Pitt To Peel Flashcards
18th century= Britain had financial wealth & population undergoing rapid growth
1711= 6 million
1791= 8.3 million
1821= 13.9 million
-industry grew, children able to earn valuable wage, became valuable economic asset, average examiners,y grew in size due to increasing birth rate
-increased rapidly
increased food & clothes production= decrease in infant morality
-agriculture revolution brought people into Britain, increased pressure on land to feed growing population
-death rate falling as advances being made in medicine & hygiene
-society predominantly rural & agrarian, based on 18th century values
-massive scaled & pace of agrarian & industrial changes brought consequence
enclosure of arable land= better use of land
-selective breeding increased quality & quality of meat and dairy products
- turnips & clover ended need for fallow land
cheaper iron making= major developments in ploughs, not used till after 1850 that agriculture machines widely used
-increased area of land for cultivation due to reclamation
-coal & miners brought new fuels
textile industry= cotton more hygienic, easier to wash, housed fewer bugs than wool
-cheaper iron making, more machinery & technological advances
-huge pool of lankier to encourage sharing of ideas but were poor wages & working conditions
-massive growth of industrial towns (midlands & north)
-steam power
What are the implications of the economic changes on society?
-new middle classes
-growing working class, class consciousness
-loss of patriarchal community
wage dependence= problem in times of unemployment as prices high
new urban centres= slum conditions & disease, problems of representation in parliament
The working population
-earned wages through manual work
agriculture= labourers, north/side divide, social hierarchy & based in skill
industrial= hierarchy based in skill, artisans, skilled factory workers, women inferior, handloom weavers, framework knitters, creation of new skills/jobs & economic fluctuations
The middle class
-needed to earn living but did so using their brain
-city bankers & large industrialists
composed of= smaller manufacturers, shop keepers, tailors, local brewers, a growing number of clerks, school teachers, managers, accountants, pharmacists & engineers
The landed classes
-owner occupiers/freeholders
How did Britain’s political system work?
-commons, lords, government & monarchy
king= choose who was in government
government= cabinet, chancellor, minister of trade, made up of people in lords & commons
-until American war of independence & French Revolution, called for a change in political system
How did Britain’s political system work?
-coomoms, lords, government & monarchy
-king chose who was in government
government= cabinet, chancellor, ministers, lords & commons
-until American war of independence & French Revolution, called for change in political system
Monarchs & lords in 1780’s
-monarch called parliament & elected prime minister
-influence general election & who would become MP
- outdoor make someone a lord, good stay on favourable side of king
lords=dukes, earls, bishops, good representation of landing classes, backward looking, like tradition & resisted to change, conservative
House of Commons
-son of peers had 1/5 seats
-industrialists bought themselves into parliament with profits from their trade
-100 MPs came from professions. & 200 MPs substantial land own sees
-owed their seats to patrons in lords
Types of members
counties= 40 represented by 80 MPs, expensive to fight elections, by elections for MPs accepting ministerial positions, need income of £600 or ,for for land to qualify
boroughs= 203 with 405 MPs, about half could be brought, income of £300 or more
universities= Oxford & Cambridge returned 2 MPs
-septennial act 1715
-elections at least every 7 years, death of monarch & at monarch’s choosing (advised by government)
The electorate (1780’s)
England & wales= 435k out of 7.5 million people could vote
Scotland & Ireland= less than 1% of population of 6m could vote
excluded= anyone u dear age of 21, Roman Catholics & dissenters