PLAB 1700E Flashcards
A woman had an MI. She was breathless and is put on oxygen mask and GTN, her chest pain has improved. Her HR=40bpm. ECG shows ST elevation in leads I, II, III. What is your next step?
b. Streptokinase
c. Angiography
d. Continue current management
e. None
Ans. The key is B. Streptokinase.
A 67yo male presents with polyuria and nocturia. His BMI=33, urine culture = negative for nitrates. What is the next dx inv?
a. PSA
b. Urea, creat and electrolytes
c. MSU culture and sensitivity
d. Acid fast urine test
e. Blood sugar
Ans. The key is E. Blood sugar. [Age at presentation and class1 obesity favours the diagnosis of type2 DM].
A pt from Africa comes with nodular patch on the shin which is reddish brown. What is the most probable dx?
a. Lupus vulgaris
b. Erythema nodosum
c. Pyoderma gangrenosum
d. Erythema marginatum
e. Solar keratosis
Ans. The key is B. Erythema nodosum. [Causes of erythema nodosum: MOST COMMON CAUSES- i) streptococcal infection ii) sarcoidosis. Other causes- tuberculosis, mycoplasma pneumonia, infectious mononucleosis, drugs- sulfa related drug, OCP, oestrogen; Behcet’s disease, CD, UC; lymphoma, leukemia and some others].
A 29yo lady came to the ED with complaints of palpitations that have been there for the past 4
days and also feeling warmer than usual. Exam: HR=154bpm, irregular rhythm. What is the tx for
her condition?
a. Amiadarone
b. Beta blockers
c. Adenosine
d. Verapamil
e. Flecainide
Ans. The key is B. Beta blockers [the probable arrhythymia is AF secondary to thyrotoxicosis. So to rapid control the symptoms of thyrotoxicosis Beta blocker should be used which will improve the arrythmia].
A T2DM is undergoing a gastric surgery. What is the most appropriate pre-op management?
a. Start him in IV insulin and glucose and K+ just before surgery
b. Stop his oral hypoglycemic on the day of the procedure
c. Continue regular oral hypoglycemic
d. Stop oral hypoglycemic the prv night and start IV insulin with glucose and K+ before
e. Change to short acting oral hypoglycemic
Ans. The key is D. Stop oral hypoglycemic the prv night and start IV insulin with glucose and K+ before
A 19yo boy is brought by his mother with complaint of lack of interest and no social interactions. He has no friends, he doesn’t talk much, his only interest is in collecting cars/vehicles having around 2000 toy cars. What is the most appropriate dx?
a. Borderline personality disorder
b. Depression
c. Schizoaffective disorder
d. Autistic spectrum disorder
Ans. The key is D. Autistic spectrum disorder.
Autism spectrum disorders affect three different areas of a child’s life:
• Social interaction
• Communication – both verbal and nonverbal
• Behaviors and interests
In some children, a loss of language is the major impairment. In others, unusual behaviors (like spending hours lining up toys) seem to be the dominant factors.
A 45yo man who is diabetic and HTN but poorly compliant has chronic SOB, develops severe SOB and chest pain. Pain is sharp, increased by breathing and relieved by sitting forward. What is the single most appropriate dx?
a. MI
b. Pericarditis
c. Lung cancer
d. Good pastures syndrome
e. Progressive massive fibrosis
Ans. The key is B. Pericarditis. [Nature of pain i.e. sharp pain increased by breathing and relieved by sitting forward is suggestive of pericarditis].
Nature of pericardial pain: the most common symptom is sharp, stabbing chest pain behind the sternum or in the left side of your chest. However, some people with acute pericarditis describe their chest pain as dull, achy or pressure-like instead, and of varying intensity.
The pain of acute pericarditis may radiate to your left shoulder and neck. It often intensifies when you cough, lie down or inhale deeply. Sitting up and leaning forward can often ease the pain.
A 6m boy has been brought to ED following an apneic episode at home. He is now completely well but his parents are anxious as his cousin died of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) at a similar age. The parents ask for guidance on BLS for a baby of his age. What is the single most recommended technique for cardiac compressions?
a. All fingers of both hands
b. All fingers of one hand
c. Heel of one hand
d. Heel of both hand
e. Index and middle fingertips of one hand
Ans. The key is E. Index and middle fingertips of one hand.
