Plant examples growing in protected environment Flashcards
How to overwinter pelargoniums by taking cuttings?
Take softwood cuttings in late summer, and discard original plant.
Once cuttings have rooted they can be overwintered.
Water only occasionally, allowing compost to dry out between waters.
Jan/Feb - start feeding with balanced liquid fertiliser. every 7-10 days.
At the same time pinch out shoot tips to encourage bushy growth.
Pot up in individual pots in spring.
Harden off and place outside once risk of frost has passed.
How to overwinter pelargoniums by storing in plastic pots?
Before first frost, lift and store in pots of compost. (John Innes no.1)
Cut back to 10cm
Keep pots in frost free, light location.
Water sparingly until growth begins in Spring.
Repot into John Innes no 2 compost in spring.
Harden off and plant out after frost.
Can also be used as cutting material.
How might alpine plants be displayed in an alpine house?
In clay pots sunk in sand or grit/gravel on a bench.
In a belfast sink.
Top dressed with washed gravel.
Alpline house needs side vents - good ventilation.
Reasons why we use a protected environment when growing decorative plants/crops?
Provides the optimum environment for year round growing extending the season, and producing maximum yield and best quality.
Describe Cyclamen persicum
Decorative pot plant.
Many different types, but this one grown all year round as a houseplant. Min temperature 5-7 degrees.
It is tuberous.
Green heart shaped mottled with silver leaves,
Flowers are nodding 5 petals pink or white flowers, and many different coloured cultivars.
Toxic if ingested by humans or pets.
How to propagate from seeds?
Seed sown as soon as ripe in JUNE after soaking for 12 hours.
Seed is sown and covered and watered from below.
Germination is 23-30 days.
Germinate best in dark.
Leaves develop from tiny corm. Once 3 leaves can be potted up.
Need good drainage - mix of sand & John Innes no, 2.
Grow on in cool greenhouse or cool house - max 22 degrees.
Feed every 2 weeks with balanced NPK fertiliser.
Water from below, as leaves important not to let leaves get wet. Prone to fungal disease - botrytis.
After flowering leaves fade as it goes into dormant period. Reduce watering and feeding.
Remove any dead leaves.
Pests & diseases for Cyclamen persicum
Aphids - use parasitic wasp
Disease - botrytis - remove damaged leaves, reduce humidity, water from below, make sure plants properly spaced and good ventilation.
Name a flower that can be grown all year round under glass as a cut flower?
Chrysanthemum x morifolium
What are two different types of growing of Chrysanthemums?
Spray or Blooms
Spray are many smaller flowers on stems.
Blooms are a single large bloom on each stem.
How to manage Spray flowers?
When terminal bud is large enough to handle remove it and allow side shoots to develop.
How to manage bloom flowers? (or singles)
Remove any lateral side shoots that develop (Like tomatoes) On each side shoot which remains remove all shoots and buds except the terminal bud (Disbudding)
How to propagate Chrysanthemum x morifolium?
Take basal cuttings in spring. Use hormone rooting powder. Pot in gritty compost, with a propagator lid to keep moisture levels high until they root.
Or buy rooted cuttings and pot on outside in May.
Can be brought into the greenhouse in September, to be harvested October, November.
Pest and disease for Chrysanthemum x morifolium?
Pest - aphids or white fly
Disease - Botrytis
Why is tete a tete sometimes grown under cover?
To force bulbs to flower early. Gives us spring colour to brighten the winter months.
Define what forcing a bulb is?
Making a bulb flower earlier than it would in it’s natural environment by manipulating light and temperature.
Describe Narcissus tete a tete?
15cm tall.
Dwarf daffordil. Strap like green leaves. Miniature golden yellow trumpet shaped daffodil flowers.
Naturally flowers in spring, but can be forced to flower earlier under cover.
When is the most popular time to force them to flower?
December, January, February as not much in flower at this time. Can be manipulated to flower later up to April.
How to grow narcissus tete a tete?
