PISGS Laws & Rules Flashcards
Private investigator means any person who engages in the business of ____________.
Private Investigation
Security Guard Provider means any person who engages in the business of ________.
Security Services
Business of security services means either of the following:
- Furnishing, for hire, watchpersons, guards, private patrol officers, or other persons whose primary duties are to protect persons or property; 2. Furnishing for hire, guard dogs, or armored motor vehicle security services, in connection with the protection of persons or property.
Class A license means a license issued under section 4749.03 of the revised code that qualifies the person issued the license to engage in the business of _________ and the business of _________.
Private Investigation, Security Services
Class B license means a license issued under section 4749.03 of the revised code that qualifies the person issued the license to engage only in the business of _________.
Private Investigation
Class C license means a license under section 4749.03 of the revised code that qualifies the person issued the license to engage only in the business of _________.
Security Services
“Private Investigator” “business of private investigation,” “security guard provider,” and “business of security services” do not include:
- Public officers and employees whose official duties require them to engage in investigatory activities; 2. Attorneys at Law or any experts hired by an attorney at law for consultation or litigation purposes; 3. A consumer reporting agency, as defined in the “Fair Credit Reporting Act,” 84 Stat. 1128, 15 U.S.C.A. 1681a, as amended, provided that the consumer reporting agency is in compliance with the requirements of that act and that the agency’s activities are confined to any of the following: A. The issuance of consumer credit reports; B. The conducting of limited background investigations that pertain only to a client’s prospective tenant and that are engaged in with the prior written consent of the prospective tenant; C. The business of pre-employment background investigations. As used in division (H)(3)(c) of this section, “business of pre-employment background investigations” means, and is limited to, furnishing for hire, in person or through a partner or employees, the conducting of limited background investigations, in-person interviews, telephone interviews, or written inquiries that pertain only to a client’s prospective employee and the employee’s employment and that are engaged in with the prior written consent of the prospective employee.
How often does the Commission meet?
The commission shall meet not less than four times each year. It also shall meet upon the call of the chairperson, upon the request of five members, or at the request of the director of public safety or the director’s designee.
At the first regular meeting of each year, which shall be called by the chairperson, the members shall elect a chairperson and a vice-chairperson by a majority vote, and also shall establish its meeting schedule for the remainder of the year. The chairperson and vice-chairperson shall serve until their successors are elected. No member may serve as chairperson more than three times during a five-year term. The chairperson shall preside over the commission’s meetings, shall set the meeting agenda, and shall serve as the commission’s chief spokesperson and liaison to the department of public safety. The chairperson or vice-chairperson shall approve all vouchers of the commission. Subject to the commission’s approval, the chairperson may appoint committees to assist the commission. Committee members may be members of the commission. The vice-chairperson shall exercise the duties of the chairperson when the chairperson is not available.
A quorum of seven appointed members is necessary for a meeting to convene or continue. All actions of the commission shall be by a majority of the members present. Members may not participate or vote by proxy. In accordance with Chapter 121. of the Revised Code, at least fourteen days before a regular meeting and twenty-four hours before a special meeting, the chairperson shall notify all members of the commission in writing of the agenda. Upon a timely request, any member of the commission may have an item added to the commission’s agenda.
Who makes up the commission board?
There is hereby created the Ohio private investigation and security services commission, consisting of the director of public safety or the director’s designee, who shall be a nonvoting member; the superintendent of the highway patrol or the superintendent’s designee, who shall be a voting member; and twelve members appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate, as follows:
Three members shall be owners or operators of a business that maintains a class A license and shall have at least five years’ experience in this state in the business of private investigation or security services.
One member shall be an owner or operator of a business that maintains a class B license and shall have at least five years’ experience in this state in the business of private investigation or security services.
One member shall be an owner or operator of a business that maintains a class C license and shall have at least five years’ experience in this state in the business of private investigation or security services.
Two members shall be owners or operators of a business that maintains a class A, B, or C license and shall have at least five years’ experience in this state in the business of private investigation or security services.