A 70yo man had a right hemicolectomy for ceacal carcinoma 6days ago. He now has abdominal
distension and recurrent vomiting. He has not opened his bowels since surgery. There are no bowel sounds. WBC=9, Temp=37.3C. What is the single most appropriate next management?
a. Antibiotic therapy IV
b. Glycerine suppository
c. Laparotomy
d. NG tube suction and IV fluids
e. TPN
Ans. The key is D. NG tube suction and IV fluids. [The patient has developed paralytic ileus which should be treated conservatively].
A 60yo man with a 4y hx of thirst, urinary freq and weight loss presents with a deep painless ulcer on the heel. What is the most appropriate inv?
a. Ateriography
b. Venography
c. Blood sugar
d. Biopsy for malignant melanoma
e. Biopsy for pyoderma
Ans. The key is C. Blood sugar. [The patient probably developed diabetic foot].
A 16yo boy presents with rash on his buttocks and extensor surface following a sore throat. What is the most probable dx?
a. Measles
b. Bullous-pemphigoig
c. Rubella
d. ITP
e. HSP
Ans. The key is D. ITP. It’s probably a wrong key! The correct key should be E. HSP. [In HSP rash typically found in buttocks, legs and feets and may also appear on the arms, face and trunk. But in ITP it mostly occurs in lower legs. HSP usually follow a sorethroat and ITP follow viral infection like flue or URTI. HSP is a vasculitis while ITP is deficiency of platelets from more destruction in spleen which is immune mediated].
A 34yo man with a white patch on the margin of the mid-third of the tongue. Which is the single most appropriate LN involved?
a. External iliac LN
b. Pre-aortic LN
c. Aortic LN
d. Inguinal LN
e. Iliac LN
f. Submental LN
g. Submandibular LN
h. Deep cervical LN
Ans. The key is G. Submandibular LN.
A 50yo lady presents to ED with sudden severe chest pain radiating to both shoulder and accompanying SOB. Exam: cold peripheries and paraparesis. What is the single most appropriate dx?
a. MI
b. Aortic dissection
c. Pulmonary embolism
d. Good pastures syndrome
e. Motor neuron disease
Ans. The key is B. Aortic dissection. [Cold peripheries due to reduced blood flow to dista parts of dissection and reduced perfusion of nerves resulted in paraparesis. Usual management for type A dissection is surgery and for type B is conservative].
A 54yo myopic develops flashes of light and then sudden loss of vision. That is the single most
appropriate tx?
a. Pan retinal photo coagulation
b. Peripheral iridectomy
c. Scleral buckling
d. Spectacles
e. Surgical extraction of lens
Ans. The key is C. Scleral buckling. [It is a case of retinal detachment with treatment option of scleral buckling].
A 40yo chronic alcoholic who lives alone, brought in the ED having been found confused at home after a fall. He complains of a headache and gradually worsening confusion. What is the most likely dx?
a. Head injury
b. Hypoglycemia
c. Extradural hematoma
d. Subdural hematoma
e. Delirium
Ans. The key is D. Subdural hematoma. [subdural hematoma may be acute or chronic. In chronic symptoms may not be apparent for several days or weeks. Symptoms of subdural hematomas are: fluctuating level of consciousness, ± insidious physical or intellectual slowing, sleepiness, headache, personality change and unsteadiness. Tx. Irrigation/evacuation e.g. via barr twist drill and barr hole craniostomy 1st line. Craniotomy if the clot organized 2nd line].
A 54yo man with alcohol dependence has tremor and sweating 3days into a hosp admission for a fx femur. He is apprehensive and fearful. What is the single most appropriate tx?
a. Acamprossate
b. Chlordiazepoxide
c. Lorazepam
d. Lofexidine
e. Procyclidine
Ans. The key is B. Chlordiazepoxide. C. Lorazepam is also correct key! [According to NICE 1st line treatment is oral lorazepam and if symptom persists or oral medication is declined, give parenteral lorazepam, haloperidol or olanzapine. According to OHCM 1st line treatment is chlordiazepoxide.
