuole
- Other C sources e.g. raffinose
Varying response to developmental requirements
- 14C supplied to exiled maize root tips + different sections of root tip separated + fractionated
- Co2 contains ↓ proportion of 14C, acidic compounds the most
- Different components synthesised in different proportion in each section
Alternative metabolic pathways
- 14C experiments
- DHAP + G3P = mirrors (1-3) (6-4)
- C3+4 = COOH in pyruvate → CO2 in TCA
- Rest = acetyl coA
- Hypothetically, Cs are release 3/4, 2/5, 1/6
- C3/4 = labels in aa, so not just CO2 (must be another route for making organic aa → PEP carboxylase)
- C1+6 should be equivalent. C1 actually > C6 (alternative route for decarboxylation of glucose → PPP)
- C2 should > Co2 from C6 but x (alternative route for release of CO2 from C6 → UDP glucose)
Plants contain multiple isoforms
- Ion exchange chromatography column showed 2 peaks for PFK
Carbohydrate oxidation isoforms
- Plastids + cytosol
- Encoded for by different genes
- Duplication occurs as compromise btw requirements in pathway (C oxidation needed for E source vs source of intermediates that can act as precursors (plastid))
- 2 roles could conflict, need pathway to be regulated in response to demand for both
- Translators that catalyser controlled exchange of specific intermediates
Analysis of plant metabolism
- Measuring E activity
- Tissue disruption = breaking tough cell wall
- Enzyme inactivation - proteases + polyphenols in vacuole
- Assay of enzyme - contains isozymes so have to compromise conditions - Measuring metabolites (metabolite levels)
- Low amounts - cytosol could only occupy 2-5% of cell. Need ↑ tissue and have ↑ background noise
- Breakdown extraction - phosphatases/hydrolases in vacuole = released. Mixes + distorts levels - Metabolic flux measurements
- Low metabolic rates, difficult to measure substrate utilisation through depletion
- Diversity of substrates/ complexity of pathways = ↑ end-products + pathways
Plant transfer
- Transfer w/o vector
- Direct uptake into naked protoplast e.g. w/ electroporation (24,000V)
- Biolistic gun, most popular, small gold particle coated w/ solution of DNA + fired into plant tissue - Virus mediated transfer
- Either DNA or RNA viruses
- Advantage = can simply infect plant cells + virus can replicate within infected tissue
- Disadvantage = most viruses are RNA-based, handling difficult and ↑ levels of unpredictable recombinatino - Agrobacterium-mediated transfer
- Technically simple, ↑ capacity for gene insertion
Agrobacterium natural
- Moves to plant w/ cellular damage in response to phenolic compounds e.g. acetosyringone
- Then transfers tDNA into host
- Genes encoded in tDNA:
1. E for growth regulators e.g. auxins + cytokines then → synthesis of auxins → de-deifferentiation + multiplication of infected cells → crown gall tumor
2. Genes responsible for synthesis of opines. Used as source of N + respiration substrate in bacteria
3. Vir genes (8 transcriptional units VirA-H e.g. VirA/6 encodes 2-component system responsible for detecting phenolic compounds)
Agrobacterium technical
- tDNA region x have to be in same plasmid. Often vectors modified → binary vector system
- Vir genes maintained in separate large plasmid + tDNA region is excised to small plasmid (easier to manipulate)
- tDNA plasmid could tDNA region w/ genes for opines removed + replaced w/ kanamycin resistance + GOI
- Can select, transfer to different medium + grow to a good size
Agrobacterium floral dip procedure
- Take immature Arabidopsis seedlings + submerge in medium w/ Agrobacterium
- Flowers fertilised + seeds spread on soil + germinated. Treat w/ kanamycin + select what grows
How can Agrobacterium be used to manipulate enzymes of metabolism
- Antisense inhibition
- Coding region (PFP) inserted in reverse btw promoter + terminator that allows expression in cells
- Catalytic capacity of PFP ↓ by 80-90% WT + x effect respiration - PFK
- Coding region in sense orientation
- 20x normal PFK in selected transformed lines
- PFK = thought to be rate-limiting stage. But even though ↑ ↑ expression, x impact on rate
