PLAB Flashcards
Beck’s triad
cardiac tamponade
increased JVP
muffled heart sound
IE criteria
Duke’s criteria (2maj + 1min OR 1maj + 3min OR 5min)
Major: (+) blood culture/ (+) echo
Minor: FROM JANE Fever >38'C Roth's spot Osler nodes Murmur
Janeway lesion
Nail haemorrhage
empirical tx of infective endocarditis
NVE: amoxicillin + genta
if penicillin allergic/ MRSA: vanco + genta
prosthetic valve: van + genta + rifampicin
Congestive HF HTN Age >75 (2) DM Preve stroke, TIA, thromboembolism (2)
Vascular disease (MI, PAD, aortic plaque) Age 65-74 (2) Sex cat (Female)
if >2 give Warfain/ DOAC
- Check Tropnin if elevated
- LMWH or fondaparinux + aspirin 300mg
post MI long-term tx
Aspirin life long ACEi BB @ least 12mo Clopidogrel 12mo Statin
Pulmonary oedema Tx
Diamorphine 2.5-5mg iv slowly
Nitrate GTN spray 2 puff sublingual
pulmonary oedema secondary to HF: add ACEi
Multiple sclerosis dx, tx
MRI: dissemination in space should be confirmed
CSF: increased total protein, high oligoclonal
relapses: po/ iv methylprednisolone 500mg/d 5d
disease modifying: INF-b, Glatiramer
Trigeminal neuralgia tx
anti-convulsant: carbamazepine
DM neuropathy tx
1st: amitryptiline
gabapentin, duloxetine, pregabalin
Diabetic drugs safe to use for renal impairment
RIP (repaglinide, linagliptin, pioglitazone)
insulin, DDP4-i (gliptin)
diabetic drugs cause weight gain
sulphonylureas (gliclazide)
weight gain
bladder cancer concern
heart failaure
antiDM med not to use in RF
Impaired glucose tolerance
Impaired glucose tolerance
antiDM cause hypoglycaemia
sulfonylurea, repaglinide
Adrenal insufficiency
Primary: Addison
Secondary: HPA (iatrogenic)
Addison disease
Low cortisol, low aldosterone
hypo: Na+, glycaemia
Metabolic acidosis
Tx: hydrocortisone 15-30mg
if primary: give fludrocortisone 50-30ug/d
Glucocorticoid excess
Cushing disease, sy: metyrapone, ketoconazole, mitotane
Pri: Conn’s disease
Conn’s disease
HyperNa+, hypoK+
metabolic alkalosis
tx: spironolactone (Aldosterone ATG)
tx: vaptan (vassopressin R- ATG), furosemide, fludrocortisone
ineffective ADH
central: desmopressin
nephro: bendroflumethiazide
Primary PTH
high PTH
High Ca2+
Low PO4
Vit D: norm/ low
Secondary PTH
high PTH
Low/ norm Ca2+
high/norm PO4
V. Low Vit D
Tertiary PTH
V. High PTH
High Ca2+
High PO4
Low/ norm vit D
fluid restriction 800-1000ml/d
vasopressin R ATG: tolvaptan, conivaptan
Severe: demeclocycline
hypokalaemia ECG, sx
fainting, tiredness/weakness, leg cramps, generalised wekaness, constipation, severe muscle weakness, paralysis, resp failure, tetany
ECG: flat T-watnes, ST depression, U waves Prolonged QT interval
hypokalamiae tx
<2.5mmol/l or <3mmol/l w/ ECG
- 40mmol/l KCl in 1L 0.9% normal saline w infusion rate NOT >20mmol/hr
> 2.5mmol/l w/ no ECG changes
- oral K-supplement stbl TDS po Sando-K
hyperkalaemia sx (>5.5mmol/l)
ECG: tall-tented T, flattening p-waves, broad QRS, sinu wave pattern, VFib
hyperkalaemia tx
stop drug
1st line: iv-Ca-gluconate
insulin + dextrose
Salbutamol inhalation
hypercalcaemia sx
polyuria, polydipsia, depression, muscle weakness, constipation, PT shortened
hypercalcamia tx
1st line: fluid bisphosphonate calcitonin steroids cinacalcet
hypocalcaemia sx
siezure, tetany, spasm, perioral paraesthesia, muscle tone increased, orentation impaired, dermatitis, impetigo herpetiformis, chvostek, trousseau
ECG: prolonged QT
hypocalcaemia tx
Wernicke-Korsakoff sy
Thiamine NB aspect of tx
Retrograde amnesia
anterograde amnesia
Korsakoff’s psychosis
TCA poisoning tx
0.9% norm saline 250ml + 8.4% NaHCO3 50mmol/l iv slowly
Paracetamol poisoning N-acetylcysteine admin
Pt present >8hrs after ingestion
uncertatinty of timing of overdose
unconscious or have suspected overdose
staggered overdose
stages of hypovolaemic shock
stage 1: norm, 10-15%
stage 2: >100bpm, 15-30%
stage 3: >120 30-40%
stage 4: >140 >40%
smudge cell
Auer Rod
DIC bleeding time
increased: PT, aPTT, INR, D-dimer,
decreased: fibrinogen, plt
haemophilia bleeding time
increase aPTT + muscle/ joint bleeding
vWD bleeding time
increase aPTT + BT + mucosal bleeding
decreased fVIII
Normal PT
plt count norm
ITP bleeding time
decreased: plt + Bleeding/ purpura w/ or w/o Hx URTI
anaemia in preg
T1: <11g/dL
T2: <10.5g/dL
T3: <10g/dL
What cell are found in G6PD deficiency?