Chlordiazepoxide should only be used at the lowest possible dose and for a maximum of up to four weeks. This will reduce the risks of developing tolerance, dependence and withdrawal].
A 5yo child complains of sore throat and earache. He is pyrexial. Exam: tonsils enlarged and hyperemic, exudes pus when pressed upon. What is the single most relevant dx?
a. IM
b. Acute follicular tonsillitis
c. Scarlet fever
d. Agranulocytosis
e. Acute OM
Ans. The key is B. Acute follicular tonsillitis. [Tonsillitis is usually caused by a viral infection or, less commonly, a bacterial infection. The given case is a bacterial tonsillitis (probably caused by group A streptococcus). There are four main signs that tonsillitis is caused by a bacterial infection rather than a viral infection. They are:
• a high temperature
• white pus-filled spots on the tonsils
• no cough
• swollen and tender lymph nodes (glands).
A man with a fam hx of panic disorder is brought to the hosp with palpitations, tremors, sweating and muscles tightness on 3 occasions in the last 6 wks. He doesn’t complain of headache and his BP is WNL. What is the single most appropriate long-term tx for him?
a. Diazepam
b. Olanzapine
c. Haloperidol
d. Fluoxetine
e. Alprazolam
Ans. The key is D. Fluoxetine. [Recommended treatment for panic disorder is i) CBT ii) Medication (SSRIs or TCA). NICE recommends a total of seven to 14 hours of CBT to be completed within a four month period. Treatment will usually involve having a weekly one to two hour session. When drug is prescribed usually a SSRI is preferred. Antidepressants can take two to four weeks before becoming effective].
A 28yo man presents with rapid pounding in the chest. He is completely conscious throughout. The ECG was taken (SVT). What is the 1st med to be used to manage this condition?
a. Amiodarone
b. Adenosine
c. Lidocaine
d. Verapamil
e. Metoprolol
Ans. The key is B. Adenosine. [Management of SVT: i) vagal manoeuvres (carotid sinus message, valsalva manoeuvre) transiently increase AV-block, and unmask the underlying atrial rhythm. If unsuccessful then the first medicine used in SVT is adenosine, which causes transient AV block and works by i) transiently slowing ventricles to show the underlying atrial rhythm ii) cardioverting a junctional tachycardia to sinus rhythm. OHCM].
A 56yo woman who is depressed after her husband died of cancer 3m ago was given amitryptaline. Her sleep has improved and she now wants to stop medication but she still speaks about her husband. How would you manage her?
a. CBT
b. Continue amitryptaline
c. Psychoanalysis
d. Bereavement counselling
e. Antipsychotic
Ans. The key is B. Continue amitriptyline. [depression is important feature of bereavement. Patient may pass sleepless nights. As this patients sleep has improved it indicate she has good response to antidepressant and as she still speaks about her husband there is chance to deterioration of her depression if antidepressant is stopped. For depressive episodes antidepressants should be continued for at least 6-9 months].
A 64yo man presents with a hx of left sided hemiparesis and slurred speech. He was absolutely fine 6h after the episode. What is the most appropriate prophylactic regimen?
a. Aspirin 300mg for 2 weeks followed by aspirin 75mg
b. Aspirin 300mg for 2 weeks followed by aspirin 75mg and dipyridamole 200mg
c. Clopidogrel 75mg
d. Dipyridamole 200mg
e. Aspirin 300mg for 2 weeks
Ans. The key is B. Aspirin 300mg for 2 weeks followed by aspirin 75mg and dipyridamole 200mg.
A 63yo lady with a BMI=32 comes to the ED with complaints of pigmentation on her legs. Exam:
dilated veins could be seen on the lateral side of her ankle. Which of the following is involved?
a. Short saphenous vein
b. Long saphenous vein
c. Deep venous system
d. Popliteal veins
e. Saphano-femoral junction
Ans. The key is A. Short saphenous vein. [short saphenous vein travels lateral aspect of ankle while great or long saphenous vein travels medial aspect of ankle].
