Pimsleur Spanish Flashcards
I am
I am from from Boston
Soy de Boston
La tarde
El dia
Good evening
Buenas noches
La noche
The night and day
La noche y el dia
I am North American
Soy Norte americano/a
Excuse me
And not very well
Et no puy bien
Where are you from
De donde es usted?
I am Mr. Alvarez
Soy el Senor Alvarez
I am Mrs. Alvarez
Soy la Senora Alvarez
I am not from Los Angeles
No, no soy de Los Angeles
See you
Nos vemos
Pleased to meet you
Where are you?
Donde esta ?
El hotel
Where is the hotel
Donde es el hotel?
It is here
Esta acqi
Where is the Bolivar hotel
Donde es el hotel Bolivar?
El Restaurante
It’s over there
Esta alli
What do you want to eat
Que quieres comer?
Listen again
Escutcha autraves
I want to eat something
Quiero comer algo
What do you want to eat
Que quieres comer?
I don’t want anything
Yo no quiero nada
How many pesos do you have?
Cuanto pesos tienes?
I only have 1 hundred
Solo tengo cien
I don’t want
No quiero
But I want to drink something
Pero quiero tomar algo
What do you want to drink
Que quieres tomar?
I don’t know what I want to drink
No se que quiero tomar
I want a soda
Quiero un refresco
I want a beer
Quiero una cerveza
How much does it cost?
Cuanto cuesta?
It costs 12 pesos
Cuesta dose pesos
Where is the bathroom
Donde esta el bano?
I don’t know where it is
No se donde esta
Here or there?
Aqui o alli?
I don’t know where the bathroom is?
No se donde esta el bano?
Let’s go eat something
Vamos comer algo
Let’s go drink something
Vamos al tomar algo
To where?
A donde?
Are you going?
Are you going to eat
Tu vas a comer?
Also I am going to drink
Tam bien, voy a tomar
I am going to pay
Yo voy a pagar
No you are not going to pay
No, tu non vas a pagar
I want to pay
Yo quiero pager
I am going to pay
Yo voy a pagar
I have money too
Tengo dinero tambien
Do you have money?
Tiennes dinero?
It is not much money
No es mucho dinero
I don’t have time
No tengo tiempo
How much money do you have?
Quanto dinero tiennes?
Only 2 minutes
Solo dos minutos
Me too
Yo tam bien
Where are you going?
Adonde vas?
But, I don’t know what
Pero, no se que
But, I don’t know what I want
Pero, no se que quiero
Here it is
Asti esta
Listen to this conversation
Where are you going?
Adonde vas?
I like it
Me gusta
I don’t like soda
No me gusta refresco
Cold water
Agua fria
Why not?
Porque no?
Here you have the cake
Aqui tiennes la torte
I am going to drink water
Voy a tomar agua
I am going with you
Voy contigo
It is over there
Esta alli
I am going with you
Voy contingo
Do you want to drink a coffee
Quieres tomar un café
All right, let’s go together
Bueno, vamos juntos
With whom
Con quién
Let’s go together
Vamos juntos
Just you and me
Sólo tú y yo
Where are you from
De dónde es usted
Are you from here
Es usted de aquí
Where do you want to eat
Dónde quieres comer
What do you want
Que quieres
I do not want to
No quiero
Where are you going
Adónde vas
I am going to the bathroom
Voy al baño
Me too
Yo también
I do not know why
No se porque
Because I do not like it
Porque no me gusta
How many conchas are there
Cuántas conchas hay
Is there time
Hay tiempo
Tomorrow I can not
Manana no puedo
I can not talk now
No puedo hablar ahora
With who
Con quién
He is not here
El no está acqui
It is too much
Es demasiado
Why do not you like it
Por qué no te gusta
Where do you want to eat
Dónde quieres comer
If there is no time, I do not eat
Si no hay tiempo, no como
What time do you eat
A qué hora comes
I can have a coffee now
Puedo tomar un café ahora
Are you going to drink it
Vas a tomarla
Is it ok if I pay
Esta bien si pago
Does it cost too much
Cuesta desmasiado
I am going with Juan
Voy con Juan
Who are you going with
Con quién vas
At 4 o’clock
A las quatro
No, with my wife
Non con mi espousa
We are going to do something
Vamos hacer algo
It’s too much time
Es demasiado tiempo
My wife wants to eat with us
Mi esposa quiere comer con nosotros
Your wife
Tú esposa
Yes, you and your husband
Si, tú et tu esposo
Are you going with your wife
Vas con tú esposa
I am going alone
Voy solo
Going alone (f)
Yo sola
My wife is going to have a coffee
Mi esposa va tomar un cafe
My friend wants a soda
Mi amiga quiere un refresco
How much time do you have
Quanto tiempo tiene
We have 1 hour
Tenemos una hora
What are you going to do later
