PJM Flashcards
Transmission Owners are required to provide notice of all transmission
Prior to the first day of the month, preceding the month of the outage
Provide notice of all hotline transmission work, five days or less, by 0800 three days prior to the start of the outage (345kV and above)
Starting March 16th. When does it need submitted by to be on time?
Hotline work starting on March 16th must be submitted by
07:59 on March 13th to be on time
1-Month Rule: Transmission Owners are required to Provide notice of all transmission outages, five days or less, prior to the
first day of the month preceding the month of the outage.
5 Day outage starting in June, when must it be submitted to be on time?
A 5-day outage starting in June must be submitted by
23:59 on April 31 to be on time
6-Month Rule: The TO is required to Submit all outage requests in excess of 5 days in duration, prior to the 1st of the
month, six months in advance of the start of the outage.
6 Day outage starting in October, when must it be submitted to be on time?
6-day outage begins in October, the outage must be submitted by 23:59
on March 31 to be on time
30-Day Rule: Outages scheduled for the following Planning year (i.e. June 1 – May 31), exceeding 30 days Submitted via eDART prior to February 1 for use in the annual FTR auction,
unless the 6-month rule is more restrictive.
An outage greater than 30 days starts in September. It must be submitted by:
6-month rule: Must be submitted by February 29 @ 23:59
30-day rule: Must be submitted by January 31 @ 23:59
‒ Since the 30-day rule is more conservative, it applies
An outage greater than 30 days starts in July. It must be submitted by?
6 month rule: December 31 of the year prior @ 2359
30 day rule: January 31 @ 2359
‒ Since the 6 month rule is more conservative, it applies
Creating a New Transmission Outage Ticket - Business Rules
Ticket must be submitted a minimum how many days in advance of start date?
3 Business days. Unless Emergency
Emergency: Outage due to equipment problem or tripping and must be
taken immediately
‒ 3 day notice NOT required for emergency job
eDART: Vegetation Trip
If outage was a tripping caused by tree contact, this
checkbox must be checked. What else needs to be reported?
Needs to be reported to NERC
eDART: Color Coding
Congestion Expected Flag
PJM will check this flag
when a studied outage
causes the potential for
off-cost operation
eDART: Color Coding
Conflict Flag
If an outage is submitted violating a scenario, immediate feedback on impacted previously submitted tickets will be provided.
eDART: Color Coding
EMS Tripping Tickets
Tripped equipment (from PJM EMS) automatically creates an eDART outage ticket.
All equipment 115kV and above.
eDART: Color Coding
“System Impact” Flag
Allows the reliability engineers to pre-screen outages based on known impacts to
generation, thermal overloads, voltage violations, stability restrictions, etc.
before studying the outage.
eDART: Color Coding
Potentially Incomplete Flag
Lavendar / Light Purple
Added to transmission outage tickets to flag tickets that may need further
review by PJM
eDART: Color Coding
Soon to be In-Service Flag
Mint Green
To be Put in Service Soon
eDART: Color Coding
Soon to be Retired Flag
To be retired from system soon
What type of system is where current lags voltage?
What type of Configuration uses a neutral connection?
What type of communications must you have at the primary and back-up control centers?
Satellite Phones
What is the maximum amount of time allowed to transfer from the primary control center to the back-up control center?
2 Hours
If the operator loses communication from the system for longer than 30 minutes, what is the maximum amount of time the operator must notify PJM of the communication loss?
60 minutes
If communication from the system is down, how often must the operator update PJM?
30 minutes
How long do you have to preform an IROL Load Dump Action?
5 Minutes
A Relays ability to see all the faults within its zones is best described as?
You are in system restoration and have black start capability throughout your region and have received word that your neighboring utility also was affected but they remained party connected but their system is unstable. What system restoration method should you use?
Bottom Up
If a transmission outage will last more than 5 days, when must the outage ticket request be submitted?
6 months prior to the outage
What is the normal operating Frequency?
59.75-61 Hz
What happens to the current and voltage flow when there is a fault?
Current Flow increases, voltage flow Decreases
Black Start Unit Requirements, what percentage is required for black start units?
During Restoration, operate so that reasonable voltage profiles are maintained. What are the percentages that are considered normal during restoration?
90-105% nominal
Shunt capacitors are removed until sufficient load has been restored to prevent high voltage. What is the percent of load that is considered sufficient?
To restore system frequency 1 hz, what is the percentage of load that needs to be shed?
Do not restore blocks of load that exceed ___ of the total synchronized generating capability.
Dynamic Reserve Rule of thumb for generation:
Steam = ?
CT = ?