A 55yo man presents with hx of weight loss and tenesmus. He is dx with rectal carcinoma. Which risk factors help to develop rectal carcinoma except following?
a. Smoking
b. Family hx
c. Polyp
d. Prv carcinoma
e. High fat diet
f. High fibre diet
Ans. The key is F. High fibre diet. [except high fiber diet all others are risk factors to develop rectal carcinoma].
A pt presents with a painful, sticky red eye with a congested conjunctiva. What is the most suitable tx?
a. Antibiotic PO
b. Antihistamine PO
c. Antibiotic drops
d. Steroid drops
e. IBS
Ans. The key is C. Antibiotic drops. [bacterial conjunctivitis is treated with antibiotic drops].
A 45yo woman complains of pain in her hands precipitated by exposure to the cold weather. She
has breathlessness on walking. When she is eating, she can feel food suddenly sticking to the gullet. It seems to be in the middle of the esophagus but she can’t localize exactly where it sticks. It is usually relieved with a drink of water. Choose the single most likely cause of dysphagia from the options?
a. Esophageal carcinoma
b. Systemic sclerosis
c. SLE
d. Pharyngeal carcinoma
e. Globus hystericus
Ans. The key is B. Systemic sclerosis. [Raynods phenomena, pulmonary involvement, oesophageal dysmotility are suggestive of systemic sclerosis].
A 3yo child brought to the ED with a swelling over the left arm. XR shows multiple callus formation in the ribs. Exam: bruises on childs back. What is the most appropriate next step?
a. Check child protection register
b. Coagulation profile
c. Skeletal survey
d. Serum calcium
e. DEXA scan
Ans. The key is C. Skeletal survey. [Skeletal survey is a series of x-ray which is usually used in NAI]. [after survey should think of childs protection].
A 35yo woman has had bruising and petechiae for a week. She has also had recent menorrhagia but is otherwise well. Blood: Hgb=11.1, WBC=6.3, Plt=14. What is the single most likely dx?
a. Acute leukemia
b. Aplastic anemia
c. HIV infection
d. ITP
e. SLE
Ans. The key is D. ITP. [As the patient is otherwise well acute leukemia, HIV and SLE is unlikely. Normal wbc count excludes aplastic anemia. So likely diagnosis is ITP].
A 30yo man complains of episodes of hearing music and sometimes threatening voices within a couple of hours of heavy drinking. What is the most likely dx?
a. Delirium tremens
b. Wernicke’s encephalopathy
c. Korsakoff’s psychosis
d. Alcohol hallucinosis
e. Temporal lobe dysfunction
Ans. The key is D. Alcoholic hallucinosis. [Alcohol hallucinosis can occur during acute intoxication or withdrawal. It involves auditory and visual hallucinations, most commonly accusatory or threatening voices. Source: Wikipedia].
A pt had TIA which he recovered from. He has a hx of stroke and exam shows HR in sinus rhythm. He is already on aspirin 75mg and anti-HTN drugs. What other action should be taken?
a. Add clopidogrel only
b. Increase dose of aspirin to 300mg
c. Add warfarin
d. Add clopidogrel and statin
e. Add statin only
Ans. The key is D. Add clopidogrel and statin. This is wrong key! Correct key should be E. Add statin only. [He who is already on aspirin need no change in aspirin dose. Clopidogrel or warfarine is not indicated. Correct option is add statin only].
A 40yo woman suddenly collapsed and died. At the post-mortem autopsy, it was found that there a bleed from a berry aneurysm from the circle of Willis. In which space did the bleeding occur?
a. Subarachnoid
b. Subdural
c. Extradural
d. Subparietal
e. Brain ventricles
Ans. The key is A. Subarachnoid.
A schizophrenic pt hears people only when he is about to fall asleep. What is the most likely dx?
a. Hypnopompic hallucinations
b. Hyponogogic hallucinations
c. Hippocampal hallucinations
d. Delirious hallucinations
e. Auditory hallucinations
Ans. The key is B. Hypnogogic hallucinations.