Que vas hacer mas tarde
Is your husband here
Esta tu esposo aqui
He is not here
No esta acqui
I also want to eat
También quiero comer
We want
we have
How much time do you have
Cuanto tiempo tienen
Your friends (informal)
Tus amigos
My friends
Mis amigos
Can you eat with us_
Puedes a comer con nosotros
Yes, we can
Si podemos
We can eat together
Podemos comer juntos
Is he going to eat alone
Va comer sólo
We want to eat together
Quiermos comer juntos
We eat together
Comemos juntos
He can also eat with us
El también puede comer con nosotros
With our friends
Con nuestros amigos
We are North American
Somos norteamericanos
They are from here
Son de acqui
We are not from here
No somos de aqui
We drink coffee
Tomamos cafe
It is very late for a coffee
Es muy tarde para un cafe
But you want it
Pero lo quieren
You have 99
Tú tienes novente y nueva
What are we going to do later
Que vamos hacer mas tarde
How many people do you have
Quantas personnes tiennes
What are we going to do with the people
Que vamos hacer con les personnes
We do not know
No savamos
She is going with her
Va con alla
Are you going with your friends
Vas con tus amigos
I am going with my friends
Voy con mis amigos
Are you also going with your friends
También vas con tus amigos
Maybe we can eat together
Quizá podemos comer juntos
If you want … plural
Si quieren
We drink beer too
Tomamos cervasas también
We have enough time for
Tenemos suficiente tiempo por
There is enough time to have a coffee
Hay sufficiente tiempo para tomar un cafe
My friends are going too
Mis amigos van también
They are going with us
Van con nosotros
How many people are going
Cuantos persones van
Is it enough
Es suficiente
Now we have enough
Ahora tenemos suficiente
She is not here
No esta acqui
We are in Mexico
Estamos en Mexico
I am in Mexico
Estoy en Mexico
Are you ready
Estás listo
We are here together
Estamos aquí juntos
I am going later
Me voy mas tarde
Right now I am leaving
Ya me voy
I am leaving with you plural
Me voy con ustedes
Not just meat
No solo carne
We are leaving
Nos vamos
I am
Right now I’m leaving
Ya me voy
No thank you. I have enough
No gracias, tengo suficiante
I want to know how many people are going to eat later
Quiero saber quantos personas van a comer mas tarde
He speaks too fast
Habla demesiado rapido
He doesn’t speak slowly
No habla despasio
This man
Este hombre
This person
Esta persona
This week
Esta semana
This month
Este mes
Who is this man
Qui es este hombre
When is he going to be here
Quando vas estar aqui
Is he your friend
Es tu amigo
Does he speak very fast
Habla muy rapido
Too fast
Demasiado rapido
Faster than me
Muy rapido que yo
More faster than you
Mas rapido que tu
You speak well
Tu hablas bien
Tell me
Di me
He is a very good man
Es un hombre muy bueno
We are friends
Somos amigos
But he talks too much
Pero, el habla demasiado
I don’t like it
No me gusta
Why not, tell me
Porque non, di me
And he doesn’t leave
Et no se va
Who knows
Quien savez
Many things
De muchas cosas
You don’t want to know
No quieres saver
I buy too much
Compro demasiado
I don’t know who this man is
No se quien es este hombre
I do not have the internet here
No tengo internet acqui
Where is the bus stop
Donde esta la parada del camion
It is just down the street
Esta al final de la calle
I do not have any money ‘ slang
No tengo lana
Where are you from
De donde eres
Its lousy, difficult
Esta perro
I do not have much cash
No tengo mucho efectivo
How are you doing
Como andas
Thats cool
Esta padre
How great
Que chevere
So so
Mas o menos
Its across the street
Esta cruzando la calle
Pleased to meet you
Encantada de conocerte
Do you know where the metro is
Sabes donde esta la estacion de metro
Do you have a phone charger
Tienes cargador de celular
Do you have change
Tienes cambio
Got it …already understood
Ya entendi
What is up
Que onda
I have no idea
No tengo idea
I am not hungry
No tengo hambre
That much
I am in a hurry
Tengo prisa
A bottled water pleaes
Una botella de agua por favor
Hows everything going
Como va todo
I am thirsty
Tengo sed
I have a debit card
Tengo una tarjeta de debito
I am all set, thanks
Estoy bien, gracias
Fine, if you insist
Bueno, si insista
Very grateful
Muy agradecida
What are you going to order
Que vas a pedir tu
To go, please …. as it take away.
