PII Flashcards
Identify the aspects of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and the proper handling of PII, consequences of compromise, and handling of incidents.
What is Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
All information that can be used by any person to distinguish, trace, or identify another individual. This includes private telephone numbers, personal electronic mail (email) addresses, home residence, a person’s name, social security number, driver’s license number, date and place of birth, a mother’s maiden name and the names of family members. It also includes financial information such as payroll data, banking accounts, and credit/debit card information. Additional topics include other sensitive private data related to health, education, medical conditions, private relationships, and marital status.
What is a Breach?
The loss of control, compromise, unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized acquisition, unauthorized access, or any similar term referring to situations where persons other than authorized users and for other than authorized purposes have access or potential access to PII or covered information, whether physical or electronic.
Describe Executive Order 13402
Issues the requirement for agencies to develop and implement breach notification policy/procedures.
HOw does FISMA address PII?
The Federal Information Security Management Act assigns specific responsibilities to Federal agencies to strengthen Information Technology (IT) system security and requires the head of each agency to implement policies and procedures to cost-effectively reduce information security risks to an acceptable level.
Sign breach notification letters to affected individuals as soon as the extent of the risk is determined, but no later than 10 days after the breach is discovered and the identities of the individuals compromised are ascertained.
Notifications shall be made in writing and sent via U.S. Postal Service, first-class mail with a return receipt, or will be hand delivered to affected personnel,
Notifications will include
- A brief description of what happened
- Date(s) of occurrence and discovery;
- A description of the types of personal information involved;
- A statement of whether the information was encrypted or protected by other means;
- Steps individuals should take to protect themselves from potential harm;
- What the Command is doing to investigate the breach, to mitigate losses, and to protect against further breaches.
- Be the proponent for the CECOM PII policy.
- Appoint, in writing, a Privacy Act Officer and alternate Privacy Act Officer.
- Establish a PII checklist as part of the CECOM G8 Management Control Program (MCP):
- Establish a PII awareness program to include the creation and distribution of PII Awareness posters to Privacy Act Coordinators (PACs) for display within office areas.
- Establish a PII breach incident response team
- Provide breach notification for suspected or confirmed compromise or breach of PII
Providing breach notification for suspected or confirmed compromise or breach of PII
- Notify CECOM HQs.
- Notify the Provost Marshall Office when theft occurs on an installation and civilian law enforcement agencies, such as the local police, when incidents occur outside of an installation.
- Report to US-CERT within one hour of discovery.
- Email, simultaneously, a report to pii.reporting@us.army.mil, which will notify Army leadership of the initial report to US-CERT.
- Notify the CECOM Emergency Operations Center.
- Notify the HQAMC Operations Center and AMC’s Privacy Act Official.
- Notify the CECOM PAO.
- Report to the Army Freedom of Information Act - Privacy Act (FOIA PA) Office within 24 hours of discovery.
- Prepare breach notification letters for signature by the CG or designee, where required. Notification letters should be reviewed by the Chief Counsel’s office prior to forwarding for signature.
- Solicit confirmation from notified individuals affected by the breach, who were notified by the CG or designee, and provide CECOM HQ with a report.
The CECOM G1 will provide the Secretary of the General Staff (SGS) with contact information for breach notification letters.
The SGS, or designee, will mail or email breach notification letters to affected individuals.
The CECOM G8 will provide the MCP PII checklist to CECOM organizations as part of the annual MCP process.
The Heads of CECOM Organizations will:
- Ensure that all military, civilian, and supporting contractor personnel complete annual web-based PII training and are adequately instructed in their responsibilities related to PII.
- Appoint, in writing, a PAC and alternate, whose duties will be to ensure the protection of PII within their organization, as well as those outlined in Section 3.8. A copy of the appointment letter will be provided to the CECOM CIO/G6 Privacy Act Officer.
- Ensure that compromised PII is reported to the CECOM CIO/G6 Privacy Act Officer as soon as the breach is discovered.
The CECOM Supervisors will:
Ensure that their employees are adequately instructed in their responsibilities related to PII.
Review all requests to remove copies, not originals, of PII from the workplace following PAC review and recommendation. PII originals shall not be taken from the workplace. The supervisor will also determine the length of time that copies of PII may be removed from the workplace.
Report compromised PII to the head of the organization.
Risk Impact Levels - Low Impact.
Potential impact is LOW if the loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability could be expected to have a limited adverse effect on organizational operations, organizational assets, or individuals.
Risk Impact Levels - Moderate Impact.
The potential impact is MODERATE if the loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability could be expected to have a serious adverse effect on organizational operations, organizational assets, or individuals.
Risk Impact Levels - High Impact.
The potential impact is HIGH if the loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability could be expected to have a severe or catastrophic adverse effect on organizational operations, organizational assets, or individuals.
Any Defense-wide, organizational (e.g., unit or office), or program or project level compilation of electronic records containing PII on 500 individuals stored on a single device or accessible through a single application service, whether or not the compilation is subject to the Privacy Act is considered high impact.
Any compilation of electronic records containing PII on less than 500 individuals identified by the Information or Data Owner as requiring additional protection measures is high impact.