Pillars Of Islam Flashcards
Central proclamation of Muslims
There is no God but allah and Mohammed is his messenger
Said to babies when they are born and just before death.
Saying it is a requirement to be coming Muslim if you say it and mean it.
The five ritualised daily prayers Muslims offer to Allah
Recited is facing the Ka’ba in Makkah
Charity or almsgiving
An obligatory tax of 2.5% of a Muslims wage to be given to the poor, orphaned, widows, needy, prisoners, and slaves
During the holy month of Ramadan from sunrise to sunset Muslims are to fast
Eid al fitr - celebration of Ramadan 2 most holy days
Unless unable
Meaning: to allow Muslims too sick nearness to God, express gratitude and dependence on him, atone for past sins, remind them of the needy
The pilgrimage to Mecca Muslims are in courage to make at least once in their life time
Traditions i.e. Twaf- circling the Ka’ba 7 times
What are the pillars of Islam
Foundational supports to Islam beliefs and practices, the duties Moslems have to perform to God