Para llevar, por favor
I do not feel like it
No se me antoja
Here you have the chips
Acqui tienes las papas
I am inviting you
Yo te invito
Maybe another time
Quiza en otra ocasion
I can not decide
No puedo decidir
Enjoy your food
How much is a glass of wine
Cuanto questa una copa de vino
Its very sweet
Esta muy dulce
Me neither
Ni yo tampoco
I have a credit card
Tengo una tarjeta de credito
Where can I wash my hands
Donde me puedo lavar las manos
Que rico
Do you understand … informal
I want a non alcoholic drink
Quiero una bebida no alcoholica
Do you want to eat seafood
Quieres comer mariscos
We are all leaving at 1:00
Todos nos vamos a la una
When are you leaving on vacation
Quando te vas en vacaciones
She is a very good person
Es una persona muy buena
How long are you going to be there
Cuanto tiempo vas a estar alli
Tell me, I want to know
Dime, quiero saber
How long are you going to be theref
Cuanto tiempo vas estar alli
Maybe 1 or 2 months
Quiza un o dos mesas
This man, who is he
Este hombre, quiene es
He is leaving this week too
Se van esta semana tambien
He is sick
Esta infermo
Are you sick too
Esta infermo tambien
Give me a tea
Dame un tea
A cup of tea
Una tasse de tea
The tea is good
El tea esta bien
A glass of water
Un vaso d’agua
A big glass
Un vaso grande
Small, little
Give me a small glass of water
Deme un vaso de agua pequeno
Who is that man
Quien esse hombre
That man is sick
Esse hombre esta infermo
That woman
Essa mujer
That glass
Esse vaso
Those women
Essas mujeres
Those women are american
Essas mujeres son norte americanas
They are friend …. Women
Son amigas
Who long will they be in Mexico
Cuanto tiempo van estar en Mexico
They buy
They speak spanish but very slowly
Hablan espanol pero muy despasio
I think so
Creo que si
Where are they now
Donde estan ahora
They are in the bar
Estan en el bar
Those woman, are they on vacation
Esse mujeres, estan en vacaciones
Who is that man
Quien es esse hombre
How long will be be here
Cuanto tiempo va estar aqui
He is leaving this month
Se va este meis
All of them are leaving
Todos se van
Which one
The woman right now who is leaving
La mujeres que alla se va
Ah, that one
Ah, essa
She drinks alot of tea
Tomo mucho té
I think you need a cup of tea and a doctor
Creo que necesitas una tassa de te y un medico
We are all sick
Todos estamos enfermos
All of our friends need a doctor
Todos nuestros amigos necisitan un medico
I know a doctor
Conozco a un medico
Do you know a good doctor
Conoses a un buen medico
Do you know him
Lo conosco
I have his telephone number
Tengo su número de teléfono
Do you want it
Lo quieres
Yes, I need it
Si lo necesito
I think that I have it
Creo que lo tengo
Here it is
Aqui esta
Yes, write it down please
Si escribelo por favor
I do not understand when you say it
No entiendo cuando lo dises
Write it down for me
Escribelo para me
That cup is very small
Esse tasse es muy pequeno
The small one (cup) is for the coffee
La pequeña es para el cafe
The large one is for the tea
La grande es para el the
Those cups are small
esas tazas son pequeñas
This, male, female- singular
Esto, esta
This, plural masc, fem
Estos, estas
That sing male, fem
Ese, esa
Those plural masc, fem
Aquellos, aquellas
This cup is small
esta taza es pequeña
That woman drinks tea
Esa mujer toma te
They drink quickly
Toman rapido
I drink slowly
Yo tomo despacio
I think that man
Creo que ese hombre
I think that man is sick
creo que ese hombre esta enfermo
That woman is also sick, why
Esa mujer también esta enferma,
