Planning History Flashcards
Ordinance of 1785
Provided for the rectangular land survey of the Old Northwest. The rectangular survey has been called the “largest single act of national planning in our history and…the most significant in terms of continuing impact on the body politic” Daniel Elazer
When was the first model tenement built
Where was the first model tenement built
What was the Homestead Act
1862- opened the lands of the public domain to settlers for a nominal fee and five years residence
Who launched a campaign in 1864 to raise housing and sanitary standards
NY Council of Hygiene of the Citizens Association
What year was the first major tenement house law passed and what did it do?
1867 in NY. It restricted physical conditions
What city enacted the first zoning law restricting obnoxious uses? What year?
San Francisco, 1867
What year was the Dumbbell Tenement debut? What was it?
1879- A form of multifamily housing widely built in NY until the end of century and notorious for the poor living conditions it imposed on its denizens (lack of light, air, space)
Where was the first model industrial town, what years was it built and who designed it?
1880-1884, Pullman, IL, George Pullman
Who wrote How the Other Half Lives, What year, what was it about
Jacob Riis, 1890, reported on deplorable living conditions in NY
First survey recognizing problems of slums and cities
1892- survey federal government
What year was the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago, why was it important
1893- commemorated the 400th anniversary of the discovery of the New World. A source of the City Beautiful Movement and the urban planning profession
When was Tomorrow a Peaceful Path to Real Reform published, Who wrote it, what did it start?
1898-Ebenezer Howard, start of the Garden City Movement, reissued in 1902 as Garden Cities of Tomorrow
What year was the first state court support of restriction on height of buildings?
What year was the NY State Tenement House Law passed and what did it do?
1901- legislative basis for the revision of city codes that outlawed tenements such as Dumbbell Tenements. Lawrence Veiller was the leading reformer.
What year was Letchworth constructed?
1903- First English Garden City, stimulus to New Town movement in America (Greenbelt Towns)
What year was the first local civic center plan developed, where and by whom?
1903- Cleveland, Daniel Burnham
What year was the first application of “City Beautiful” principles applied, what city, by whom?
1906-San Francisco, Burnham
When was the first comprehensive city survey done and where?
When and where was the first official local planning board created?
1907- Hartford, CT
When and where was the first national planning conference?
1909- Washington, D.C.
First American Use of zoning to restrict future development. When and Where?
1909-Los Angeles creates multitude of zones
Where was the first State enabling act passed and what year?
1909- Wisconsin
What year was the Plan of Chicago developed and by whom? Why was it important?
1909-first metropolitan regional plan-by Dan Burnham
What year was the first American test of neighborhood ideas? Where?
1910- Forest Hill Gardens, Long Island, NY
What was the name of the First American textbook on planning, who wrote it, what year?
1913- Shurtleff- Carrying out the City Plan
When was the first private planning consultant firm created, by whom?
1913- NYC-George Ford and Ernest Goodrich (Technical Advisory Corporation)
What was the first state to enact mandatory referral of subdivision plats and what year?
1913-New Jersey
First State to make planning mandatory for local governments? What year?
1913- Massachusetts
What city employed the first full time planner? What year? Who?
1914- Newark, NJ- Harland Bartholomew
First State to institute extraterritorial mandatory referral of subdivision plats? What year?
1915- California
Who wrote Cities in Evolution, What year? what is the importance?
1915- Patrick Geddes- creates the foundation for regional planning theory
What year was the National Park Service created? Why?
1916- sole responsibility for conserving and preserving resources of special value
What year and where was the first comprehensive zoning resolution adopted?
1916- NYC- Board of Estimates, by George McAneny and Edward Bassett, known as the father of Zoning
What year was Planning of the Modern City published? Who wrote it?
1916- Nelson Lewis
What year was the first federal aid highway act?
When and where was the first regional functional authority plan adopted?
1916- Miami Conservancy District, Ohio
What year was the American City Planning Institute formed? Who was the first president?
