planning dev app related Flashcards
Give 4 examples of work where planning permission is required?
New build construction on a vacant site, new build extension not under permitted development, change of use not under permitted change, increase in fence height adjacent to a highway above 1m.
What information is contained within a planning application?
Client and agent names, site address, details of the works, proposed materials, plans and drawings, access statements.
What is the timeframe for planning consent?
8 weeks from validation, longer for listed buildings.
What recourse is available in the case that permission is rejected?
Prepare and submit an appeal within 6 months if there are grounds.
What enforcement action can be taken?
Planning contravention notice, authority entry to land with 24 hours’ notice, stop notices.
Is there a limit as to when enforcement actions can be taken?
Change of use to a dwelling: 4 years. All other breaches: 10 years.
What is NPPF?
National Planning Policy Framework - sets government planning policies in England.
What are the policies behind the NPPF?
Sustainable development, community decision-making, town center renewal, housing supply.
What is a listed building?
Building placed on Statutory List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.
How is a building listed?
Submit an application to English Heritage, Secretary of State makes the decision.
Under what legislation is a building listed?
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.
What classes of listed building are there?
Grade I (exceptional interest), Grade II* (important interest), Grade II (special interest).
Why are buildings listed?
Architectural and historic interest, historical associations, age, rarity, aesthetic merit.
What part of the building is listed?
Listing covers the entire building, including interior, fixtures, fittings, and curtilage.
What about the curtilage of a building?
Structures built before 1 July 1948 within the curtilage are part of the listing.