Why do you say it
Porqué lo dices
If they are sick, i think they need a doctor
Estan enfermos, creó que necesita un medico
What do you think
Qué crees
I know that I have it
Se que lo tengo
But I do not remember it
Pero no lo recuerdo
I know her very well
La conozco muy bien
Write her number
escribe su numero
I know where he lives
Se donde veve
I know him well
Lo conozco bien
What is the address
Cual es la direccion
I know where he lives
Conozco donde se vive
It is close
Está cerca
It is not very far
No está muy }lejos
Do you think it is close by
Crees que es la cerce
Continue (as in you continue in directions)
We continue straight ahead
Segemos derecho
This way, right
Por aqui, verdad
Then we continue always to the right
Luego segemos siempre a de recha
Then we continue straight ahead
Luego segemos derecho
Doctor Martinez lives on the left
El Doctor Martinez vive a la izquierda
That way
Por alli
what is the name of the street
Como se llama la calle
Do you think that you understand
Quieres que entiendes?
I want to see him too
Quierlo ver tambien
I want to go now
Quiero ir ahora
I want to go but I don’t remember the address
Quiero ir pero no recuerdo la direccion
I know it
Lo se
I am going to go with you
Voy a ir contingo
I am also going to see him
Yo voy a ver tambien lo
That doctor is very good
Eso medico es muy bueno
We continue this way
Segemos por aqui
We are going to go together
Vamos a vir huentos
It doesn’t matter
No importa
I want to see him too
Quiero ver lo tambien
I know him very well
Lo consesco muy bien
Because he is my father
Porque el es mi padre
When are you going to go
Cuando vas a ir?
Are you going to see your father now?
Vas a ver tu padre ahora
I want to see him today
Quiero verlo hoy
I study english
Estudio anglais
I want to learn it
Quiero apprenderlo
This word, what does it mean
Esta palabra, que significa
That word
esa palabra
It means, cups
Significa tasas
Do you like to study english, but I study to learn
Te gustes estudiar anglais, pero estudio para apprender.
I don’t have enough time
No tengo sufficiente tiempo
You learn quickly
Apprendes rapido
Do you think, we can study together
Crees que, podemos a estudiar juntos
Maybe with my friend Martin
Quiza con mi amigo Martin
He also studies english
El tambien estudia anglais
Not far from here
No lejos de acqui
My father lives that way
Mi padre vive por alli
we continue that way
Segimos por alli
Do you know where the California bar is
Saves donde es el bar California
Is it near or far
Esta cerce o lejos
It isn’t far from here
No esta lejos de acqui
That street is that way
Esa calle esta por alli
I have it on my phone (it is feminine)
La tengo en me telefono
I want to go to bar California too
Tambien quiero ir a la bar California
You can come with me
Puede venir conmigo
Can I go with you (formal)f
Puedo ir conusted
How are we going to go
Como vamos a ir
This way
We continue to the right
Segemos a la derecha
We continue always to the right
Segemos siempre a la derecha
What does the word “siempre” mean
Que significa la palabra siempre
You don’t need to study more
No necessitas estudiar mas
You learn quickly
Apprendas rapido
Come with me (fam, formal)
Ven conmigo, Venga conmigo
I don’t want to go alone
No quiero venir sola
I am going to see my father
Voy a ver a mi padre
Come if you want
Ven si quieres
Where are we going to see him
ADonde vamos a verlo
To his house
A su casa
No but he lives very close
No pero vive muy cerce
I have seen him
lo he visto
Have you seen him
Lo has visto?