heinz bodies, bite cells
what cells are found in CLL?
Smudge cells
CYP450 inducers
Bull Shit CRAP GPS Barbiturate St Johns Wort Carbamazepine Rifampin Alcohol Phenytoin Griseofulvin Phenobarbital Sulfonylureas
CYP450 inhibitor
SICKFACES.COM Sodium valporate Isoniazide Cimetidine ketoconazole fluconazole alcohol Chloramphenicol Erythromycin sulfonamide ciprofloxacin omeprazole metronidazole
status epilepticus tx
- 2 separate doses: iv lorazepam (hospital)/ buccal midazolam or rectal diazepam (outpt)
- iv phenytoin>phenobarbital
- iv phenobarbital
restless leg sy tx
1stline: n-ergot DA-AG
medullary stroke
ipsilat horner sy
loss pain & temp of face
contralat loss pain & temp limb
trigeminal neuralgia tx
carbamazepine 1st line
gabapentin + ropivacaine injection
PID empirical tx
ceftriaxone 500mg single dose im –> doxycycline 100mg x2/d + metronidazole 400mg x2/d 14d
po ofloxacin 400mg x2/d + po metronidazole 400mg x2/d 14d
PID hospital tx
iv doxycycline 100mg x2/d, single dose iv ceftriaxone 2g od, iv metronidazole –> po doxycycline 100mg x2/d + metronidazole 400mg x2/d 14d
Pre-eclampsia MgSo4
MgSO4 loading dose 4g infusion 5-10min in 0.9% NaCl 100ml –> further infusion 1g/hr maintained for 24hrs after last seizure
If recurrent seizures: bolus 2g MgSO4 or increase infusion rate 1.5-2g/hr
Maintenance 1g/hr for 24hrs
Chlamydial cervicitis
Azithromycin before chlamydial doxycycline
Gonorrhoea cervicitis
Ceftriaxone 1g im as single dose
Azithromycine 1g po
smoking or Hx smoking, obesity >30kg/m2, Hx thromboembolism, learning difficulties, postpartum (if breast feeding >6mo if not 6wks), migraine w/ aura, HTN even if controlled
Acute alcohol w/drawal sx management
BDZ: chlordiazepoxide/ diazepam first then thiamine
alcohol hallucination/ seizure (Delirium Tremens)
iv Lorazepam OR diazepam
Wernicke’s encephalopathy
vit B1
What to check for pt on Li?
TFT, Renal
What to check for pt on amiodarone?
electrolytes, urea
steps for ectopic preg?
Urine preg test (+) TBUS check if uterus empty if pt stable check hCG - >1400: laparoscopy - <1400: observe & repeat vagina US later
if unstable SBP <90mmHg laparotomy
Rapid tranquilisers
Haloperidol, olanzapine, lorazepam
tardive dyskinesia management?
depot risperidone
EPS: long term antipsychotic SE
antidepressant for pt w/ MI?
sertraline> citalopram
Antidepressant for pt taking warfarin?
antidepressant for young people & children?
