Placement knowledge Flashcards
What is the E4 FOR GCS15
E4- 1 for No open 2 for Pain 3 for to speech 4 for spontaneous
What is V5 in GCS 15?
Verbal response (V)
1 for No verbal response
2 for Incomprehensible sounds (moaning but no words)
3 for Inappropriate words (random or exclamatory articulated speech, but no conversational exchange)
4 for Confused (the patient responds to questions coherently but there is some disorientation and confusion)
5 for Oriented (patient responds coherently and appropriately to questions such as the patient’s name and age, where they are and why, the year, month)
What is M6 for GCS 15?
Motor response (M)-
To assess 6:
- Ask to squeeze hand or stick out tongue to assess 6
To assess 1-5:
-Pinch traps or supra orbital notch with thumb
- No motor response
- Extension to pain- arms extend, wrist goes back
- Abnormal flexion to pain- When elbow bends slow and arm comes across body
- Normal Flexion- Arm bends then moves away from stimulus
- Localizes to pain (Purposeful movements towards painful stimuli; hand across midline above clavicle towards stimulus)
- Obeys commands
How can GCS be used for TBI
TBI into mild (13-15), moderate (9-12) and severe (8 or less)
What are the indications for a catheter? Houdini- Acceptable Indications for a Urethral Catheter
Haematuria Obstruction Urological surgery/intervention Decubitus ulcer Input/output monitoring Not for resus/ EOL care i.e. for comfort Immobility