Planning Level 1 Flashcards
What is the planning hierarchical structure?
- NPPF (2021)
- Local Plan
- Neighbourhood plans
What is the NPPF?
NPPF 2021
- Sets out national planning policy
- Framework for Local Plans
- Promotes sustainable development
What is the Planning Practice Guidance?
Guidance on certain areas of NPPF such as sustainability
How does the NPPF promote sustainable development?
- Address UN sustainable development goals
- Protect and enhance the environment
- Improve Biodiversity
What is the London Plan 2021?
- Framework for how London will develop
- Policies inform decisions on applications
- Economic, environmental, Transport, social framework
What are local development frameworks?
- Sets out development in a borough
- Made up of Local plan, SPG’S, Site allocations
How is a Local Plan made?
- Material Gathering
- Reg 18 - public consultation
- Reg 19 - proposed submission
- Examination by sec of state
- Adoption
What are the time scales for a planning application?
- Normal = 8 weeks
- Larger = 13 weeks
- Larger + Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) – 16
Types of planning application
Full, Outline, Listed building consent
How do you know what documents you need for a planning application?
Councils Validation Checklist
What are s106 agreements?
- Planning obligations enforced by LPA
- They are negotiable
- Case by case basis
When do you need a S106?
Before planning permission is granted
What are examples of S106 obligations?
- Community gain
- Affordable housing, new schools, open space
What is CIL?
- Fixed payments made by developers
How is CIL calculated?
Additional floor space and charging schedule