Placenta Previa Flashcards
Conservative mgt
In absence of any of the above indications to deliver the fetus, conservative
management is instituted till an indication comes to picture.
o Conservative management in preterm lady includes:
Bed rest (in hospital) —–No place for outpatient management
Dexamethasone 6mg IM Q 12 hours for a total of 4 doses
Follow: Maternal V/S, vaginal bleeding, uterine contractions, fundal
height, FHB, kick count, BPP, serial HCT.
o Deliver at 37 completed weeks of gestation after maturity is confirmed
Route of delivery
depends on the type of placenta previa and presence of
other obstetric indications:
Low lying & anterior marginal → vaginal delivery
Partialis, totalis, & posterior marginal → c/d
Excessive bleeding, NRFS, other indications → c/d
Indications for immediate delivery
Term pregnancy, IUFD, fetal growth restriction, NRFS, excessive
bleeding, gross fetal congenital malformation which may not be
compatible with life, lady in labor.
General mgt
Admit all ladies with APH secondary to placenta previa at time of diagnosis.
Resuscitation based on clinical condition.
Vaginal & rectal examinations are absolutely contraindicated.
Monitor closely maternal & fetal conditions.
HCT, BG & Rh, cross-match at least two units of blood
Decide on conservative management versus immediate delivery