Pimsleur 1 Flashcards
Do you remember
Se acuerda usted?
What do I know
Que se yo
How much do you have
Cuanto tiene
I’m leaving
Me voy
We’re leaving
Nos vamos
Nosotros nos vamos
We are (location)
We are
Nosotros somos
We are ready
Estamos listos
Nosotros estamos listos
It’s enough
Es suficiente
It doesn’t cost much
No cuestan demasiado
How much does it cost
Cuanto cuestan
Are going
Are you leaving
Se va (Usted se va)
Are they leaving
Se van
In the afternoon
De la tarde
Por la tarde
In the morning
De la mañana
Por la mañana
Where are you going
A donde va
Are you leaving the hotel
Se va del hotel
We are North Americans
Nosotros somos Norte Americanos
What is he talking about
De que habla
Who knows
Quien save
How’s that
You don’t want to know
No quiere saver
When are you leaving
Cuando se va usted
How long are you staying there
Cuanto tiempo estar alli
He is leaving this week too
Se va este semana tambien
He/She is sick
Esta enfermo/enferma
Give me milk
Dime leche
Give me a small glass
Dime un vaso pequeño
Give me a big glass
Dime un vaso grande
She likes the milk
Le gusta la leche
When she is sick
Cuando esta enferma
Who is that man
Quien es ese hombre
He is my friend
Es mi amigo
Give that glass
Dime ese vaso
That woman
Esa mujer
That man
Ese hombre
That woman is my wife
Esa mujer es mi esposa
Those women
Esas mujeres
A large glass of wine for my husband
Un vaso grande de servesa para mi esposo
They are North Americans
Son Norte Americanos
Where are they going
A donde van
They are leaving the hotel
Se van del hotel
Do you all speak Spanish
Hablan Castellano
They understand
What do they buy
Que compran
They are friends
Son amigas
That woman is small
Esa mujer es pequeña
He is also small
El tambien es pequeño
They are small
Son pequeños
Where are they now
Donde estan ahora
What are they going to do
Que van a hacer
They are going to drink something
Van a beber algo
Those women are sick
Esas mujeres estan enfermas
They drink a lot of milk
Beben mucha leche
North Americans drink a lot of milk
Los Norte Americanos beben mucha leche
Not me
Yo no
Those persons don’t understand
Esas personas no entienden
The persons are very big
Las personas son muy grandes
They are not small
No son pequeñas
I believe so
Creo que si
Our friend is leaving
Nuestro amigo se va
All of our friends here
Todos nuestros amigo que estan aqui
They’re all going
Todos se van
Because they’re sick
Porque estan enfermos
Which one
The small one or the big one
La pequeña o la grande
I believe that you need milk
Creo que (usted) necesita leche
We are all sick
Todos estamos enfermos
I believe that it is true
Creo que es verdad
All our friends need a doctor
Todos nuestros amigos necesitan un medico
I know (a person)/ I am acquainted with
(Yo) Conozco
I know a doctor
Conozco a una medico
Do you know a good doctor
(Usted) Conoce a un buen medico
Do you know him
(Usted) Lo conoce
I don’t know him
No lo conozco
I have his number
Tengo su numero de telefono
Do you want it
Lo quiere
His phone number
Su numero de telefeno
I need it
Lo necessiti
I believe i have it
Creo que lo tenggo
What is it? (Which is it?)
Cual es
What is the number of the doctor
Cual es el numero del medico
Here it is
Aqui esta
Write it down please if you know it
Escriba lo por favor si (usted) lo save
Give me his telephone number
Dar me su numero de telefono
I’m also going there now
Yo tambien voy alli ahora
I’ve had to come alone
He tenido que venir sola/o
My husband is going to come later
Mi esposo va a llegar mas tarde
What a shame/ That’s too bad
Que lastima
You’ve had to come alone
Ha tenido que venir sola
Yes, unfortunately
Si, desafortunado
I’ve spoken with him
He hablado con el
Try to say
Trate de decir
He’s had to work much
Ha tenido que trabsjar mucho
He’s told me that
Me ha dicho que
By the way
A proposito
Rent a car
Alquilar un coche
When did you arrive
Cuando llego
I arrived yesterday in the afternoon
Llege ayer en la tarde
My husband needs to work
Mi esposo tiene que trabajar
My husband is coming tomorrow
Mi esposo va a venir mañana
Where is the office located
Donde queda la oficina
The office to rent a car
La oficina para alquilar un coche
I can take you
Puedo llevar la
I can take you right now
Puedo llevar la ahora mismo
I prefer to go later
Prefiero ir mas tarde
It isn’t a problem
No es un problema
To drive
I drive
You don’t drive
(Usted) No maneja
My husband drives
Mi esposo maneja
My husband arrives tomorrow
Mi esposo llega mañana
I don’t know it
No la se
I know how to go there
Se como llegar
Thanks for telling me
Gracias por decirme
I don’t understand when you say it
No entiendo cuando lo dice
Who is he
Quien es
He is Doctor Hernandez
Es el Doctor Hernandez