PilotsCafe Flashcards
What personal documents are required for flight?
- Pilot certificate
- Medical certificate
- Authorized photo ID (passport, driver’s license)
- Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit
When may a person log instrument flight time?
When the person operates the aircraft solely by reference to instruments under actual or simulated instrument flight conditions
When may a CFI log instrument time?
When conducting instrument flight instruction in actual instrument flight conditions.
To meet recent instrument experience requirements, what information must be recorded in the person’s logbook?
- Location & type of each instrument approach
- The name of the safety pilot, if required
Use of flight simulator, FTD, or ATD for acquiring instrument aeronautical experience:
- For training towards a certificate or rating, an authorized instructor is present to observe and signs the person’s logbook to verify the time and content of the session.
- For IFR recency requirements, log: Training device, time, and content.
PIC under IFR or in weather conditions less than the minimums for VFR
- 6 instrument approaches
- Holding procedures & tasks
- Intercepting & Tracking courses
Can be completed in a FFS, ATD, or FTD if the device represents the category of aircraft for instrument rating privileges to be maintained.
Flight instructor is not needed.
Not current looking back 6 months?
You can still log the required 6 HITS with a safety pilot, examiner, or instructor.
What are the requirements to be a safety pilot?
- Private pilot with appropriate category and class.
- Have adequate vision forward and to each side of the aircraft.
- Aircraft must have a dual control system.
Not current looking back 12 months?
- Instrument Proficiency Check (IPC) by a CFII, examiner or other approved person is required.
- Guidelines are in the ACS
- Some IPC tasks, but not all, can be conducted in a FTD or ATD.
What is required to carry passengers as PIC?
- 3 takeoffs & landings in category, class, and type in the last 90 days.
- at periods between 1 hour after sunset to 1 before sunrise: 3 takeoffs & landings to full stop within same time period.
What is required to act as PIC?
Flight review in the last 24 calendar months.
Airplane-Instrument Rating
Minimum Aeronautical Experience
• 50 hours X-Country PIC time
> of which, 10 hours in airplanes
• 40 hours actual or simulated instrument time
> of which, 15 hours with CFII
* including one X-Country flight:
* 250 NM along airways or
directed ATC routing.
* Instrument app at each
* 3 different kinds of
approaches using Nav sys.
* With a files IFR flight plan.
* 3 hrs of instrument flight training in last 2 calendar months prior to practical test.
What aircraft documents are required for flight?
A - Airworthiness certificate
R - Registration certificate
R - Radio station license
O - Operating limitations & information
W - Weight & Balance
Preflight info Required for IFR:
N.W. K.R.A.F.T.
N - Notams.
W - Weather reports and forecasts.
K - Known traffic delays as advised by ATC.
R - Runway length of intended use.
A - Alternatives available (if flight cannot be
completed as planned.)
F - Fuel requirements
T - Takeoff and landing performance data.
Aircraft MX inspections required for IFR
A.V.I.A.T.E -
A - Annual inspection every 12 months.
V - VOR check every 30 days.
I- 100 hour inspection (if for hire)
A - Altimeter, automatic altitude reporting &
static system every 24 months.
T - Transponder every 24 calendar months.
E - ELT every 12 months.
No person may operate an aircraft in controlled airspace under IFR unless that person has:
- Filed an IFR flight plan
- Received an appropriate ATC clearance
It is legal to fly IFR in uncontrolled airspace (class G) without a flight plan or clearance. However, once airborne, you must remain in uncontrolled airspace until you file a flight plan and get an appropriate an ATC clearance to enter the controlled airpace.
How to file an IFR flight plan?
- FSS by phone (800-WX-BRIEF)
- Over the radio (GCO/RCO frequencies)
- Online (fltplan.com)
- EFB (Foreflight)
- With ATC (over frequency)
Flight plan cancelation
- Towered airports - automatically cancelled
by ATC upon landing. - Non-towered airports - pilot must contact
ATC to cancel by radio or phone. - Can cancel anytime in flight if out of
IMC and out of class A airspace.
Preferred IFR Routes are published in the Chart Supplement U.S. It is the pilot’s advantage to file a preferred route if available.
IFR minimum fuel requirements
- Fuel from departure to destination
- Fuel from desination to most distant alternate
- 45 minutes calculated at normal cruise
When is a destination alternate required?
1 -2 - 3 rule
A destination alternate is ALWAYS required, unless:
1) An IAP is published and available at destination, and,
2) 1 hour before to 1 hour after ETA:
*ceiling will be at least 2,000
*visiblility will be at least 3 SM.
What minimum wx is required at an airport to list it as an alternate?
- Precision approach: 600 ft ceiling, 2 SM.
- Non-precision approach: 800 ft ceiling, 2 SM.
- No IAP: ceiling & visiblity must allow descent from mea, approach, and land VFR.
IFR Departure Clearance
C - Clearance limit
R - Route
A - Altitude
F - Frequency
T - Transponder Code