A pt who came from India presents with cough, fever and enlarged cervical LN. Exam: caseating
granulomata found in LN. What is the most appropriate dx?
a. Lymphoma
b. TB adenitis
c. Thyroid carcinoma
d. Goiter
e. Thyroid cyst
Ans. The key is B. TB adenitis. [caseating granulomata are diagnostic of TB].
A 44yo man comes with hx of early morning headaches and vomiting. CT brain shows ring enhancing lesions. What is the single most appropriate option?
a. CMV
b. Streptococcus
c. Toxoplasmosis
d. NHL
e. Pneumocystis jerovii
Ans. The key is C. Toxoplasmosis.
A 72yo man is found to be not breathing in the CCU with the following rhythm. What is the most likely dx?
a. SVT
b. VT
c. VF
d. Atrial fib
e. Atrial flutter
Ans. The key is C. VF.
A 65yo man with difficulty in swallowing presents with an aspiration pneumonia. He has a bovine cough and fasciculating tongue. Sometimes as he swallows food it comes back through his nose. Choose the single most likely cause of dysphagia from the given option?
a. Bulbar palsy
b. Esophageal carcinoma
c. Pharyngeal pouch
d. Pseudobulbar palsy
e. Systemic sclerosis
Ans. The key is A. Bulbar palsy. [Dysphagia, nasal regurgitation, fasciculating tongue these are features of bulbar palsi due to lower motor neuronal lesion of IX-XII nerves].
A 16yo teenager was brought to the ED after being stabbed on the upper right side of his back. Erect CXR revealed homogenous opacity on the lower right lung, trachea was centrally placed. What is the most probable explanation for the XR findings?
a. Pneumothorax
b. Hemothorax
c. Pneumonia
d. Tension pneumothorax
e. Empyema
Ans. The key is B. Hemothorax. [In blunt trauma there may be hemo-pneumothorax but in sharp wound like stabbing there may occur only hemothorax].
A 55yo woman complains of retrosternal chest pain and dysphagia which is intermittent and unpredictable. The food suddenly sticks in the middle of the chest, but she can clear it with a drink of water and then finish the meal without any further problem. A barium meal shows a‘corkscrew esophagus’. What is the single most likely dysphagia?
a. Esophageal candidiasis
b. Esophageal carcinoma
c. Esophageal spasm
d. Pharyngeal pouch
e. Plummer-vinson syndrome
Ans. The key is C. Esophageal spasm. [chest pain, unpredictable intermittent dysphagia and food suddenly sticks in the middle of the chest which can be cleared with a drink of water indicates uncoordinated irregular esophageal peristalsis which is characteristic of esophageal spasm! Also “cork-screw esophagus” seen in barium swallow is diagnostic of esophageal spasm].
A 38yo female presents with sudden loss of vision but fundoscopy is normal. She a similar episode about 1 y ago which resolved completely within 3m. Exam: mild weakness of right upper limb and exaggerated reflexes. What is the single most appropriate tx?
a. Pan retinal photo coagulation
b. Pilocarpine eye drops
c. Corticosteroids
d. Peripheral iridectomy
e. Surgical extraction of lens
Ans. The key is C. Corticosteroid. [Sudden loss of vision, remission and relapse of optic neuritis and focal neurological symptoms and exaggerated reflexes all points towards multiple sclerosis. Treatment option is corticosteroids].
A 15yo boy presents with a limp and pain in the knee. Exam: leg is externally rotated and 2cm shorter. There is limitation of flexion, abduction and medial rotation. As the hip is flexed external rotation is increased. Choose the most likely dx?
a. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
b. Osgood-schlatter disease
c. Reactive arthritis
d. Slipped femoral epiphysis
e. Transient synovitis of the hip
Ans. The key is D. Slipped femoral epiphysis. [The given presentation is classic for slipped femoral epiphysis].
A 64yo woman has difficulty moving her right shoulder on recovering from surgery of the posterior triangle of her neck. What is the single most appropriate option?
a. Accessory nerve
b. Glossopharyngeal nerve
c. Hypoglossal nerve
d. Vagus nerve
e. Vestibule-cochlear nerve
Ans. The key is A. Accessory nerve.