Plant Family ID Flashcards
1-8 needles wrapped together at the base by thin membrane
Pine family
Pines, Larches, Spruces, Firs, Douglas Fir, Hemlock
Bright green, deciduous needles arranged in a spiral at the branch buds
Sharp, pointed needles that role between the fingers. The cones hang down
Soft, furry needles that are flat and won’t roll between the fingers. The cones point up
Douglas Fir
Cones hang down. The cones have distinctive, three lobe, Trident like bracts between the scales.
Short, flat, blunt needles attached by small stem
Gooseberry family
Bushes with Palmate leaves. Translucent berries with attached sepals
Saxifrage family
Small plants with small flowers, parts and fives, plus an oblong pistol with two styles
Grape family
Vining plants with tendrils and berries
Heath family
Mostly red, pink, or white bell shape flowers with flower parts in fives. Leaves often Evergreen.
Geranium family
Flower parts in fives with a needle like pistol and a five parted stigma
Evening Primrose family
Flower parts usually in fours, including a four lobed stigma
Violet family
Slightly irregular pansy like flowers
Willow family
Trees/bushes with alternate leaves in moist soil. Catkins form many small capsules