Hydro = ?
steam is 5%
CT is 25%
Hydro is 15 %
When does PJM issue a EEA 1?
Max Gen. Emergency Alert
When does PJM issue EEA 2?
Emergency Mandatory Load Management Reductions Action, a Voltage Reduction Action, or a Deploy All Resources Action (which ever issued first)
When does PJM issue EEA3?
Manual Load Dump Action
Conditions which may trigger PJM to implement Conservative Ops are?
Fuel Delivery issues, forest or brush fires, Enviromental Alerts, Bad Weather, GMDs, High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse, Terrorism or sabotage, actual attacks, and PJM entering “unknown” state
If the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issues a
warning or an alert for a potential geo-magnetic storm of severity K7 or
greater, PJM will?
provide notification via the All-Call system and Emergency
Procedure Posting Application
Cold Weather Alert Trigger
When the forecasted weather conditions approach
minimum or actual temperatures for a Control Zone
fall near or below 10 degrees Fahrenheit
‒ At higher temperatures if increased winds are anticipated
‒ Expected spot market gas curtailments during load pick-up periods
Hot Weather Alert Trigger
Trigger: When the forecasted maximum or actual temperature for a
Transmission zone is at or above 90 degrees* Fahrenheit, with high
humidity, for multiple days
Magenta eDART flag:
ticket listed as Unavailable and SE MVAR is not 0
Whenever eDART identifies a facility as unavailable, but the PJM EMS SE MVAR output which would indicate that the facility is in-service
Orange eDART Flag
Mismatch between eDART AVR and EMS AVR
Whenever an eDART AVR ticket exists, but the PJM EMS has the AVR in AUTO (automatic) mode.
Whenever no eDART AVR ticket exists, but the PJM EMS has the AVR in Manual mode.
Yellow eDART Flag
Future or Retired Equipment
Whenever a facility is marked as retired in the eDART database.
Whenever a facility is marked as future in the eDART database
Unit Start Up Notification Alert Trigger
When a reliability assessment determines that long lead time generation is
needed for a future period
Max Gen / Load Management Alert Trigger
Operating Reserve Requirement* is greater
than scheduled Operating Reserve
Primary Reserve Alert Trigger
When the estimated operating
reserve is less than the forecasted
primary reserve requirement.
Voltage Reduction Alert Trigger
When the estimated operating reserve capacity
is less than the forecasted synchronized reserve
Primary Reserve Warning Trigger
Primary Reserve is less than Primary Reserve Requirement but greater than
Synchronized Reserve Requirement
Voltage Reduction Warning Trigger
Synchronized Reserves are less than the Synchronized Reserve Requirement and present
operations may require a voltage reduction
Manual Load Dump Warning Trigger
When the Primary Reserve is less than the largest operating generating unit, or the loss of a transmission
facility jeopardizes reliability after all possible measures have been taken to increase reserves.
Manual Load Dump Warning & Curtailment of non-essential building load Trigger
In anticipation or activation of Voltage Reduction Action
Maximum Generation Emergency Action Trigger
Real-time Generation is needed to meet the load demand that is greater than the highest incremental cost level
Emergency Voluntary Energy Only Demand Response Reduction Action Trigger
Additional load relief is still needed
Deploy All Resources Action Trigger
When unplanned events such as the loss of a transmission or generating facility have resulted in reliable
operations being jeopardized
Voltage Reduction Action Trigger
Load relief still needed to maintain ties
Manual Load Dump Action Trigger
To shed firm load When the PJM RTO cannot provide adequate capacity
If High Voltage limit is exceeded, post contingency, what can you do, to return the line below limit and how long do you have?
Use all effective non-cost actions, return line below limits within 30 minutes.
If Emergency Low Voltage limit is exceeded, post contingency, what can you do to return the line safe limit and how long do you have?
Use all effective non-cost actions, off-cost actions, and emergency procedures except load dump, within 15 minutes, load shed is not used.
If Load Dump Low voltage limit is exceeded, post contingency how long do you have?
5 minutes.
If ACTUAL High voltage limits are exceeded, what can you do to return the line to a safe limit and how long do you have?
Use all effective non-cost and off-cost actions, and within 15 minutes
If ACTUAL Normal low limits are exceeded, what can you do to return the line to a safe limit and how long do you have?
Use all effective non-cost actions, off-cost actions, and emergency procedures except load dump, within 15 minutes, load shed is not used.
If ACTUAL Emergency Low limits are exceeded, what can you do to return the line to a safe limit and how long do you have?
Use all effective non-cost actions, off-cost actions, emergency procedures, and load shed directive if voltages are decaying, within 5 minutes.