One member shall be an incumbent chief of police.
One member shall be an active law enforcement officer, not above the rank of lieutenant.
One member shall be an incumbent sheriff.
Two members shall be representatives of the general public who have never had a direct employment relationship with any class A, B, or C licensee
Does the commission have liability?
No, unless made under fraud or bad faith.
Who funds the commission?
What are examples of a disqualifying offense?
Disqualifying offense” means a conviction or plea of guilty to a felony offense that has a direct bearing on an individual’s fitness or ability to perform the duties or responsibilities related to the provision of private investigator services, security guard services, or both.
Aggravated burglary as set forth in section 2911.11 of the Revised Code;
Breaking and entering as set forth in section 2911.13 of the Revised Code;
Burglary as set forth in section 2911.12 of the Revised Code;
Deception to secure writing as set forth in section 2913.43 of the Revised Code;
Endangering children as set forth in section 2919.22 of the Revised Code;
Forgery as set forth in section 2913.31 of the Revised Code;
Identity fraud as set forth in section 2913.49 of the Revised Code;
Misuse of a credit card as set forth in section 2913.21 of the Revised Code;
Misuse of the law enforcement automated database system (LEADS) as set forth in section 2913.04 of the Revised Code;
Passing bad checks as set forth in section 2913.11 of the Revised Code;
Receiving stolen property as set forth in section 2913.51 of the Revised Code;
Safecracking as set forth in section 2911.31 of the Revised Code;
Theft as set forth in section 2913.02 of the Revised Code;
Voyeurism as set forth in section 2907.08 of the Revised Code;
Wiretapping as set forth in section 2933.52 of the Revised Code;
An attempt or conspiracy to commit or complicity in committing any of the offenses listed in paragraphs (B)(1) to (B)(15) of this rule, if the attempt, conspiracy, or complicity is a felony;
A violation of any former law of this state, any existing or former law of another state, existing or former law applicable in a military court or an Indian tribal court, or any existing or former law of any nation other than the United States that is or was substantially equivalent to any of the offenses listed in paragraphs (B)(1) to (B)(15) of this rule.
Who elects Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson?
members shall elect a chairperson and a vice-chairperson by a majority vote, and also shall establish its meeting schedule for the remainder of the year. The chairperson and vice-chairperson shall serve until their successors are elected. No member may serve as chairperson more than three times during a five-year term.
Are commission members reimbursed for expenses incurred while performing official duties?
) Each member of the commission shall receive the member’s necessary expenses incurred in the performance of official duties, including travel, hotel, and other necessary expenses. Members of any special committee, which may be appointed by the commission to assist it, who are not members of the commission also may receive necessary expenses.
When do Company licenses expire?
Licenses expire on the first day of March following the date of initial issue, and on the first day of March of each year thereafter.
When is a new license is required?
- A change in the form of business organization; or
- A change to the legal name of the licensee as registered with the Ohio secretary of state; or
- A change in the class of a license; or
- Failure to renew a current license by the licensee by the first day of March each year.
- The department of public safety shall be notified in writing within ten days of any change in the controlling interest of a corporation, any change in officers of a corporation, any change of partners of a partnership, any increase or decrease in the number of partners of a partnership or any change in the legal name of the licensee.
What is a conditional license?
A license that is good for one year if an applicant has a criminal past that doesn’t disqualify him/her from applying.
(A) In accordance with division (I)(4) of section 4740.06 of the Revised Code, in lieu of denying the application or renewal, the appropriate specialty section may instead in its discretion issue a conditional license. The conditional license may impose certain obligations upon the individual in order to obtain or maintain the license. If the conditions are not met, or if the individual otherwise violates Chapter 4740. of the Revised Code or the rules enacted thereunder, the appropriate specialty section may revoke the conditional license.