Many times
Muchas veces
I have seen him many times this week
Lo he visto muchas veces esta semana
Many times
Cuantas veces
Again, another time
Otra vez
One time
Una vece
Many times
Muchas veces
I know that you have seen him alot
Se que lo has visto mucho
Una pelicula
Lets go see a movie
Vamos aver una pelicula
I am going to see it at 5 (film)
Voy averla a la cinquo
What are you going to see
Que vas aver?
How many times have you seen it (film)
Cuantas veces la has visto
I live close to here too
Yo vivo tambien en cerce de aqui
De verdad
In what house do you live
En que casa vives
My father is a teacher
Mi padre es professor
I want to study with him
Quiero estudiar con el
Your father, is he home now
En casa, esta en casa ahora
I think that he is at home
Creo qu’el esta en casa
I think he is at home, but I haven’t seen him today
Creo qu’el esta en casa, pero no lo he visto hoy
Tu think he’s at home but you haven’t seen him today?
Crees que el esta en casa pero no lo has visto hoy
This morning
esta mañana
Ok, I am going to go with you
Bien, voy a ir contingo
We continue two blocks
Segemos dos cuadras
how many blocks
A cuantas cuadras
Have you seen the teacher (m)
Has visto al professor
Yes, I saw him this morning
Si, lo ha visto esta manana
I studied with him
Estudiado con el
Many times
Muchas veces
I haven’t spoken with her
No he hablado con ella
When? Yesterday, this morning
Cuando? Ayer, esta manana
I have spoken with her many times today
He hablado con ella muchas veces hoy
I have spoken by phone many times today
He hablado por telefono muchas veces hoy
Maybe she’s at home
Quiza esta en casa
Yes, I told her
Si, les e dijo
What have you told her
Que le has dicho
She already knows it
Ya la sabe
I have told her enough times
le he dicho suficientes veces
You have already said it
Ya lo has dicho
I already know it (address)
Si ya la se
How do you already know it
Como la ya sabes
You told it to me
Tu me la as dicho
What are you going to do today
Que vas a hacer hoy
I am going to get a manicure
me voy a hacer la manicura
I am going to paint the closet
voy a pintar el armario
I want to eat eggs and 2 slices of bacon
quiero comer huevos y dos rebanados de tocino
I want to see her
Quiero verla
I want to see them
Quiero verlos
Have you studied spanish alot
Has estudiar espanol mucho
I have already studied enough english
Ya has estudiar suficiente anglais
Are you at home later?
Estas un casa mas tarde
Do you know where I live
Saves donde vivo
Yes, you told me the address this morning
Si, me has dicho la direction esta manana
Do you have a pen
Tienes una pluma?
Do you have a pen
Tienes una pluma?
To be careful
Tener cuidado
To be careful
Tener cuidado
To bear in mind
Tener en cuenta
To bear in mind
Tener en cuenta
I am hot, you are hot
I am cold, you are cold
Tengo calor, Tienes calor, Tenemos calor
Tengo frio, tienes frio,
I am hot, you are hot
I am cold, you are cold
Tengo calor, Tienes calor, Tenemos calor
Tengo frio, tienes frio,
To be funny
Tener gracia
To be funny
Tener gracia
To be hungry
Tener hambre
To be successful
Tener éxito
To be successful
Tener éxito
To be afraid
Tener miedo
To be afraid
Tener miedo
to be patient
Tener paciencia
to be patient
Tener paciencia
To be in a hurry
Tener prisa
To be in a hurry
Tener prisa
To have things to do
Tener que hacer
To have things to do
Tener que hacer
To be right
Tener razón
To be right
Tener razón
To be thirsty
Tener sed
To be sleepy
Tener sueño
To be lucky
Tener suerte
To be lucky
Tener suerte
To have to go out
Tener que salir