If ACTUAL Load Dump Low limits are exceeded, what can you do to return the line to a safe limit and how long do you have?
Use all effective non-cost actions, off-cost actions, emergency procedures, and Load Shed directive if analysis indicates potential for voltage collapse, immediate response
If ACTUAL Pre-Contingency Transfer limits are exceeded, what can you do to return the line to a safe limit and how long do you have?
Use all effective non-cost actions, off-cost actions, emergency procedures, and Load Shed directive if analysis indicates potential for voltage collapse, 15 minutes or less depending on the severity.
Transmission Line Charging
500 kV Line. What is the charging MVAR/Mile?
Transmission Line Charging
345 kV Line. What is the charging MVAR/Mile?
Transmission Line Charging
230 kV Line. What is the charging MVAR/Mile?
Transmission Line Charging
115/138 kV Line. What is the charging MVAR/Mile?
If ACTUAL Normal Rating thermal limits are exceeded, what can you do to return the line to a safe limit and how long do you have?
Non-cost actions, off-cost actions, and emergency procedures except load shed directive, within 15 minutes of exceedance, load shed is not used.
If ACTUAL Emergency Rating thermal limits are exceeded, what can you do to return the line to a safe limit and how long do you have?
Non-cost actions, off-cost actions, emergency procedures, and load shed directive to control flow below emergency rating, within 15 minutes of exceedance.
If ACTUAL Load Dump Rating thermal limits are exceeded, what can you do to return the line to a safe limit and how long do you have?
Non-cost actions, off-cost actions, emergency procedures, and load shed directive to control flow below emergency rating, within 5 minutes of exceedance.
If POST CONTINGENCY Normal rating thermal limits are exceeded, what can you do to return the line to a safe limit and how long do you have?
Trend - Continue to monitor. Take non-cost actions to prevent contingency from exceeding emergency limit. Time to correct, N/A
If POST CONTINGENCY Emergency rating thermal limits are exceeded, what can you do to return the line to a safe limit and how long do you have?
Use all effective actions and emergency procedures except load shed directive, within 30 minutes.
If POST CONTINGENCY Load Dump rating thermal limits are exceeded, what can you do to return the line to a safe limit and how long do you have?
Use all effective actions and emergency procedures, including load shed directive if analysis indicates potential for post-contingency cascading, 30 Minutes
For the loss of a line flowing towards the station the other lines flowing towards station will increase while the lines flowing out of the station do what?
Lines flowing out of the station will decrease
For the loss of a line flowing out of the station, the other lines flowing out of the station will increase while the lines flowing towards the station will do what?
Lines flowing towards the station will decrease
What is the name of the relay # 21?
Distance Relay
What is the name of the relay # 25?
Synchronizing or Sync check
What is the name of the relay # 27?
Under Voltage Relay
What is the name of the relay # 32?
Directional Power Relay
What is the name of the relay # 40?
Field (over/under Excitation) Relay
What is the name of the relay # 50?
Instantaneous Overcurrent relay
What is the name of the relay # 51?
AC Time Overcurrent Relay
What is the name of the relay # 59?
Overvoltage Relay
What is the name of the relay # 67?
AC Directional Overcurrent Relay
What is the name of the relay # 86?
Lockout Relay
What is the name of the relay # 87?
Differential Protective Relay
When available primary reserve capacity on a system is less than the largest operating generator, or the loss of a transmission facility jeopardizes reliable operations, PJM should issue a?
Manual Load Dump Warning
During system restoration, one means of keeping frequency above 59.5 is to activate what?
Synchronized Reserves
Companies can request info on outages of facilities that they do not own but affect their system. Which mechanism would they use to request this information?
During a system restoration how often should a member transmission company file an updated restoration report?
Every 30 minutes or after 10 lines restored
The ability of a generator or a group of generators to remain in synchronism immediately following a sudden, large system disturbance defines:
Transient Stability
Operation at a load dump rating should not result in any facility tripping when actually loaded at that value for at least how many minutes?
15 minutes
You wish to schedule a 45-day transmission outage starting November 24th. By what date must the outage be submitted to be considered on time?
January 31st
Isochronous Control refers to a governor droop setting of?
When an alarm indicates the 138kV voltage has fallen below the emergency low limit, TSO should take action within ___ Minutes?
5 Minutes
What is TERM?
Transmission Equipment Ratings Monitor
Any adjustment to facility ratings, such as the temporary use of a different rating, must be approved by PJM. These changes must be submitted to PJM through what?
All transmission outages will be posted on?
Synchronized Reserve Reliability requirement is?
Largest Single Contingency