Plummer Vinson Sy
Fe-def anaeamia
Esophageal Webs
Dx acute pancreatitis
initial: lipase & amylase (lipase more specific & sensitive)
confirm: CT w/ contrast of pancreas
Charcot Triad
Fever, RUQ pain, jaundice
Seen in pt w/ acute cholangitis
Inflammation of bile duct
Traveller’s diarrhoea empirical ABTx
Most common E. Coli
ciprofloxacin 500mg bd for 3d
Campylobacter jejuni w/ travel Hx in Southeast Asia ABtx
Quinolone resistance
1st line: erythromycin (clari/ azithro if erythro NOT well tolerated)
2nd line: ciprofloxacin
Salmonella tx
1st line: Ciprofloxacin
Giardiasis Tx
alternative: Tinidazole
Bloody diarrhoea organism
E. Coli O.157
Campylobacter ABtx
usually not required
1st line: erythromycin 250-500mg pds for 5-7d
Azithromycin/ Clarithromycin alternative
Ciprofloxacin 500mg bd 5-7d alternative
H. Pylori tx
do NOT perform urea breath test/ Stool Ag test if PPI used w/in 2wks OR ABtx used w/in 4wks
1st line: 7-14d PPI+ amoxicillin 1g + clarithromycin 500mg OR metronidazole 400mg (all x2/d)
2nd line: PPI, amoxicillin + clarithromycin OR metronidazole (whichever not used in first line)
3rd line: PPI + bismuth subcitrate + tetracycline + metronidazole
Triple tx for H/ Pylori
PPI + Amoxicillin + clarithromycin 7-14d
eg. esomeprazole 20mg bid
amoxicillin 1g bid
clarithromycin 500mg bid
DX Coeliac disease
Auto-Ab: TTG (IgA), EMS (TTG 1st choice)
jejunal/ duodenal biopsy
pt should be on gluten for ~6wks before testing!!!
PBC ass disease
PSC ass disease
Clostridium Difficile tx
1st line: Metronidazole
2nd line: vancomycin
Acute Fatty liver of preg
ELLP + low glucose + high NH3
laxative: no impacted stool
phosphate enema
laxative: hard stool + NO impacted
stool softeners: liquid paraffin
laxative: constipation w/ soft stool
(stimulant laxative) also used for cancer pt
increased fibre diet
Senna (+) laxative 1st line
2nd line: latulose, macrogol
laxative: preg
lactulose 1st line
severe UC/ acute exacerbation
6, 30, 90
>6 bowel movements + visible blood in lare amounts ESR >30 HR >90 bpm temp >37.8 Anaemia
Diffuse oesophageal spasm dx, tx
Barium meal: corkscrew appearance
most accurate test: manometric studies
Tx: CCB, Nitrate
CD tx
inducing remission: CS, if CI budesonide or 5-ASA
Maintaining: azathioprine, mercaptopurine, MTX
UC tx
inducing: 5-ASA topical then rectal (rectal 5-ASA> rectal steroid)
2nd line: add oral pred
Remission: oral aminosalicylates/ po azathioprine or mercaptopurine
for acute exacerbation iv hydrocortisone
Gilbert’s sy
AR disorder: low UGT-1
unconjugated hyperBb; no haemolysis; norm liver enzymes; NO evidence of liver disease!!!
Tx: no need
Hb level BEFORE surgery?
>100g/L (>10g/dL): proceed
<100g/L (10g/dL): investigate
<80g/L (<8g/dL): + sx: transfuse & defer surgery
If Hb <100g/L (10g/dL): always proceed w/ emergency operation
<80g/L (8g/dL): transfuse w blood
Reynolds pentad
Acute cholangitis:
Fever, abdom pain, jaundice
+ confusion, HoTN
Scabies tx
1st line: Topical Permethrin 5%
2nd line: Malathion 0.5% aqueous liquid
Lyme disease tx
erythema migrans
2-3wks Doxycyclin 100mg bd OR amoxicillin 500mg tds
Defuroxime 500mg bd if both CI
Preg, Breast feeding, Children <12yrs: amoxicillin or cefuroxime
Systemic: Ceftriaxone iv
outpt meningitis tx
Adults & children
Children: Benzylpenicillin im/ iv
<1yr: 300mg
1-9yrs: 600mg
>10yrs: 1200mg
Adults: Benzylpenicillin or 3rd gen cephalosporin immediately
inpt initial meningitis empirical tx
> 3mo <60yrs: iv ceftriaxone (cefotaxime preferable)
> 60yrs: iv ampicillin/ amoxicillin
<3mo: iv cefotaxime + amoxicillin/ ampicillin
Listeria meningitis
<3mo: iv amoxillinc/ ampicillin 21d + gentamicin least first 7d + ceftriaxone
Cryptococcal meningitis
Amphotericin B
meningitis prophylaxis for contacts
ciprofloxacin»_space; rifampicin
HIV/ADIS vaccination cI
NO BCG, Yellow fever
If <200cells/ml NO MMR in adult!!!