Select healthy well formed bulbs.
Plant in 15-25cm pots
Sandy loam/mix grit sand and compost.
Need good drainage.
Plant so top of the bulb is just below the surface.
Plant bulbs closely but not touching.
Plant October - for Dec/Jan forcing.
Place in cold dark place - a coldframe or cold part of a greenhouse. 13 weeks at 0-10 degrees.
After 13 weeks slowly acclimatise plants to light and temperatures of 15-18 degrees.
Flower in approx 3-4 weeks. Jan/February.
When does tete a tete usually flower?
March/April if not forced.
Pest and disease for Narcissus tete a tete?
Pest - slugs/snails. Pick off, copper tape, beer traps, metaldehyde slug pellets.
Narcissus yellow stripe virus. - yellow streaks down leaves, plant lose vigour. Destroy diseased daffodils. Buy certified virus free stock.
Where can you display housplants?
Homes, offices, restaurants, conservatories, shops.
Where should you not situate houseplants?
Avoid extreme hot or cold temperatures. Next to radiators, near a fireplace, on a south facing window in summer, on a cold windowsill that could be drafty/frosty in winter.
In winter some houseplants may need to be moved closer to windows as light levels drop.
Conservatories too hot in summer and too cold in winter.
Choose right place for right plant. Give examples.
Fern likes a humid bathroom.
Tradescantia zebrina will take some shade.
Cacti like a lot of light, and some will be happy on south facing window.
African violets do not like direct strong sun.
What effects could temperature have on indoor houseplants?
Temperature changes may stunt plant growth and will affect humidity and transpiration.
Plant and medium may dry out.
Leaves may wilt as a result of moisture loss in a drying environment.
Rapid temperature change may result in loss of leaves.
High temperature and dryness may facilitate spider mites.
Cold temperature may cause red/ bronzed foliage
What effects could relative humidity have on indoor houseplants?
High humidity may encourage disease problem eg botrytis.
Low humidity may cause excessive moisture loss wilting/cell damage.
Low humidity + high temp = spidermites
Some plants benefit from being misted daily. Tropical plants require a humid atmosphere.
Grouping plants together can create a humid microclimate around the leaves.
What effects could light have on indoor houseplants?
Generally insufficient light inside buildings.
Insufficient light makes softer, etiolated growth.
Plants should be selected for their tolerence to low light levels.
Alternatively provide artificial lights - particularly in winter.
Moving Ficus Benjamina to a low light level could cause leaf loss.
Bright direct light through a window can cause leaf scorch or wilting.
What effects could air movement have on indoor houseplants?
Excessive air movement will have a drying affect, causing plants to wilt.
Drafts of hot or cold air can cause leaf loss.
What effects could fumes, pollution, dust have on indoor houseplants?
Dust on leaves can inhibit photosynthesis.
Stomata may be blocked by dust.
Some plants may lose leaves as a result of chemical fumes such as paint.
Some plants can be effective at removing environmental toxins from the atmosphere. Formaldehyde.
What effects do pests and diseases have on indoor houseplants?
P&D can thrive indoors, and may be difficult to control.
Red spider mite, greenhouse white fly, aphids, boytrytis, powdery mildew.
What nutritional effects are there on indoor houseplants?
Plants can be in same potting medium for a long time, so can become deficient in nutritional minerals. Also leaches away in containers.
Insufficient Nitrogen of Phosphorous may cause leaf yellowing.
Supplement with liquid feeds during active growing season. Pot on or Repot annually.
Name 5 different materials used for growing medium?
Peat Coir Green compost Wood fibre Composted pine bark
Good potting media must have?
Good moisture retentions.
Good drainage, air filled porosity to ensure plants do not become waterlogged.
Good nutrient retention.
Reasonably lightweight to enable containers to be lifted and moved if necessary.
A good structure so that plants can anchor themselves well.
Free of pest and disease causing organisms.
What can you add to compost to make it more free draining?