1917- Frederick Olmstead
Name three early unifunctional regional authorities from 1919
Metropolitan Sewerage Commission, Metropolitan Water Board and Metropolitan Park Commission combined to form Boston Metropolitan District Commission
When and where was the first parkway in America completed?
1919- Bronx River Parkway, NY
When and where was the first statewide citizens organization in support of planning?
1919- Ohio Planning Conference (model for ASPO in 1934)
When and where were the first historic preservation commissions created?
1921- New Orleans creates Vieux Commission
When and where was the first bi-state functional authority created?
1921- Port of NEw York Authority
What year was the inauguration of the Regional Plan of New York created and by whom?
1922- Thomas Adams
When and where was the first regional planning commission created?
1922- Los Angeles- first of its kind in US
When and where was the first suburban auto-oriented shopping center created?
1922- Kansas City Missouri, County Club Plaza
What year and what US department issued the Standard State Zoning Enabling ACt?
1928- US Dept of Commerce- Herbert Hoover
What year and what city was the first to officially endorse a comprehensive plan?
1925- Cincinnati, Ohio- Alfred Bettman
Who wrote Concentric Zone, when was it published and what did it do
1925- Ernest Burgess- model of urban structure and land use
When and where was the first comprehensive plan adopted by a planning board?
1925- Cincinnati, Ohio
When and where was the first public subsidy for housing?
1926- State of New York
What case and what year was the constitutionality of comprehensive zoning upheld by the Supreme Court
1926- Euclid v. Amber Realty
When and where was the first “new town” built
1928-Radburn, NJ
When and where was Clarence Perry’s monograph on the Neighborhood Unit published
1929- Volume VII Regional Survey of New York and its Environs
What year did the stock market crash and Great Depression start? relevance to planning?
1929- fosters ideas of public planning on a national scale
What year was the National Land Utilization Conference and why is it important?
1931-Chicago- 300 agricultural experts deliberated on rural recovery programs and natural resource conservation
What year was FDR inaugurated and what happened?
1933- New Deal begins with a spate of counter-depression measures
What year was the Federal Emergency Relief Adminsitration set up, by whom and for what?
1933- Harry Hopkins- organize relief work in urban and rural areas
What year was the Home Owners Loan Corporation established and what did it do?
1933- established to save homeowners facing loss through foreclosure
What year was the Tennessee Valley Authority created and why is it important?
1933- created to provide for unified and multipurpose rehabilitation and redevelopment of the Tennessee Valley. Most famous experiment in river-basin planning. Senator George Norris of Nebraska fathered the idea. First large scale regional program in integrated economic, social, and physical development planing by the federal government
When was the First US National Planning Board created and when was it abolished
1933- abolished in 1943 as the Natural Resources Planning Board
What year was the National Housing Act established and what did it do?
1934- Established FSLIC for insuring savings deposits and the FHA for insuring individual home mortgages
What year was the American Society of Planning Officials founded and by whom?
1934- Alfred Bettman first president
what year was the first federally built housing for the general population
What year was the Resettlement Administration established and for what?
1935- Rexford Tugwell, Roosevelt’s braintruster, to carry out experiments in land reform and population resettlement. Built Greenbelt, MD and Greenhills, OH.
What were the first federally built new towns called and when were they built?
1935-37: called greenbelt towns
What year was the US Housing Act passed and why is it important
1937- first major federal legislative commitment to public housing
Who is Homer Hoyt and why is he important
1939- wrote influential “sector theory” of urban structures in his monograph “The Structure and Growth of Residential Neighborhoods in American Cities”
What year was ACPI renamed and to what?
1939- American Institute of Planners (AIP)
What year was the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act passed and what did it do?
1944- guaranteed loans for homes to veterans under favorable terms accelerating growth of suburbs
When and where was the first state redevelopment act passed?
1945- Pennsylvania
What year did the construction of Park Forest, IL and Levittown, NY begin
What was the first american city to adopt a new comprehensive plan following WW II and what year
1948- Cincinatti
When was the first comprehensive housing legislation passed?