<1yr: <750cells
1-5 <500cells
>5yr <200cells
Nesseria meningitis tx
iv ceftriaxone 7d
Toxoplasmosis tx
immunocomp: pyrimethamin, sulfadiazine, folinic acid 4-6wks
immunocompromised: trimethoprim/ sulfamethoxazole prophylaxis
Mat & foetal infection: spiramycin asap!
Malaria N-falciparum malaria
Chloroquine if fail quinine, artemether + lumefantrine OR atovaquonone proguanil
P. falciparum malariae
quinine + doxycycline OR clindamycin for preg
Schuffner’s dots
Prophylaxis for malaria
ABtx neutropenic sepsis
Empiric ABtx: piperacillin w/ tazobactam immediately
if after 48hrs: meropenem + vanco
if pt still unwell 4-6d: investigate for fungal infection
Mumps (MMR) vaccine HIV (+) pt
Adults: <200cells/ml
>5yrs: <200
1-5yrs: <500
<1yrs: <750
otitis externa tx
Acetic acid 2% + aminoglycoside + topical CS
Avoid AG (gentamicin) if there is TM perforation rather use ciprofloxacin
Otitis Media tx
reassess after 3mo
ALL pt w/ AOM:
- pain & fever: paracetamol, ibuprofren
Most children 5d amoxicillin if allergic–> erythromycin/ clarithromycin
Benign Paroxysmal positional vertigo dx & tx technique
dx: Hallpike’s Manoeuvre
Tx: Epley
Hearing test in Children
<6mo: otoacoustic emission, audiological brainstem response
6-18mo: distraction testing
2-4: speech discrimination, conditioned response audiometry
> 5yrs: Pure tone audiogram
whipple’s disease biopsy result
deposition of Ma in lamina propria containing granules which stain (+) PAS
PJP tx
Co-trimoxaole (Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole)`
Tonsillitis ABtx
if >3 Centro criteria
5-10d phenoxymethylpenicillin (allergic: clarithromycin/ erythromycin)
Tonsillectomy criteria
episodes of sore throat disabling & prevent norm functioning
>7 sore throats 1yr
>5 2yrs
>3 each of preceding 3yrs
Centro criteria
tonsillitis criteria <1 (+) unlikely to have group A beta strep
Acute attacks of Meniere disease tx
vertigo & causea: prochlorperazine, cinnarizine, cyclizine, promethazine
Wegener’s Granulomatosis (granulomatosis w/ polyangiitis)
Churg Strauss (Eosinophilic granulomatosisw/ polyangiitis)
Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC)
anti-mitochondiral (AMA)
Mild SLE tx:
Skin, arthralgia, myalgia, malaise
NSAIDS, local CS, hydroxychloroquine–> 1st line but (retinal toxicity)
Severe SLE tx: lupus nephritis, vasculitis, cerebral disease
Cyclophosphamide (resna; haemorrhagic cystitis), systemic CS, mycophenolate mofetil
SLE Maintenance tx:
po CS (prednisolone); azathioprine, MTX
Drug induced SLE: causative drugs
sulfasalazine **Hydralazine isoniazid Phenytoin **Procainamide **quinine
Antihistamine for pregnancy
N-sedating H1 anti-histamine
cetirizine, loratadine
Acne Rosacea
Mild-mod: Topical metronidazole
Mod-severe: oxytetracycline, tetracycline
Tinea capitis
children: griseofulvin
Adult: terbinafine, itraconazole, fluconazole
Impetigo Tx
Localised infection: fusidic acid, topical retapamulin 2nd line
Extensive disease: flucloxacillin 1st line
erythromycin 2nd line
Goodpasture’s characteristic
haematuria + haemoptysis
Acute rapidly progressive GN + pulmo alveolar haemorrhage
anti-glomerular BM Ab (anti-GBM Ab)
Goodpasture’s sy tx
prednisolone, cyclophosphamide, plasma exchange
Acute pyelonephritis tx
Fluid analgesia
Adults: 1st line ciprofloxacin OR co-amoxiclav 7d (500mg bd OR 500/125mg tds)
Trimethoprim used if culture confirms sensitivity 200mg bd 14d
Children: 1st line co-amoxiclav; 2nd line cefixime
Preg: cefalexin
Nephrolithiasis tx
<0.5cm (5mm): increase ifluid intake get rid of it in urine
0.5-2cm: ESWL or ureteroscopy w/ dormia basket
Stone >2cm: percutaneous nephrolithotomy