Piper Aztec Emergency Checklist Flashcards
What is the checklist in case of an Engine Fire on Ground ?
Stop Aircraft___________Brake as required
Advise ATC____________Time permitting
- Mixtures ( Both engines)__________ICO
- Fuel Selectors ( Both tanks )_______Off
- Fuel Pumps___________________Off
- Mags________________________Off
- Master_______________________Off
- Evacuate ( Opposite side of fire)____As required
What is the Evacuation checklist ?
Stop Aircraft___________Brake as required
Advise ATC____________Time permitting
- Mixtures ( Both engines)__________ICO
- Fuel Selectors ( Both tanks )_______Off
- Fuel Pumps___________________Off
- Mags________________________Off
- Master_______________________Off
- Door________________________Open
- Emergency window_____________Open if required
- Guide passengers______________Safe distance
Towards the back - Away from props
What is the Rejected Take Off checklist ?
- Throttes__________________Idle
- Brakes__________________As required
- ATC_____________________Advise
- Evacuate_________________If required
In case of :
Engine Problems Door ajar light Control problem Airspeed indicator problem No fuel flow
What is the Engine Failure checklist ?
- Control aircraft______________Attitude - Heading
- Mix -Pitch - Power___________Max
- Gear - Flaps________________Up
- Dead Enfine Confirm_________Throttle back
- Dead Propeller
( if Take Off/Approach/ Circuit/ Go Around)______Feather - Hydraulic Pump________Out ( if Left engine dead)
- Check for Fire
if Fire -> engine fire checklist
No Fire -> Airstart checklist
What is the Engine Fire ( with failure ) checklist ?
- Control aircraft______________Attitude - Heading
- Mix -Pitch - Power___________Max
- Gear - Flaps________________Up
- Dead Engine Confirm_________Throttle back
- Dead Propeller
( if Take Off/Approach/ Circuit/ Go Around)____ Feather - Mixture Dead Engine_________Idle Cut Off
- Fuel Selector Dead Engine_________Off
- Magnetos Dead Engine____________Off
If Fire persists -> Emergency Descent
Fire stops -> Engine cleanup checklist
Single Engine Landing Checklist
What is the Engine Fire ( with NO failure ) checklist ?
- Mix - Pitch - Power Good engine____________Max
- Fuel Selector Dead Engine________________Off
- Mixture Dead Engine_____________________ICO
- Prop Dead Engine_______________________Feather
- Fuel Pump Dead Engine__________________Off
- Magnetos Dead Engine___________________Off
If Fire persists -> Emergency Descent
Fire stops -> Engine cleanup checklist
Single engine landing checklist
What is the Emergency Descent checklist ?
High speed :
- Throttles_______________Idle
- Propellers_____________Full Forward
- Cowl Flaps_____________Closed
- Gear - Flaps____________Up
- Speed___________198 MPH ( 249 in smooth air )
Low speed :
- Throttles_____________Idle
- Propellers____________Full Forward
- Cowl Flaps___________Closed
- Gear - Flaps___________Down
- Speed_______________125 MPH Max
What is the Restart (windmilling) checklist ?
- Fuel selector dead engine__________Other Tank
- Crossfeed_____________________On
- Alternate Air___________________On
- Fuel Pump____________________On
- Magnetos_____________________Check
- Start - No Start_________________Check Throttle
If Start Successful_________Warm Up and Investigate
If No Start :
- Throttle Dead Engine_________________Idle
- Pitch Control Dead Engine_____________Feather
- Hydraulic Pump_______Out ( If Left engine Dead )
Engine Cleanup Checklist
Single Engine Landing Checklist
What is the Engine Shutdown checklist ?
- Good engine______________Increase Power
- Control Aircraft____________Attitude and Heading
- Dead Engine Confirm_______Throttle Idle
- Propeller Dead Engine______Feather
- Mixture Dead Engine_______ICO
- Hydraulic Pump__________Out ( If left engine dead)
- Gear and Flaps_____________Up
In case of :
Low Oil Pressure High Oil Temperature Fuel Leaks Abnormal Vibrations Throttle Stuck
What is the Double Engine Failure checklist ?
- Speed_________110 MPH
- Fuel Pumps______On
- Fuel Selectors____Check
if no Airstart :
- Props Both Engines_________Feather
- Mixture Both Engines_______ICO
- Magnetos Both Engines______Off
- Gear_____________________Down
What is the Partial Power Loss checklist ?
- Fuel Pump_______________On
- Crossfeed_______________Check
- Fuel Selector____________Check
- Magnetos_______________Check
- Mixture_________________Adjust
- Alternate Air_____________On
- Engine Instruments________Check
What is the Propeller Overspeed checklist ?
RPM above 2575 RPM or normal setting
- Throttle______________Reduce
- Propellers____________Retard
- Speed_______________Reduce
- Altitude______________Reduce
- Land________________ASAP
If Feathering required : Reduce Throttle and put Mixture ICO then Feather
What is the Electrical Smoke/Fire checklist ?
Flashlight ( at night )___________Ready
- Master_______________Off
- All Electrical__________Off
- Heater______________Off
- Vents_______________Closed
- Extinguisher_________As Required
If Fire Continues :
- Emergency Descent_______As Required
- Land___________________Asap
If Fire Goes Out :
- Master____________As Required
- Vents_____________Open
- Heater____________As Required
- Electrical__________As Required
What is the Cabin Smoke or Fire checklist ?
- Heater___________________Off
- Vents___________________Closed
- Extinguisher______________Use as Required
Ventilate afterwards
What is the Single Engine Landing checklist ?
- Hydraulic pump________Out ( If Left engine Dead )
- Heater______________Off or Fan
- Crossfeed____( according to Crossfeed Procedure )
- Maintain Normal Speed + 5 MPH
- Set Rudder Trim to Neutral prior Landing
- During the flare anticipate a yawing movement
What is the Single Engine Go-Around checklist ?
- Mix - Pitch - Power_____________Max
- Airspeed___________________Hold 102 MPH
- Flaps____________________Up
- Gear_____________________Up
What is the Engine Cleanup checklist ?
- Fuel Selector____________Off
- Alternate Air____________Off
- Mixture________________ICO
- Fuel Pump_____________Off
- Magnetos______________Off
- Cowl Flaps_____________Closed
- Alternator Dead Engine___Off
- Electric Load___________Reduce
Single Engine Landing Checklist