1949- Wagner-Ellender-Taft Bill- Housing Act- aimed to construct 80,000 units. Inaugurated urban redevelopment program
What year was the National Trust for Historic Preservation Created
1949- chartered by Congress
What year was the first US federal urban redevelopment program passed
1949- clearance program
Berman v. Parker
1954- Supreme Court upholds rights of Washington, D.C. redevelopment land agency to condemn properties that are unsightly though non-deteriorated if required to achieve objectives of duly established area redevelopment plan
When and where does the Council of Governments movement begin?
1954- COG’s begin in Detroit area.
What was the US House Act of 1954
First US federal conservation and rehabilitation program, first federal 50/50 funding for preparation of general plans (701)
Who wrote Image of the City and what year
1960- Kevin Lynch- defines basic elements of a city’s imageability (paths, nodes, edges, etc)
When and where was the first state wide zoning instituted?
1961- Hawaii
Who wrote the Death and Life of Great American Cities
1961- Jane Jacobs- critique of planning and planners, urban renewal
What year was the first federal housing subsidy program
When and where was the first flexible zoning ordinance introduced
1961- NYC-
When was Columbia Maryland built
1963- featured class integration and the neighborhood principle
What year was the Civil Rights Act passed and what did it do
1964- outlaws discrimination based on race, creed, and national origin in places of public accomodation
Who wrote the Urban General Plan, what year
1964- TJ Kent
When was HUD created
1965- Housing and Urban Development
Who the first secretary of HUD
Robert Weaver
What year was the National Historic Preservation Act passed
1966- established National Register of Historic Places- provides for the protection of preservation worthy sites and properties threatened by federal activities.
What year did the Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act launch?
1966- model cities program- interdisciplinary attack on urban blight and poverty. Centerpiece of Lyndon Johnsons Great Society program
When and who published Design with Nature
1969- Ian McHarg- linking planning to the natural environment
What was the National Environmental Policy Act
1969- requires and environmental impact statement for every federal or federally aided state or local major action that might significantly harm the environment
When was the Federal Environmental Protection Agency established
1970- administer main provisions of Clean Air Act of 1970
When and where was the introduction of the transfer of development rights
1971- Chicago
Golden v. Planning Board of Ramapo
1972- NY High Court allows the use of performance criteria as a means to slow community growth
When was the first federal revenue sharing program
When was the first national land-use legislation introduced
1972- it was aborted, introduced by Senator Jackson
When and where was the first rapid transit system built
1972- BART- Bay Area Rapid Transit in San Francisco Bay Area
Housing and Community Development ACt
1974- replaces the categorical grant with the block grant as the principal form of federal aid for local community development
When was APA created and what groups merged to form it?
1978- AIP and ASPO
Penn Central Transportation Co v. City of New York
1978- US Supreme Court upholds NY Citys landmark preservation law as applied to grand central terminal. The Court found that barring some development of air rights was not a taking when the interior of the property could be put to lucrative use
Regan Revolution
1980- planning profession challenged to adapt to a new policy environment: reduce federal domestic spending, privatization, deregulation. phase out some earlier aids to planning and planning programs
Mt Laurel NJ case
1983- all 567 municipalities in the state must build their fair share of affordable housing. decision against racial segregation
nollan v. california coastal commission
land use restrictions to be valid must be tied directly to a specific public purpose
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act
1991- ISTEA- provisions for a National Scenic Byways Program and for transportation enhancements, each of which includes a historic preservation component. first federal transportation law to mandate planning
lucas v. south carolina coastal council
1992- supreme court limits local and state governments ability to restrict private property without compensation
dolan v. city of tigard
1994- rules that a jurisdiction must show there is a rough proportionality between the adverse impacts of a proposed development and the exactions it wishes to impose on the developer
president clinton creates how many new national monuments in 2000
8 in 5 states- Canyons of Ancients, Cascade-Siskiyou, Hanford Reach, Ironwood Forest Grand Canyon-Parashaunt, Agua Fria, Grand Sequoia, California Coastal.