plant list 2 ID Flashcards
to be able identify minnesota trees
What is Bush Honey suckle scentific name
Caprifoliaceae Diervilla lonicera
>leaf opposite and simple leaf having elliptical shape and long pointed and serrated toothed
> yellow to red tube like flowers and hair inside tube with spreading petals appearing in late summer
> Fruit is red berries
> Gray to light brown shreddy bark as get older.
> Twig
slender branches greenish/red turning brown
> form is a bush 4 feet high and sprawling bush
> buds are brown and stubby buds lateral buds imbricate scales bud scales
> habitat
Tennesee to lowa Newfoundland to Sataskachawan range found in MN and Wisconsin
what is is scientific name of fly Honey Suckle
Caprifoliaceae Lonicera canadensis
> leaf opposite simple leaves elliptical and narrow smooth leaf margins pale green underside
> 5 lobed bell shaped flowers hanging down in pair and are white in color.
> Fruit is orange berries in wide pairs
> Twig is slender and silvery to reddish/grey color and has solid pith
> bark finely peeling and gray/reddish
> Form is Straggly open shrub get 3 feet tall in height
> buds small and pointed
> habitat
from Connecticut to Minnesota down to Virginia and Northern Canada New Brunswick and Ontario
What is the scientific name of Common Elder
Caprifoliaceae Sambucus canadensis
leaf is opposite pinnate compound 5 to 11 elliptical leaflets long sharp point at terminal of leaf serrated leaf margin with bottom leaflets have 3 lobed leaves
flower is dense white clusters that are flat and 8 inch across in summer
fruit is small berries in clusters are black to purple
twig is stout sliver to yellow color and warty lentecils white pith
buds small red pointed and lacking terminal buds
bark is smooth and brown with warts and furrowed when older
form is shrub multi steamed arching over up 12 feet tall and truck is short
habitat is Northeastern to Midwest
Scientific name of Red Berried Elder
Caprifoliaceae Sambucus Pubens
leaf opposite pinnate 5-7 leaflets toothed margin and lanced shaped and hairy underneath
Flower tiny white flowers in pyramid shape
fruit red round berries
green and has white pith and scatered lenticels
and when old twigs are brown pith is orange brown
buds pink buds
bark brownish gray and fissured when older
form shrub 7-20 feet tall multi steamed
found in uniyed states , Asia,Europe
What is the scientfic name of 🧙 nannyberry
Caprifoliaceae Viburnum lentago
Leaf opposite and simple and finely serrated ovate shaped and tiny black dots underneath and petiole is redish color
> flower small white flowers round top clusters
Bark smooth and gray and when older becomes irregular scaly
> form is a shrub large and get up 20 feet tall and open crown and arching branches and muti stemed
> habitat
Northeastern and great lakes
What is the scientific name of Downy Arrow wood
Caprifoliaceae Viburnum rafinesquianum
> leaf
simple and pinnate compound opposite egg shaped and coarsed toothed
> flower bell to saucer shapped and white in color and 5 rounded lobes
Fruit egg like and black in color single seed inside
twig are reddish brown
.bark warty and lumpy bark grey in color
form is shrub 5 to 6 feet tall
> habitat
pefers shade or partial shade well drained areas
what is scienfic name of highbush cranberry
Caprifoliaceae Viburnum trolobum
Fruit is red round berries that resemble the cranberry
and have 1 flat seed in them
> twig green and brown with waxy feel
< buds is red to green and 2 fused scales and opposite buds.
> bark light brown to grey with little texture or little roughness
Form is a shrub and get 8-15 feet tall and mutlti stemed
Habitat mosited but well drained by streams and wetlands
what is the scientific name of speckled Alder or tag Alder
Betulaceae Alnus incana
< leafs alternate and simple blunt at the tip and egg shaped and roundish to wage shape and doubled coarsely toothed
< Flower is catkins hangs down there like little narrow cones reddish in winter and yellow in in color spring
< fruit and the fruit is like pine cone there short and stubby green then dry to brown color
< Twig redish to brown got hair on new growth and smooth older , lots of scattered lenticels and there white color
< buds is there erect and short and stubby and 2 -3 scales and purple to dark black /gray
form is shrub muti stemmed and 10-25
habiat marshes and wet areas
what is scienfic name of yellow birch
Betulaceae Betula alleghaniensis
leafs dark green on top and lighter green on bottom
alternate leaf pattern simple leaf. fine serrated and soft to fuzzy.
bark golden color bark
flower are the catkins
fruit brown winged nuttlet like pine cone
twig green to brown hair on young twigs super spots on older twigs
Buds egged shaped and pointed and reddish brown
form is a tree single stemed 60-75
habiat part shade to full sun slopes and swamp areas
what is the scientfic name of black birch or river birch
Betulaceae Betula nigra
leaf alternate and simple and lanced shape or diamond shaped and broad
deep and double toothed
Flower catkins long
fruit catkins and oval shaped and nutlets
twig winter green smell when broken and thin and hairless dark red tom brown
buds upright sharp buds
form is a tree and single stemmed 40-50 tall
habitat cool and well drained
What is the scientfic name of paper birch
Betulaceae Betula papyrifera
leaf alternate and simple leaves egged shaped double serrated margins rounded base
flower catkins and can self pollinate
fruit is cone like and cylindrical green in color
Twig is slender dull red brown and lighter lentecils
bark is red to brown when younger and white when older get is paper bark that come off is sheets horzontal peel
form is a tree single stemmed and grows up to 50 to 70 feet tall
habitat sandy loam and well drained
what is the scientfic name of bog Birch
Betulaceae Betula pumila
leaf alternate and simple narrow at base large rounde teeth and shinny green
flower long catkins and yellow and green
fruit cone like wingede nutlets
twig slender dark red sticky sometime hairy
shinny red brown horizontal pale lentecils
form dense shrub 5 feet tall multi stemmed
habiat grown in bogs
What is the name of scientfic name blue beech American Hornbeam
Betulaceae Carpinus caroliniana
Leaf simple and alternate egged shaped tappered to a point sharply double toothed
flower yellow to green bracket catkins
fruit greenish hairy nutlet fruiting catkin 3 lobed bracket
brown and shinny and slender and scattered lenticels
light grey
form tree is single steamed and grows up 20-35 feet
habitat shady areas moist soil
what is the name of scientific American hazel nut
Betulaceae Corylus americana
leaf alternate simple leaf double serrated heart shaped and rounded base
flower is catkins and brown and long and narrow cylider shaped
fruits are edible brown nuts and green leaf husk
slender red little hairs
buds are small with few scales light brown to dark brown color
bark is light grey and smooth and criss cross net pattern
form is a shrub multi stemmed and getting 12 feet in height
moist to dry woods
what is scientific name of beaked hazel
Betulaceae Corylus cornuta
leaf alternate and simple leaf heart shaped and double serrated
light brown catkins cluster 2 -3
edible brown nuts in leaf husk tube like beak
slender light brown and hairless
buds grey to brown thin red hairs
bark is light grey and criss cross pattern
form alternate is shrub and multi stemmed and 6-12 feet tall and dense shrub
habitat moist areas at edge or in open forest