Planning 20.09.23 Flashcards
What are the planning policies you have regard to in site search/ assessing opportunities and why
National Level - NPPF
Offers guidance in which should be considered as material consideration in determining planning applications
What NPPF policies do you consider with a foodstore application
-NPPF is fundamentally based upon achievements of sustainable development through economic, social and environmental objectives (para 8)
-Chapter 6 para 80 – “significant weight should be placed on the need to support economic growth and productivity.
-Chapter 7 para 86 – sequential test
Para 89 – impact test
You mention the sequential test. Can you explain what it is?
A sequential assessment under Paragraph 86 of the NPPF is required for main town centre uses that are not proposed within a town centre.
Evaluating whether the need for main town centre uses can be accommodated on available town centre sites. This step should include consideration of the suitability, accessibility, availability, and viability of the site.
If there are no suitable town centre locations, then the next sequentially preferable must be considered.
You mention the impact test, can you explain?
Under Para 87 of NPPF A Retail Impact Assessment is required as part of an application for retail use which is outside a defined retail centre.
Any application for retail use where gross floorspace will be over 2500 square metres requires a Retail Impact Assessment to be carried out unless local planning policy sets a lower threshold. Through reviewing Knowsley Local Plan Core Strategy, there is no adopted local threshold and therefore the national threshold applies.
During a Retail Impact Assessment, the local planning authority will assess the impact of the proposal on surrounding retail centres
Where do you find the national policy threshold for the impact assessment
Town centres and retail guidance note