PKI Flashcards
Digest Algorithm
The hash function used to verify the integrity of the message/input to ensure that it has not been tampered.
e.g., SHA, MD5, Blake2
SHA1, SHA256, SHA-3
Hash functions used to verify data integrity. SHA256 is used in common applications such as TLS/SSL
Combination of an asymmetric encryption algorithm and a hash function used in digital signature creation.
Encryption algorithm
A symmetric or asymmetrical function to ensure the confidentiality of data being transmitted. This ensures that only the intended parties can read the information.
Asymmetric encryption algorithm that has both parties use a private+public key pair exchange during session setup.
Often used with AES during TLS/SSL sessions.
Encryption algorithm that supports up to 256bit keys. Efficient speed-wise while maintaining security (especially when 256 bit is used).
Diffie-Hellman (DH)
Key exchange process in which two parties agree to generate a shared secret without sharing the actual key over the network. This is done by both parties agreeing on a mathematical function to use and then using the key pairs to compute the shared secret on their own.
DH helps with forward secrecy
DH Group
Used during key exchange (IKE in IPSec) to determine the parameters for establishing a shared secret