(B) The conditional license shall last for one year and shall then expire, after which point the conditions imposed upon the license shall no longer be in effect and the individual shall be deemed fully-licensed. The individual shall still be obligated to comply with the requirements for every non-conditional licensee, including all renewal requirements.
How to obtain a duplicate copy of the company license?
Pay fee up to $25 for lost, destroyed, etc.
Can a Qualifying Agent represent more than one company?
Yes, as long as he is active in both?
What are the requirements to obtain a license to operate?
- Has a good reputation for integrity, has not been convicted of a disqualifying offense as defined in section 4776.10 of the Revised Code within the last three years or any crime of moral turpitude as that term is defined in section 4776.10 of the Revised Code, and has not been adjudicated incompetent for the purpose of holding the license, as provided in section 5122.301 of the Revised Code, without having been restored to legal capacity for that purpose.
- Depending upon the class of license for which application is made, for a continuous period of at least two years immediately preceding application for a license, has been engaged in investigatory or security services work for a law enforcement or other public agency engaged in investigatory activities, or for a private investigator or security guard provider, or engaged in the practice of law, or has acquired equivalent experience as determined by rule of the director of public safety.
- Demonstrates competency as a private investigator or security guard provider by passing an examination devised for this purpose by the director, except that any individually licensed person who qualifies a corporation for licensure shall not be required to be reexamined if the person qualifies the corporation in the same capacity that the person was individually licensed.
- Submits evidence of comprehensive general liability insurance coverage, or other equivalent guarantee approved by the director in such form and in principal amounts satisfactory to the director, but not less than one hundred thousand dollars for each person and three hundred thousand dollars for each occurrence for bodily injury liability, and one hundred thousand dollars for property damage liability.
- Pays the requisite examination and license fees.
Do pre-employment background investigators or consumer reporting agencies need a Private Investigation license?
Whats a crime of moral turpitude?
- A violation of section 2903.01 or 2903.02 of the Revised Code;
- A sexually oriented offense as defined in section 2950.01 of the Revised Code;
- An offense that is an offense of violence as defined in section 2901.01 of the Revised Code, if the offense is a felony of the first or second degree;
- Complicity in committing an offense described in division (A)(1) of this section;
- An attempt or conspiracy to commit or complicity in committing any offense described in division (A)(1), (2), (3), or (4) of this section if the attempt, conspiracy, or complicity is a felony of the first or second degree;
- A violation of any former law of this state, any existing or former law applicable in a military court or in an Indian tribal court, or any existing or former law of any nation other than the United States that is or was substantially equivalent to any offense listed in division (A)(1), (2), (3), (4), or (5) of this section.
(B) “Direct nexus” means that the nature of the offense for which the individual was convicted or to which the individual pleaded guilty has a direct bearing on the fitness or ability of the individual to perform one or more of the duties or responsibilities necessarily related to a particular occupation, profession, or trade.
(C) “Disqualifying offense” means an offense that is a felony and that has a direct nexus to an individual’s proposed or current field of licensure, certification, or employment.
Can a company or person be fined for working without a license?
Yes, Up to one hundred dollars per day.
Can a company license be transferred to another corporation?
Yes, upon written notification with a $25 fee provided that the Qualifying Agent is the same.
How long does the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson Serve?
No more than 3 years of a 5-year term.
What happens if the Qualifying agent quits?
If a corporation is for any reason no longer associated with an individual who qualified it for licensure under this chapter, an officer of the corporation shall notify the director of that fact by certified mail, return receipt requested, within ten days after the association terminates. If the notification is so given, the individual was the only individual that qualified the corporation for licensure, and the corporation submits the name of another officer or qualifying agent to qualify the corporation for the license within thirty days after the association terminates, the corporation may continue to operate in the business of private investigation, the business of security services, or both businesses in this state under that license for ninety days after the association terminates. If the officer or qualifying agent whose name is submitted satisfies the requirements of divisions (A)(1) and (F)(1) of this section, the director shall issue a new license to the corporation within that ninety-day period.
How much does a replacement identification card cost?
