Planning & Development Management L1 Flashcards
What is planning appraisal?
A planning appraisal evaluates a site’s development potential by assessing planning policies, constraints, and opportunities.
How is planning appraisal used?
It helps developers and investors understand feasibility before acquiring land or submitting a planning application.
How does planning appraisal fit within the development process?
It is an early-stage assessment that helps determine project feasibility before land acquisition.
What is development management?
The process by which local planning authorities assess and determine planning applications.
Why do we have development management?
To ensure developments align with local and national policies while balancing economic, social, and environmental factors.
What is development control?
A subset of development management focused on assessing and deciding planning applications to ensure compliance.
Who are the key stakeholders in development management?
Key stakeholders include:
* Developers
* Landowners
* Community and residents
* Statutory consultees
* Planning consultants and surveyors.
What determines the need for planning consent?
It is determined by assessing Permitted Development Rights, Use Class changes, and compliance with local and national policies.
What are key considerations for planning consent?
Considerations include:
* Heritage constraints
* Environmental impact
* Highways
* Flood risk.
What is involved in pre-application consultation?
Conduct initial research, prepare a submission, and submit it with the required fee to the LPA.
What is the process for obtaining planning permission?
Starts with pre-application discussions, followed by submitting a planning application, public consultation, and LPA assessment.
What information is required for a planning submission?
Required information includes:
* Application form & fee
* Site plans & elevations
* Design & Access Statement
* Assessments (if required)
* Planning Statement.
What is a Flood Risk Assessment (FRA)?
An assessment that determines flood zone classification and mitigation needs.
What types of surveys are required for site/building assessments?
Required surveys include:
* Site planning history
* Flood risk
* Biodiversity
* Archaeology
* Highways
* Utilities.
Who typically carries out these surveys?
Specialist consultants such as environmental assessors, conservation officers, and archaeologists.
How do you analyze environmental features?
* Desktop studies
* On-site surveys
* Impact assessments
* Mitigation strategies.
How long does it take to obtain a planning decision for standard applications?
8 weeks.
What is a Planning Performance Agreement?
A voluntary agreement between an applicant and LPA to set a project timeline beyond statutory deadlines.
Who makes planning decisions?
Decisions are made by planning officers or the planning committee.
What are the main issues in determining planning consent?
Main issues include:
* Compliance with the Local Plan
* Impact on highways
* Environmental factors.
How can interested parties get involved in planning determination?
Interested parties can:
* Participate in public consultation
* Submit objections or support
* Speak at meetings.
When can an application be ‘called-in’ by the Secretary of State?
If it raises issues of national importance or conflicts with policy.
When are applications referable to the Greater London Authority?
If they exceed strategic development thresholds or affect Mayoral priorities.
What is the role of local councillors in the planning system?
Councillors represent residents, vote in planning committee meetings, and help shape local planning policies.
What is the role of planning officers?
Planning officers assess applications, provide recommendations, and enforce planning conditions.