Pig and Frog Practical Lab Dissection Review Flashcards
What and where are the pinnae?
The pinnae are the ears and are located on the sides of the head.
What and where is the radio-ulna?
The lower arm bone
What and where is the humerus?
The upper arm
What and where is the femur?
The upper leg
What and where is the tibia-fibula?
The lower leg
What and where are the carpals?
The hands/feet
Where can you find smooth muscle?
Lining the intestines
Where would you find find skeletal muscle?
Attached to bones
Where would you find cardiac muscle?
The heart
Do frogs have ribs?
Do humans have ribs?
Do pigs have ribs?
Where on the frog is the tympanic membrane? What structure is the same in humans?
Near the ear sight (circular depressions in the sides of the head). The eardrum is the tympanic membrane in humans.
Where is the deltoid muscle on the frog?
The shoulder
Where is the pectoralis?
The frogs chest (pecs)
Where is the external oblique?
The frog’s body’s sides.
Where is the frog’s rictus abdominis?
The frogs chest (its abs)
Where is the triceps femoris?
The quadricept
Where is the gastrocnemius?
The calf
Where is the gracilis major and minor?
The hamstring
How do you determine the sex of a pig?
Male: look for the scrotal sacks and urigenital opening near the umbilical cord
Female: look for the urigenital papillae
Stomach’s function:
To break down food
Liver’s function:
To create bile
Small Intestine function:
To absorb nutrients
Large Intestine function:
To absorb excess water from waste
Kidney function and connection:
Function: To filter the blood
Connections: Connected to the Ureters
Spleen function and connections:
Function: Storage and purification of red blood cells
Connections: To the tail of the pancreas and to the splenic arteries.
Uterus function and connections:
Function: Nurturing the fertilized ovum that develops into the fetus.
Connections: Connected to the Fallopian tubes and the cervical canal.
Oviducts function and connections:
Function: To carry the egg to the Uterus.
Connections: To the Uterus and Ovaries.
Ovaries function and connections:
Function: To produce eggs for reproduction.
Connections: To the Oviducts.
Testes function and connections:
Function: To produce sperm.
Connections in the Pig: To the Epididymus and Vas Deferens.
Connections in the Frog: To the kidneys and fat bodies.
Fat Bodies function and connections:
Function: To store fat
Connections: On the kidneys and in the body cavity.
Papillae function:
To sense tastes (sensory papillae found on the tounge), and urigenital papillae (found on female pigs)
Lungs function:
To inhale air
Hard and Soft Palate function:
To aid in annunciation
Hard Palate has bones, Soft Palate does not
Cerebrum function:
Controls emotions, thoughts and movements
Largest part of the brain
Cerebellum function:
Coordinates and regulates muscular activities
Behind the cerebrum
Medulla Oblongata function:
Regulates involuntary functions. (Connects to the spinal cord)
Right/Left Atrium/Ventricle:
Pump blood
Aorta function:
Supplies oxygenated blood to the body.
Trachea function:
Carries air to the bronchioles from the mouth.
Esophagus function:
Carries food to the stomach.
Epiglottis function:
Covers the opening of the windpipe so good does not enter the trachea.
What are the villi of the small intestine?
Small appendages that increase the surface area of the small intestine and absorb nutrients from the digested food.
What two cavities are separated by the pig’s diaphragm?
The Thoracic Cavity (holds the heart and lungs) and the Coelom cavity (holds the digestive system)
Does the frog have a diaphragm?
What is the function of the umbilical cord?
To deliver nutrients and oxygen to the baby from the mother.
How many chambers does the frog’s heart have?
3 chambers (the right atrium, left atrium, and ventricle)
How many chambers does the pig’s heart have?
4 chambers (the right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle, and the left atrium)
Why are the frog’s eyes positioned on top of its head?
To see above water
What is Mysentery tissue?
The tissue that keeps all the organs in place.
Why do pigs and humans have a soft spot on their heads when they are born?
To allow the baby’s head to easily pass through the birth canal.
What two systems make up the urigenital system?
The Excretory and Reproductive systems.
To what kingdom and phylum do humans, pigs, and frogs belong?
Kingdom Animalia and Phylum Chordate
Does the frog have an endoskeleton or exoskeleton?
An endoskeleton
Why is the ventricle of the heart more muscular than the atria?
Because the ventricle pumps the blood out into the body.
Where can you find coronary circulation?
The heart
What are some differences between the Trachea and the Esophagus?
The trachea leads to the lungs while the esophagus leads to the stomach; The trachea has rings while the esophagus does not.
What is a quadruped vs. a biped?
A quadruped is an animal that walks on four legs, while a biped is an animal that walks on two legs.
What is plantigrade vs. digitgrade?
A plantigrade is a mammal that walks on the soles of its feet. A digitgrade is a mammal that walks on its toes.
What is the coelom?
The body cavity in metazoans, located between the intestinal canal and the body wall that holds the internal organs.
What two organs does the bile duct connect?
The gallbladder and the small intestine.
Why are the pig’s lungs larger than the frog’s?
Because the pig can only breath through its lungs, but a frog can also breath through its skin, leading it to need smaller lungs.
What does the Eustachian tube connect to?
It connects the ear to the nasopharynx/mouth.
What is the cloaca and is it in pigs or frogs?
The cloaca is a common chamber in vertebrates that is an outlet into which the intestinal, urinary, and genital tracts open. It is found in frogs.
Where does the umbilical vein lead from and to?
From the umbilical chord to the heart.
What is the nicitating membrane?
The eyelids