How will the company know when to renew a license?
Reminders are sent out on the 2nd day of January.
Report of presence to local law enforcement…
Each class A, B, or C licensee shall report the location of branch offices to the department of public safety, and to the sheriff of the county and the police chief of any municipal corporation in which the office is located, and shall post a branch office license conspicuously in that office. Application for a branch office license shall be made on a form prescribed by the director of public safety, and a license shall be issued upon receipt of the form and payment of a fee fixed by the director, not exceeding one hundred dollars. If a licensee moves an office, the licensee shall notify, in writing, the department of public safety and any affected sheriff and chief of police within forty-eight hours of the change. This division does not apply to a licensed private investigator who is engaging in the business of private investigation as a registered employee of a licensed private investigator.
How to submit a change of address for a branch location?
Submit the Multiple Change Application within 48 Hours.
When does the Qualifying Agents Registration expire?
Same day as the company license… On March 1st
When is a new company license required?
- A change in the form of business organization.
- A Change to the legal name of the licensee.
- A Change in the class of license.
- Failure to renew a current license by March 1st.
What to put on the back of the passport photo?
Registrants name. Affix with glue or clear tape only.
How long do I have to submit an Employee Termination Report?
10 calendar days from separation. Must accompany the employee’s identification card.
Are employees required to wear uniforms?
Can an employee carry a firearm while the application is pending if the client has signed the waiver?
Can an employee wear another licensee’s uniform?
No, not even if a contract or subcontract exists.
Are Registered employees required to wear badges?
Registered employees of licensees are not required to wear badges. Any badges used by such employees, except as provided in paragraph (D) of this rule, shall be furnished by the licensee. All badges used shall be numbered for identification, shall include the name of the licensee’s business, and shall be clearly marked at all times. The licensee shall keep an up-to-date record showing to whom each badge has been issued. Badges shall be distinct from those of the local or state law enforcement authorities.
Are Registered employees required to wear uniforms?
Registered employees of licensees are not required to wear uniforms. Any uniforms worn by such employees, except as provided in paragraph (D) of this rule, shall be readily distinguishable from the uniforms worn by law enforcement authorities. Identifying patches shall be required on all uniforms. A licensee’s patch shall be distinct and shall be visible at all times. The name of the licensee’s business shall be clearly displayed on the patches; initials shall be allowed with prior written approval of the department of public safety. Where blazer-type jackets are used, the identifying patch may be worn on either the left breast pocket or on the left sleeve near the shoulder seam.
No patrol vehicle used by a licensee shall be marked with any words or phrase that can be construed as law enforcement or governmental agency such as, but not limited to:
- Homeland security
- Highway patrol
- Bureau of investigation
- Police
- Private police
- Sheriff
- The word “patrol” used in conjunction with “Ohio”or “State”
- Cop
- Public safety
- Peace Officer
- Constable
- Law enforcement
- Trooper
- Deputy
- Agent
The provision of paragraph (B)(1) of this rule may be waived in writing by the director of department of public safety.
Company advertisements must-have?
legal name or trade name designation and the address under which the licensee is licensed to do business.
Does a new FAB application have to be submitted each year?
Yes, there is not a renewal form for this. The same $15 fee applies.
What is the Qualifying Agents Renewal Rap Back Fee?
What is the Qualifying Agents Initial fee + Rap Back Fee?
$25 + $5 Rap Back = $30
What is the Registrants (New Hire) initial fee?
What is the Registrants Renewal fee?
Will the department notify individuals of an upcoming identification card expiration?
The department of public safety (department) shall provide notice to each individual or company holding a license issued pursuant to Chapter 4749. of the Revised Code of the expiration of the registrations of its employees. The notices shall be in writing and shall be provided at a minimum of sixty days prior to the expiration of the registrations.
What is a Quarterly Report?
A report that is submitted to the department with a current list of registered employees 4 times a year.
Who are cashiers checks and money orders made out to?
Ohio treasurer of state