Grit or Sand or Perlite or Vermiculite
Named example of a fern houseplant?
Adiantum raddianum (Maiden hair fern)
How to propagate Adiantum raddianum?
Divide in spring using a clean sharp knife to cut rhizomes. Each section should have 2 fronds.
How to pot on and care for Adiantum raddianum ?
Pot on in spring in a plastic pot 3-6 cm deeper and wider than it’s original pot.
Use organic based moisture retentive but free draining potting mix.
Remove any circling roots.
Bright indirect light in summer, full light in winter.
Likes a humid environment - good in a bathroom.
Feed April - September with diluted fertiliser once a month.
Keep moist at all times.
Remove browned dead leaves as they appear.
Re-pot every 2 years during spring if roots are bound and it’s drying out too quickly.
Pest & Disease for Adiantum raddianum?
Scale insect - brown dome shaped scales appear on leaves. Control with parasitic wasp or wipe off with warm water with eco friendly detergent.
Root rot from overwatering. Make sure pot is able to drain freely after watering and doesn’t sit in water on a saucer.
How to propagate Ficus Benjamina?
Leaf bud or semi ripe cuttings can be rooted in potting medium or water.
What don’t Ficus Benjamina like?
Being moved. Drops it’s leaves.
What conditions do Ficus Benjamina like?
Bright light. 16-24 degrees. No lower than 10 degrees. Not in a draft. Misting advised in summer. Feed from April - September once a month with a diluted fertiliser. October-March don't feed as not actively growing. Less watering in winter. Let dry out between waters in summer. Remove old leaves and prune to size that suits alloted space. Pruning best done after summer and before spring.
Pest and disease for Ficus Benjamina?
Pest - red spider mite
Disease - Botrytis
What is botanical name for Flaming Katy?
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana
How to propagate Kalanchoe blossfeldiana?
Stem cuttings spring or summer.
Allow the cutting to dry out for a few days and callus over.
Plant in 9cm clay or plastic pot using catcus mix.
Mist medium before inserting.
Keep moist and out of direct sunlight.
Roots should come 3-4 weeks.
How to grow on Kalanchoe blossfeldiana?
Grow in area with plenty of sunlight but not direct light.
Cactus mix/light sandy soil.
Sensitive to cold - so keep between 15-29 degrees.
Water in active growth regularly, but reduced watering when plant is dormant.
Let it dry out between waters.
Remove dead or wilting flowers at the stems.
In spring repot.
Short day plants so Flowers in February.
Pest and disease for Kalanchoe blossfeldiana?
Vine weevil and generally disease free.
How to propagate Poinsettia?
Softwood stem cuttings in May.
How to pot and grow a Poinsettia?
Plant in plastic pots using 3:1 John Innes No 3 to grit.
Plant at same depth as rooted cutting.
Full sun or semi shade.
Min temp 12 C.
Cold can damage leaves 18-21 degrees is optimum.
Need higher temperature to colour up.
How to get Poinsettia to flower for Christmas?
They are short day plants, so blackout blinds are used to extend the night period to 12 hours early in September so flowering is initiated and they are ready for sale in November.
When to repot Poinsettia?
Repot in May /June if they get pot bound.
To induce flowering again.
Prune back to 10cm in April.
Repot growing them in a light cool spot over summer.
From November onwards place plants in a dark room for a 13 hours night and protect from artificial light sources.
Need constant temperature of 18 degrees.
Pest & Disease for Poinsettia?
Whitefly - parasitic wasp or spray with fatty acid spray
Golden rules for house plants?
Water - allow to dry out between waters. (apart from Ferns)
Feed with a general purpose fertiliser once a month or potassium if flowering plant like African Violet.
Repot if gets pot bound.
Dead head flowers or remove dead leaves.
Most like bright light but not direct sunlight.
Most like temperature around 18 degrees.
Give them a rest in winter.
Suit conditions where they are natively from. Ferns like dappled shade, and humid. Kalanchoe blossfeldiana likes bright light and warmth.