Insertional mutagenesis
- Ablate expression of individual genes in plants
- Exploits agrobacterium + ability to insert v large pieces of foreign DNA into host
- E.G. used tDNA to ablate expression of glycolytic E like glycerate mutase (plastidic)
- → ↑ normal lipids (conversion of 3PGA-2PGA x essential)
- If ablate genes encoding plastid enzymes (2-PG→PEP), → normal lipid production (cytosolic pathway can supply PEP needed)
- x necessarily pathway used by WT but just plastid x essential
Light vs Dark reaction
- Dark reaction = CO2 fixation, E located in stroma
- Light reaction = energy harvesting, in ↑ structured thylakoids
Electron transport chain
- PSI absorbs photos that excite e-, e- donated to e- carriers, hole in PSI is filled by PSII and hole in PSII is filled by oxidation in water
- PSII starts with strong oxidant, generates weak reductant
- PSI starts with weak oxidant, generates strong reductant
LHCII structure
- Has core complex D1 + D2
- Surrounding core complex = peripheral antennas encoded by 6 genes Lhcb1-6
- Lhcb1-3 = variable numbers, Lhcb4-6 usually = single q
Evidence for coordination btw PSI + PSII
- Illuminate plant w/ PSII light
- Initial ↑ chlorophyll fluorescence
- Turn on PSI light, ↑ in photosynthesis + small ↓ in fluorescence (PSI pulls e-s from PSII)
- Turn off PSI ↓ photosynthesis, ↑ in fluorescence
- Inverse relationship btw ↑ in PSI photosynthesis + ↓ of fluorescence in PSII = redistribution
PsaH, L + O
- Structure to 3.3A
- PsaH,L+O form interface btw LHCI+LHCII
- Particularly, PsaL interacts w/ phosphate on residue 3 threonine
- For lHCII to share excitation E w/ PSI, need ↑ ordered chlorophyll.
- PsaO = associated w/ 2 chlorophyll molecules positioned in orientations + at distances that allow transfer of E
Transcriptional redox control of PSI + PSII
- CSK responds to amount of oxidised PQ through identification of BS for PQ on CSK
- Autophosphorylated CSK → activation.
- Facilitates phosphorylation of sigma factor associated w/ plastid-encoded RNA pol
- In phosph. form, RNA pol can transcribe PSII, PSI transcribed weakly
- Reduced PQ = PSI + II genes both transcribe
4 Factors required for net CO2 assimilation Calvin cycle
- Irreversible. Keq for Ru1,5BP → 3PG = 10^6
- Means ↑ photosynthesis products even when ↓ precursor - 1st step has ↑ affinity for CO2. Km = 9um (E close to saturation in physiological conditions)
- Regenerates initial CO2 acceptor
- Cycle adjusts levels of RuBP to ensure con. of CO2 acceptor = maximum
Rubisco effector activation
- Activator = carbamylated
- Inhibitor = decarbamylated form
- Inhibitor to decarbamylated shifts eq. to decarbamylated form so ↑ proportion of E = inactive
- Tight-binding inhibitors, released slowly
- E.G = RuBP itself. Binds to inactive decarbam. form + released v slowly
Reasons for regulation of the Calvin Cycle
- Adjustment to changes in light intensity/CO2 availability
- Switch off in dark to avoid depleting NADH/ATP
- Intermediates are shared w/ pathway of carbohydrate oxidation
SBPase, FBPase, PRK
- Alkaline pH optimum + magnesium dependent (↑ [MG2+] ↑ activity] + redox state
- So activity goes from ↑ in light to ↓ in dark by 95%
- Thioredoxin reduce disulphide bridges in target e.g. PRK, 2 lys = oxidised w/ BS for ATP at AS. Reduced so open bs so ATP can bind. Changes conformation of the E
- Plants w/ 1/2 SBPase WT activity = significant but non-proportional inhibition (Cj = 0.1-0.2) due to ↓ regenerative capacity of TCA
- Transformants w/ 15% PRK activity had Cj = 0.06, even smaller than FBPase
- FBPase x effect photosynthesis until 60% removed
- Enzymes that thought to have ↑ control x but are ↑ regulatable
Explanation of SBPase,FBPase,PRK activity
- PRK as an example
- PRK activity depends on relative conc. of reactants (+ve), products (-ve) + modulators (e.g. 3PGA -ve)
- If remove PRK, R5P→R1,5BP slows down
- But, R5P made at previous rate + R1,5BP removed at previous rate. R1,5BP levels ↓ + R5P levels ↑
- ↑ in R5P (product) activate E + ↓ in product (R1,5BP) + 3PGA also help activate